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The Strengths Of Morris Vs Helu (Theisman Comments)


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"Morris is quicker, and his moves are more nifty.  Helu is a more powerful back."


That is a quote from Theisman from our preseason game against Buffalo.  I completely disagree with his assessment, and I'm not sure how anybody could come to that conclusion after last season.  I actually think what he said is the opposite of the truth.  In my opinion:


Morris- Better one cut runner, better vision, much more powerful, much better at shedding tackles, durability.


Helu- Better breakaway speed, better route runner, better hands (maybe), "niftier" movies (maybe)


Equal- Pass protection, quickness


How do you feel our backs compare?  Does anyone agree with what Theisman said?  

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I thought that too at first, that he had just accidentally flipped the names.  But I think earlier in the game he also commented on how big Helu was, saying he looks like a full-back.  It sure didn't sound like a mix up, but I guess that's the only explanation.

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The problem with Joe is that he feels like he needs to have a comment about everything, and half the time he ends up saying complete nonsense.


The comparison is pretty easy: Morris, 1-cut, downhill runner with great vision and ability to make yards for himself.


Helu, prototypical 3rd down back, fast, good hands, good route-runner.  


Morris is a franchise back, and at this point, Helu is a 3rd down back.  He could develop into a superstar type back if he could stay healthy 

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Yeah, he just mixed them up for sure. 


He also said that he loves how good Rex Grossman is in the pocket and how he creates lanes for himself to throw the ball inside the pocket. 


lol, that's Rexy's worse quality and why he throws off his back foot so much.  

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Lol, I don't even know what 'nifty' means in regard to a RB.

I'm with Joey T when he says that Morris is quicker but also think Morris is more powerful then Helu.

Helu is much faster though and has better hands. 

Also, Morris is a no frills runner he's gonna find the most direct path to yards and run hard in that direction.

Helu runs hards but doesn't have the pad level nor strength, but I also think Helu has 'big gain' vision then Morris.


Digression follows:

Commentators give their opinions they give a bunch out every game.

I don't always agree.

They're not always gonna be right, for the most part they're right more then they're wrong.



You know what sucks? When you know they got it wrong but everyone eats it up just because they said it.

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At this point I believe that Morris sets up his blockers better and probably has better vision than Helu. I think Morris is niftier at the line. He is also harder to bring down than Helu.


Helu has better open field moves and speed. He's also a better receiver. I think Helu's strengths are tailor made to be the back behind a RO QB in the pistol. He should provide some big chunk yards this year. 

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I would more accurately put it this way because I see speed and quickness as two completely different entities. 


I agree that Morris is the "quicker" back. His shakes and jukes to make a defender miss are much quicker. His decisions are quicker. But he certainly is the more powerful back when it comes to his legs and driving defenders forward or through them. 


That being said, I believe Helu to be the more "explosive" back. He does not lack for power and I remember him always chopping his feet and keeping piles moving forward as a rookie as well. Both backs play with a "never give up" attitude even when they are wrapped up, they don't quit until they are on the ground. I don't think by any means that Helu is simply a speedy RB. He's definitely got power and explosion. Morris is just more compact and his leg drive is very evident. 


I'm praying Helu can stay healthy all year because if so I think it will be pretty unanimous that we are every bit as good as anyone else's stable of RB's (SF, Seattle, Baltimore, etc.). 

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Definitely disagree with Joey T. on this one.  


Alfred is the perfect back for this offense as it is a one cut, and go offense.


Helu is the faster back, but he spends entirely too much time trying to choose his hole, avoids the hit as much as possible, and even reverses his field some times which is the last thing you want to do with zone blocking and stretch runs.


He is a better pass catcher but outside of practices I have not seen the team try and develop Alfred into a pass catcher.


Alfred is our number 1 but Helu is a good back up and a good third down pass catching option.

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Noticed this at the time too and I was like that's completely wrong. I'm not sure he got the names mixed up. I think he just threw a bunch of adjectives out on the fly and picked the wrong ones. Also, Joe should stop using the term "lathered up". It's just sounds wrong.

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For those of you who couldn't wait to put Joey T in the booth when Sam retired...


The defense rests...

I also enjoyed when Chick referred to every formation not under center as the pistol. Grossman in the offset pistol. Gross an in the pistol with an empty backfield


I did like how Chick corrected the "ride-option" thing Joey T has been going with.  That's been killing me. 

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While I did not hear this comment, as I was at the game vice watching it on TV......I definitely think Morris is a more powerful one cut type of back that can drive through tacklers easier than Helu.  But Helu impressed me as a faster back, and one who is used more as a receiver out of the backfield.  Think Helu can break off longer runs because of his speed.....and his elusiveness after he breaks through the line....more moves than Morris normally shows. 


Either way, as long as they are both healthy, they should become a very potent tandem for us this season. 

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