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I can really see myself buying Halo 5 and not even playing Fallout 4 until January. 


I'm not a halo fan at all, but I really want Fallout 4.  I may not buy it right away though because I play Destiny daily and with BO3 Zombies and SW Battlefront coming out, I'll be putting some time in with them.  Gaming has become much more of a social thing for me. I used to game by myself but the first game that made me want to play cooperatively with others was CoD Zombies.  I put in a lot of time playing Zombies with friends. Now Destiny has stepped that up big time.  I look forward to hanging out with the guys I play with.  That's my only disappointment with Fallout... single player game.

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and not even playing Fallout 4 until January.

Take your time, no rush. Just know that Fallout 4 will take 3-4 months of your life. :)

I'm calling it now, Fallout 4 will win EVERY SINGLE goty award and will be considered one of the greatest video games of all time. GOAT

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Take your time, no rush. Just know that Fallout 4 will take 3-4 months of your life. :)

I'm calling it now, Fallout 4 will win EVERY SINGLE goty award and will be considered one of the greatest video games of all time. GOAT


That is why I'm waiting. It's a single player game, and like Dragon Age Inquisition, I know I will play nothing else for the entire time I'm playing it so I want to get Halo 5 and Destiny TTK completely out of my system before I take that plunge. 

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People are buying the Destiny expansion after the disappointment of the original release?

The power of advertising...

Really interested to see how the 1960s New Orleans shapes up in Mafia 3. I know after 2 that they can tell a good story. Hoping they take this one to the next level

II was brilliant. Just hope they don't try to GTA this up

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People are buying the Destiny expansion after the disappointment of the original release?


The Taken King was more than just an expansion, it changed the original game as well. The game it was when it first released is gone now. It's a much better game than it used to be. 

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The Taken King was more than just an expansion, it changed the original game as well. The game it was when it first released is gone now. It's a much better game than it used to be. 



For all the "disappointment" in Destiny, there are SO many people that play.  There is never an issue with matchmaking of finding others to play. IMO, the issue with Destiny is that it is NOT for the casual gamer.  Destiny is a game that requires a lot of time to get into and enjoy and most importantly, it requires that you play with others.  


I'd bet that 90% of the people that hate on Destiny never played with a consistent group of people.  That's the way the game is designed.  I used to be that guy that bought all the major releases and generally played by myself.  CoD world at war/Nazi Zombies is what first got me into co op playing with others.  Destiny ruined other games for me. The only other game I've spent any time with since Destiny came out is Madden. I bought Elder Scrolls and played 1 day.  Hated it.  I do like the Witcher a lot, but, its a game you play by yourself and now I'm spoiled. I look forward to getting on and playing with the guys I play with.


Anytime there is a Destiny story on Facebook, its followed by so many people who hate it etc... I've never seen a game get so much hate, but so many people love it and play it.  I just think a lot of people don't understand its a new genre of game.  


The biggest criticism is the "story". It is not a single player game like Fallout or Witcher that immerses the players in the story. I'd get bored as hell if it was.  Destiny has a fantastic story, it just doesn't give it to you the way you are used to.  If you don't like that, then that's ok.  Its a perfect game IMO.

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My problem with Destiny was that it was just the same thing over and over. Even with friends, how many times can you do the literal exact same missions just to rank up and get new gear/loot for the sole purpose of doing the exact same missions again.

I guess I didn't get but that's the fundamental idea and I doubt TTK has changed that even if they added more missions and some story content. It's just an endless loot grind

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My problem with Destiny was that it was just the same thing over and over. Even with friends, how many times can you do the literal exact same missions just to rank up and get new gear/loot for the sole purpose of doing the exact same missions again.

I guess I didn't get but that's the fundamental idea and I doubt TTK has changed that even if they added more missions and some story content. It's just an endless loot grind



It is an endless loot grind, but for what ever reason, it appeals to a lot of people.  I enjoy grinding, its relaxing and I get to hang out with the people I play with.  I end up with amazing loot and I use it to play PVP.  For example, in many games, like for me, the Witcher, I have to end up looking on YouTube to find videos on how to do things. With Destiny, I can do that too, but I don't need to. The group I play with looks out for each other and we stick together and help out.  For example, when Sleeper Simulant became obtainable, we were all texting each other and making sure we were on at the same time to get it done. Same with the Black Spindle hidden mission and just the other day, the "No Time to Explain" secret quest.  So freaking fun.

Most games are repetitive.  What changes it for me is the loot.

With TTK, the RNG has switched where its more quest based. It rewards the grinders so much more.  The causal gamers are screwed, which for me, that's a good thing. I don't guy that plays a couple hours a week should have the same gear that I do.


Finally, The BEST part of Destiny is the Raids and Trials of Osiris.  There is no matchmaking for both of these "events".  

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I may have placed Tomb Raider above Battlefront on my priority list.

Absolutely in knots over Halo 5...cannot wait.

Just beat Uncharted 1, good game, felt gameplay got a bit repetitive...& just when it was about to get boring they changed it up nicely. Story was compelling enough to keep me going.

Loving Uncharted 2 about 100 x's more. So it gives me hope that it's gonna keep out doing itself.

Will likely also buy Fallout 4, & then not play it for a looooong while.

Trying to get my money right so i can also grab an XBOX Elite controller...may have to wait till the Xmas/Channukah best buy gift cards start rolling in.

Playing through Halo MCC....man, these games are so good.

The end.

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Divinity Original Sin Enhanced edition for consoles and PC releases on the 27th. Again, if you are an RPG fan, especially the Dragon Age Origins Baldurs Gate type, you will love this game. But even if you just enjoy a good RPG you should check this one out. I cannot rec it any higher. It's a great time to be an RPG fan, Wasteland 2 directors cut just released too for PC/console and Fallout 4 is right around the corner. Huge fallout fans should checkout wasteland 2, it's pretty much fallout just following after the first 2 isometric games. Wasteland was the inspiration for the first two fallout games. I'm going to pass on fallout 4 for a few months so all the bigger bugs that are likely to come at launch will be fixed. Open world games like Fallout will always have big bugs because the world is just so huge it's virtually impossible to get them all until they have a million people playing it finding everything.

Then you have the new Baldurs gate game coming out Siege of Dragonspear that bridges the first two games. I'm actually in the middle of Baldurs gate enhanced edition playthrough so I have a character to play the new expansion. My Cavalier is absolutely wrecking the sword coast.

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Been really wanting to play Alien Iso...really hope Steam has a sale in the next week or so.

But im pretty sure its only $20 on console.

They do have an end of October/Halloween sale but it's normally limited. The next big sales are the autumn sale over thanksgiving and then the Holiday sale over Christmas/New Years. The autumn/holiday sale are pretty much the exact same sales though nowadays but they are still really good. Although they aren't even close to how they used to be, used to be even bigger price cuts during the Holiday sale but meh it's good enough.

I also kickstarted the Friday the 13th game the day the Kickstarter launched when I read about it. Freaking amazing that all the important people the orginal movie team are involved with the development of that game. Really hope it gets funded with some stretch goals.

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The biggest criticism is the "story". It is not a single player game like Fallout or Witcher that immerses the players in the story. I'd get bored as hell if it was.  Destiny has a fantastic story, it just doesn't give it to you the way you are used to.  If you don't like that, then that's ok.  Its a perfect game IMO.


This is what it really comes down to for a lot of people. I also think the many people who hate the game are more disappointed it wasn't what Bungie originally said it was. I was just reading this article on Kotaku about how the game changed right before it was supposed to be released. This is why there is very few people just "like" the game, you either love it or you hate it. But a lot of people who claim to hate it are really just disappointed, which is why they still play it. It also has rock solid gameplay mechanics, which I think keeps alot of people playing the PvP. 



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