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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I'm liking him more every day....of course I'm odd at a minimum.


Come on. He's creepy and weird.


Could a Rubio-Kasich ticket be in the offing

God, I hope so. I don't see another answer from the GOP at this point.

Of course, the VP doesn't have to come from the remaining field...

I'd love to see a debate just between those two.

Rubio's achilles heel is his abortion answer- he is against abortion in all cases.  Against Hillary; she will crush him on that.

Honest question:

What does that matter?

It's not like he's going to overturn roe v wade

Does he have a history of closing down clinics via absurd regulations or something? Outside of that it's just an opinion, is it not?

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the bell is a suggestion

i also like these people criticising ACA and 'not knowing what is in it'. you mean, you haven't read it yet? might want to before you repeal it? no?




benghazi movie ad during the gop debate

Fox News, you do not disappoint!

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Come on. He's creepy and weird.


God, I hope so. I don't see another answer from the GOP at this point.

Of course, the VP doesn't have to come from the remaining field...

I'd love to see a debate just between those two.

Honest question:

What does that matter?

It's not like he's going to overturn roe v wade

Does he have a history of closing down clinics via absurd regulations or something? Outside of that it's just an opinion, is it not?

Asks our female fans. Abortion is #1 issue for them. Any candidate that restricts it, will not do well with a Presidential electorate.  That issue alone, could give Hillary enough voters; to give her the edge in the states Republicans need to win.  Repubs have to win Florida, Ohio and Virginia.  That issue could tip those states to Hillary; especially Ohio and Virginia.

This debate should be ranked lower.  Many don't know there's a Fox Business News.

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Asks our female fans. Abortion is #1 issue for them. Any candidate that restricts it, will not do well with a Presidential electorate.  That issue alone, could give Hillary enough voters; to give her the edge in the states Republicans need to win.  Repubs have to win Florida, Ohio and Virginia.  That issue could tip those states to Hillary; especially Ohio and Virginia.

This debate should be ranked lower.  Many don't know there's a Fox Business News.

Looks like on his website he has an article:

"I'll support any legislation that reduces the number of abortions"


So yeah, you're right. That's a problem.

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I have been tortured by Hillary for years, god help me if she is elected.  Not sure how anyone can listen to her.


The smug look on her face every time she steps up to a microphone is going to be awful to watch for 8 years.


and it's happening.

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In other countries that care about their workers and value families, that's just the cost of doing business.


My great grandparents were farmers.  They worked sun up until sun down.  My parents both worked full time jobs.  My wife and I both had full time jobs when we had our children.  I never even knew what family leave was.  We just work hard to support our families.  Giving all Americans family leave is so much more complex than just saying do it.  It would put me and many other small business out of business.  Companies like Amazon can survive with losses quarter after quarter.


I will give you a little secret, if you grow the economy and have a competitive workforce with highly desired skills, you can get family leave as you see many of the Tech companies do.  Google, Amazon, Netflix are fighting for the best technologists in the country and they are not brick and mortar type companies so they can support it.

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Chipwhich, the problem with your argument is that those types of laws are not applied to small businesses. You have to employ > x many people.


FMLA applies to me, I can tell you how it has hurt my business in the past.

Tshile, for the record I have more than 50 employees.  I have closer to 150

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FMLA applies to me, I can tell you how it has hurt my business in the past.


Tshile, for the record I have more than 50 employees.  I have closer to 150


Oh, I just always think of small business is less than 50 for some reason.I don't know why I think that.


Then yeah, my comments don't apply to you.

Oh God...foreign policy questions.  

get your popcorn ready

russia can not tell us where to fly

but we can tell them where to fly



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Oh, I just always think of small business is less than 50 for some reason.I don't know why I think that.


I think it's an important conversation.  When talking business, many on this board think of the likes of Amazon with CEO's making millions.


95% of my employees are billable, butts in seats, highly compensated, low profit margin employees.  If I were forced to give them family leave I would have to lower compensation and build in a buffer to plan for a percentage of my employees to take family leave....OR...lose money for every employee that takes family leave which could essentially put me out of business.


The Dems want free health care, free college, free leave, and free cheese.  It ain't free my friend.  Someone pays the tab.  These types of laws play hell on small business, but the Dems don't care.  Give me my cheese.


*edit by Billable I mean, I only get paid if they go to work.

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