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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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Sorry I edited after your post, the concern is that it's just going to be a generic shooter with Star Wars paint. The air vehicles all playing the same just reinforces those fears. The gun play is subpar too from what I've seen/heard.

Possibly. I mean I'm ok with it if it's battlefield with Star Wars paint even if slightly more arcade style over simulation. That just seems fun to me.

I've seen good things about the gameplay from users too which makes me feel better

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I'm all about grabbing my laser blaster and going all Han Solo on Greedo's ass.

Just as long as you remember to shoot first.

I know i'm way behind on this series, but i'm super excited to get the Nathan Drake collection on Friday.

Just in time too as i finally completed Arkham Knight. Really liked the game for about 60% of it. Thought the story was well done, voice acting was top notch, graphics exceptional, with the occasional framerate drag. Only 1 or 2 bugs to speak of, a lot of good distractions to kill time with, but not so much that it pulled me away from the main story.

Unfortunately...i felt that it began to drag on, became very tediously rife with fetch quests. The Riddler missions are cool for the first 30 or so, & then you may decide: "hey...i wanna really start chopping some wood on this mission," & then you reach 50 or 60, & realize..."holy monotonous menial missions Batman!" As you look up & see that you still have approximately 180 trophies to acquire. Even the whole saving Selina Kyle stuff was like the old tried, & true RPG fetch quest we all love so much.

By around 65% i really just wanted to hurry through the missions, & finish the story.

I give it about an 8.3. There's a lot more detail i don't care to get into right now, but i felt that it just failed to retain that fun element althroughout the entire experience. Still a very good game, all things said.

Now...finally...4 weeks from Halo 5!!!

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From everything i have read/watched/heard from Alpha testers and what not is Disney has so much invested in this game that they will refuse to let it fail.


Alpha testers have said there are a lot of awesome details that they are not allowed to discuss at this time and have not been released to the public. 


With that being said typically a game with this much hype is always a let down...prob other than GTA 5. I really hope this game is awesome b/c outside of Battlefront i dont have any games im really excited for. 


Will find out in a few days. 

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It's just a timed exclusive. It will hit Ps4 probably in a year


Do the fees Xbox pays for "timed exclusives," which PS4 and PC eventually get anyway, get passed onto the xbox users in any way?  


Xbox official:


He goes on to confirm that the exclusivity deal between Microsoft and Rise publisher Square Enix "has a duration" and that they don't own the rights to the game in perpetuity. He declined to say how long that duration will be, though. 

"It's not because I'm trying to be a headfake on anybody. It's a deal between us and the partner. People ask me how much did we pay. There are certain things I'm just not going to talk about because it's a business deal between us and them.



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Do the fees Xbox pays for "timed exclusives," which PS4 and PC eventually get anyway, get passed onto the xbox users in any way?

Xbox official:

" He goes on to confirm that the exclusivity deal between Microsoft and Rise publisher Square Enix "has a duration" and that they don't own the rights to the game in perpetuity. He declined to say how long that duration will be, though.

"It's not because I'm trying to be a headfake on anybody. It's a deal between us and the partner. People ask me how much did we pay. There are certain things I'm just not going to talk about because it's a business deal between us and them."


No, I think they are hoping the sales and brand recognition/exposure of the timed exclusive cover the fee. The game costs the same and Xbox Live costs the same as PSN as well so not sure where the other costs would be added
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I'm loving the beta so far. Playing on the Xbox one and it looks awesome. Still getting used to the blasters but getting I'm the at-at is awesome. Love it. Can't wait for more maps and game modes



I really like the Beta as well. I probably won't put a lot of time into it though because when the game is released, we will have to rank up all over again.

It was very cool seeing Vader on Hoth the first time.  Brings back memories of the old game. 

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Dat star wars tho! Love it so far, only 2 game modes open for the beta. I'm more of a "rusher" type of fossil player, got smashed my first two games. Started to play more strategically and taking my time, moving to cover, started waxing some ass.

"Pew pew" gun you start out with suuuuucks

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yeah, I think I'm level 3 now?  I played for about 45 minutes.  the larger game mode is a lot more fun than the smaller, "Call of Duty'esque" capture and hold game mode.  


By the way, Battlefront is the most beautiful game I've ever played. My wife was like "wow, that rock looks like a real rock" lol.

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New Guitar Hero comes out on 10/20, just ordered the bundle pack on Xbox One with the game and two guitars. Looks pretty sweet and it's new library has over 100 songs to start out, constantly adding to the playlist. Pretty bad ass if you ask me :)

That is a good deal. Rock Band was always my thing though and RB4 allows access to the entire back catalogue of any DLc songs you've purchased...which is amazing.

Can't wait to get it and play all my faves again.

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