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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Sorry. I forgot. You've been attacking her every two hours because of your drive to be neutral.



I don't care one bit if chipwhich attacks Hillary every two minutes.  It's a free country, she's very attack-able, and the more information the better.


What aggravates me is his constant "everyone else on this board is sheeple because they pay more attention to the insanity coming out of Carson and Trump and Cruz and Huckabee rather than focusing on how fat Hillary Clinton looks in a pantsuit.  I'm the only honest poster here blah blah blah...."


That ish got so old about 750 posts ago, but it never ever changes.  

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Fair enough. I'm a Sanders guy this time around. Who ya got?


I was a Kasich guy until the last debate when he kept whining about not getting any time to talk.  I also loved Christie with his raw emotion in the video on addiction.


I have voted in every primary and election my entire life.  I could not vote this election and not feel guilty about it.  I don't really like anyone running.  On either side :)

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Gotta do it. twitter.com/scottfconroy/s…


IMPORTANT: @JebBush tells me he would go back in time to kill Baby Hitler & explains why: huffingtonpost.com/entry/jeb-bush…



Why does Jeb hate the America that we've got, today? 


Me?  I'm proud of this country.  Not some imaginary country, but this one.  Yeah, WW2 was tough.  But we won, and it made us stronger.  Heck, we could use another one.  Toughen up this country some. 

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Why does Jeb hate the America that we've got, today? 


Me?  I'm proud of this country.  Not some imaginary country, but this one.  Yeah, WW2 was tough.  But we won, and it made us stronger.  Heck, we could use another one.  Toughen up this country some. 


What if Hitler was a Fetus. Would Jeb abort it? Rubio? These are important questions. 

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What if Hitler was a Fetus. Would Jeb abort it? Rubio? These are important questions.

Not as a fetus obviously.

This is entirely in keeping with the GOP philosophy that non-living fetal tissue must be protected at all costs, but that once you're out of the womb, you're on your own.

Though, probably either side would be chill about accidentally drone striking baby Hitler.

And I'm coming back about Social Security, but that's tougher to post about on mobile, gotta get on the comp for that (well, backup comp, main one is starting to have harddrive issues...for the second time...within 9 months...of purchase...ugh).

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Heritage Action presidential scorecard rates Cruz near-perfect


The political arm of The Heritage Foundation has released a detailed assessment of the 2016 Republican presidential field — and it offers harsh words for many candidates. But not for Sen. Ted Cruz.


Cruz receives almost exclusively praise for his stances in the 50-page 2016 presidential policy scorecard, the first of its kind produced by Heritage Action. The report grades the candidates across six categories: growth, opportunity, civil society, limited government, favoritism and national security.


Many of the lines in the scorecard appear destined for future attack ads.


Jeb Bush, for instance, is accused of having “kowtowed to the state’s environmental lobby” in Florida. Chris Christie “has shown favoritism toward well-connected real estate developers.” Rand Paul’s “views at times veer outside the conservative mainstream.” And Donald Trump backs “massive tariffs that would damage the American economy.”


Cruz, by contrast, manages to emerge with barely a blemish, receiving only softly worded critiques of his adopting “sound policies advanced by others” rather than crafting his own.

The two current front-runners in the polls, Ben Carson and Trump, were dinged for their lack of a record on conservative causes and a lack of specifics in their visions. “His unconventional foreign policy prescriptions raise more questions of significant consequence than they answer,” Heritage writes of Trump.


Bush was singled out for some of the most biting critiques. “Has shown favoritism toward Florida special interests and supports amnesty” for undocumented immigrants, reads one bullet point.


In its 2016 assessment, Heritage dings Bush for not supporting recent efforts to defund Planned Parenthood this fall because he said he opposed precipitating a government shutdown. The report accuses him of “playing to President [barack] Obama’s talking points rather than reinforcing conservatives.”

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Sanders: I'll go further than Obama on immigration orders


Seeking to burnish his pro-immigrant credentials with Latino voters, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders rolled out a sweeping immigration proposal on Monday that promises to push the boundaries of executive powers.


The plan would expand on executive actions issued by President Barack Obama nearly a year ago that are now on hold due to a legal challenge from Texas and 25 other states.


"Beginning in the first 100 days of my administration, I will work to take extensive executive action to accomplish what Congress has failed to do and to build upon President Obama’s executive orders,” Sanders said in a statement accompanying his proposal Monday.


Obama’s actions would protect more than 4 million immigrants here illegally but who have children who are U.S. citizens or green card holders from being deported, while giving them permits to work legally. The move would also broaden a 2012 directive from Obama that shielded so-called DREAMers from deportation and made greater numbers of young immigrants eligible for the program.


Sanders, who spoke to a Las Vegas forum organized by immigration activists on Monday, pledged to go beyond what Obama did last November. Justice Department officials, however, have previously said what the president did was, essentially, the furthest he could go in terms of acting on his own to halt deportations.


“As president, passing a legislative solution to our broken immigration system will be a top priority,” Sanders said. “But let me be clear: I will not wait around for Congress to act.”

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, has also spoken extensively about immigration on the campaign trail, including at a roundtable in Nevada in May. She also pledged then to go beyond what Obama did with his executive actions to protect even more immigrants from deportation.


But whether that is legally justifiable is unclear. Clinton and Sanders both promise to protect parents of DREAMers from deportation, but Justice Department officials concluded last year that Obama did not have the legal power to do so. A DOJ memo found that doing so “would not be a permissible exercise of enforcement discretion.”


Meanwhile, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the third remaining Democratic presidential candidate, has knocked both Clinton and Sanders for not being aggressive enough on immigration. O’Malley, who has struggled to gain traction in the polls, laid out more pro-immigrant proposals last week, and he singled out Sanders for comments that the independent Vermont senator made in 2007 arguing that an influx of less-skilled immigrant workers would drive down wages for native-born Americans.


“When comprehensive immigration reform was up for a vote in the Congress, Senator Sanders went on Lou Dobbs’ show — are you familiar with Lou Dobbs? — and said that immigrants take our jobs and depress our wages,” O’Malley said, according to The Washington Post. “Not only are those statements flat-out wrong, they actually harm the consensus.”


Sanders plans to lay out more specifics of his immigration plan soon. Other planks of his proposal include ending “inhumane” deportation programs and closing down privately run immigrant detention centers while providing more generous asylum relief to domestic violence victims and children from Latin American countries who came here in record numbers during last summer’s crisis at the southern border.

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Curious to understand how a court can rule that the Executive doesn't have the authority to choose not to prosecute somebody.


Heck, Obama has the authority to pardon every one of them. 

(Now, his plan to issue them things that are kinda like green cards? That, I can understand them ruling that he doesn't have the authority to do.)

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Curious to understand how a court can rule that the Executive doesn't have the authority to choose not to prosecute somebody.


Heck, Obama has the authority to pardon every one of them. 

(Now, his plan to issue them things that are kinda like green cards? That, I can understand them ruling that he doesn't have the authority to do.)


Is deportation the same as prosecute?  is that your claim?  Pardon them from what?

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