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So Do We Hire a Guy to Hire a GM to Hire a Coach?


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I see a lot of people saying that Snyder needs to hire a GM and let the GM hire a coach and run the show. But who hires the GM? If you don't trust Dan to hire a coach, why do you trust him to hire a GM?

Point being here, if you are in the camp that believes we will never win as long as Snyder is involved.... How does he remove himself short of selling the team or death?

If everything he touches truly does turn to mush then aren't we doomed no matter what?

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The ONLY downside of firing Shanahan....Snyder has to pick the successor.


He's probably on gchat with Vinny about it right now.


They're probably looking at the Top 25 and trying to figure out who they can overpay to come get slammed in the East for the next two years.


The Washington Indian Burial Grounds.

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I posted an answer to this very topic in one of the other threads. My suggestion was to hire a consultant that would advise on only the acts of how to locate, interview, hire and fire potential candidates for head person in charge of football operations. Then let that candidate assemble the front office, coaching staff and roster.

Won't happen, though, because Snyder is an idiot.

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But my point is that at some point doesn't Snyder have to make the decision? Whether he hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the guy that hires the coach.... Snyder has to pick the right guy, correct? And if you don't trust him to pick the right guy then isn't this over before it starts?

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But my point is that at some point doesn't Snyder have to make the decision? Whether he hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the guy that hires the coach.... Snyder has to pick the right guy, correct? And if you don't trust him to pick the right guy then isn't this over before it starts?

I see your point. But not making a choice would be probably be worse than if Dan tried his luck with a real GM in place.

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Everyone in the world knows RG3 stares down WRs 


Can we stop this notion please. Yes some times he does lock onto 1 receiver just like any other QB not named Peyton or Tom but its hard to not lock onto 1 when we have A) 1 reliable receiver in Pierre and B) 75% of the time running 2 man routes against 6 in coverage

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But my point is that at some point doesn't Snyder have to make the decision? Whether he hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the guy that hires the coach.... Snyder has to pick the right guy, correct? And if you don't trust him to pick the right guy then isn't this over before it starts?


Beathard brought Gibbs to Cooke's attention.  Sure Cooke signed the check ultimately, but that was Beathard's find.  I'd love to have a GM do the exact same.


Eric DeCosta, I'm begging you.

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I like the Pioli deal, maybe not for picking a coach, but at least brining him aboard to help build the team.  He had a lot to do with the current KC roster build.  I wouldn't trust AJ Smith to hire a coach as he fired Marty for Norv, not a good track record with either of these individuals.


I also would love for Allen to stay on board in some type of role if not GM, he has done a lot to repair the relationships with the alumni.

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Beathard brought Gibbs to Cooke's attention.  Sure Cooke signed the check ultimately, but that was Beathard's find.  I'd love to have a GM do the exact same.


Eric DeCosta, I'm begging you.


DeCosta's in line to take over for Ozzie when he steps aside.  He's turned down interviews from other teams.  And with Ozzie's recent health scare that might come soon. 


Pioli could be interesting.  You look at KC, he did a good job putting the meat of that team in place.  His biggest mistakes were 1) hiring a HC and 2) finding the QB.  Skins already have the QB, he would just need to find the right HC. 

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Uh, are you aware who the only coach AJ Smith ever hired is?


I don't think this should be used against AJ Smith except possibly in not letting Norv Turner go.  If he had hired Schottenheimer as well, then you could make the argument that he has a soft spot for retreads.  


As far as Smith goes, I'm a little on the fence.  He is an excellent second round drafter but the rest of his drafting record is kind of spotty.  I think he's a high risk, high reward GM prospect. 

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DeCosta's in line to take over for Ozzie when he steps aside.  He's turned down interviews from other teams.  And with Ozzie's recent health scare that might come soon. 


Pioli could be interesting.  You look at KC, he did a good job putting the meat of that team in place.  His biggest mistakes were 1) hiring a HC and 2) finding the QB.  Skins already have the QB, he would just need to find the right HC. 


I know that DeCosta is a pipe dream.  Maybe they'll blow up the city of Baltimore altogether (no injuries, of course) and he'll have to come here.


Pioli sucks without Belichick, really.  We need to find a head coach, and that's gotta be the first/best thing the GM does.

They should put it all to popular vote here on Extremeskins where there are so many people that know how to effectively run AND coach a top flight professional franchise.  I suspect there are PM's in the inboxes of several of our more knowledgeable members. 


Basically happened when Fassel hire was imminent.

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Dan can hire me, to hire the GM. ;)


Dan Snyder has never really had a true GM with authority to make personnel decisions and be able to hire the coach?


Anyone believe Vinny was a real GM or was he more of a front while Danny played GM again.




We don't need a 5th year of Shanny because the 5th year will not be that different and more likely Shanny will cause more harm than good. 


So, we need old Snyder to come back to fire Shanny.  Then we need new Snyder to come out again and this time hire a GM and give that GM authority to hire a coach.  I'm sure Bruce Allen can help him there or he could ask Bill Polian for some advice on GM candidates.

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Bruce Allen is very respected in NFL circles. He is in no way a Vinny Cerrato type. Shanahan has too much control right now but Bruce Allen is a very intelligent man and Shanahan has final say in all things. I would give Bruce a promotion to VP of football operations and let him interview GM prospects, I have faith in him that he would hire the right person. He has to take a backseat to Shanahan right now but he is much more than a PR guy and alumni fixer as many people on this board suggest. When he was in Oakland Al Davis made player decisions and Gruden probably handled most of that in Tampa Bay. Allen has lots of friendships within NFL front offices and knows how to run a team.   

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I think typically in this scenario, a "Consultant" is hired, and finds a GM, who finds his coach, who finds his staff.


At any rate, Snyder finds a consultant, then sits his ass down somewhere. All of these posters who keep claiming that Snyder needs to X, clearly have not learned anything from the last (almost 15) years.

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But my point is that at some point doesn't Snyder have to make the decision? Whether he hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the coach or hires the guy that hires the guy that hires the coach.... Snyder has to pick the right guy, correct? And if you don't trust him to pick the right guy then isn't this over before it starts?


You can get the hire wrong, of course. 


The issue with the Redskins over the years as often been that the management is muddled.


Norv had no power. Marty had too much power. Gibbs came back with personnel power even though he had been out of football for a decade. Shanahan is superior to his GM.


In all honesty, the best structure was the Vinny as GM/Zorn as coach model. Unfortunately, both those pieces were hopelessly overmatched.

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You can get the hire wrong, of course. 


The issue with the Redskins over the years as often been that the management is muddled.


Norv had no power. Marty had too much power. Gibbs came back with personnel power even though he had been out of football for a decade. Shanahan is superior to his GM.


In all honesty, the best structure was the Vinny as GM/Zorn as coach model. Unfortunately, both those pieces were hopelessly overmatched.

Yeah I dont understand why we cant just go the traditional route, get a gm to make personnel decisions with the input from the coach and let the coach be a coach. They should work together, and the gm should know what kind of players the coach wants, but the roles should be separated as time and again it seems one person cannot do an adequate job at both positions.

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