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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Could someone explain to me why Republicans hate women and working families? Aren't they supposed to be the Christian family values group?


Why are democrats letting this happen at Amazon?




Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big

Ideas in a Bruising Workplace


Tens of millions of Americans know Amazon as customers, but life inside its corporate offices is largely a mystery. Secrecy is required; even low-level employees sign a lengthy confidentiality agreement. The company authorized only a handful of senior managers to talk to reporters for this article, declining requests for interviews with Mr. Bezos and his top leaders.

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“Nearly every person I worked with, I saw cry at their desk.”
Bo Olson, worked in books marketing

However, more than 100 current and former Amazonians — members of the leadership team, human resources executives, marketers, retail specialists and engineers who worked on projects from the Kindle to grocery delivery to the recent mobile phone launch — described how they tried to reconcile the sometimes-punishing aspects of their workplace with what many called its thrilling power to create.

In interviews, some said they thrived at Amazon precisely because it pushed them past what they thought were their limits. Many employees are motivated by “thinking big and knowing that we haven’t scratched the surface on what’s out there to invent,” said Elisabeth Rommel, a retail executive who was one of those permitted to speak.

Others who cycled in and out of the company said that what they learned in their brief stints helped their careers take off. And more than a few who fled said they later realized they had become addicted to Amazon’s way of working.

“A lot of people who work there feel this tension: It’s the greatest place I hate to work,” said John Rossman, a former executive there who published a book, “The Amazon Way.

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Are they gonna debate or is this just a Q&A?


they're also going to complain about how little they get to talk


I don't know what, but something about Cruz creeps me out. 



it's his obviously fake and contrived personality


people who like him are weird.

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I was posting an article to combat your silly article. You should be aware of everything.

Your article had nothing to do with family leave. And what I quoted from mine had little to do with Amazon. And you are being intentionally obtuse. Seems to be pretty standard when you are ashamed of the embarrassing policies of the people you vote for.

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Your article had nothing to do with family leave. And what I quoted from mine had little to do with Amazon. And you are being intentionally obtuse. Seems to be pretty standard when you are ashamed of the embarrassing policies of the people you vote for.


As a small business owner I could explain to you how hard family leave is on my business, and I could explain the impact to my operations and the issues I have you might see things a little differently.  It's far to complicated to spit out on a message board during a debate.

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As a small business owner I could explain to you how hard family leave is on my business, and I could explain the impact to my operations and the issues I have you might see things a little differently. It's far to complicated to spit out on a message board during a debate.

In other countries that care about their workers and value families, that's just the cost of doing business.

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