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HTTR24-7; The Story of Meredith Barber, Robert Griffin III's (Completely Fake, Lying, Fictional) Side Chick


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Dude, I don't care what his body looks like. I love Bob. But let's be honest here, he can't pull a chic like Barber. That would be Seal/Klum all over again.

He can't pull a chick like barber? She's already on his (Expletive Deleted). If RG3 wanted barber he could have her as many times as he would like, it's obvious because she befriended RG3's friend in an attempt to get close to RG3. lol 

 Hunna---a reminder that you don't have to use "swear words" for your content to be considered a violation of rule 13. While no penalty this time, this post would qualify for a week off.  ;)


Per the topic, I understand Space Penguins points centered around a more "ignoring that kind of crap" approach, and I smiled at the "Entertainment Tonight" comment...sometimes conversations do get a little like the football-player-focused version  "teen beat/celebrity fetish" :P in the stadium at times---but not that often.


And most of us do have the kind of affection for RG3 that only long-starved fans can have when their dream player finally arrives after so many heartbreaks for so long, PLUS he turns out (so far) to be such a really cool guy.


But I get those who like seeing any media-fed falsehoods shot down (a fine attitude---even those about football players) or those who like having solid refutation to use against babbling iggys when replying to someone talking smack. For me, I "officially" (considered decision as opposed to  immediate reaction) blew the story off  barring evidence to do otherwise, and it's of a nature where I wouldn't care about anyone who tried to use it to talk smack, or even believed it. 


As a modus operandi, I do think it's beneficial to gauge what matter one is taking seriously (and particularly how seriously--especially if the thing you may be taking too seriously is yourself) to avoid some common pitfalls of ego-plus-attitude (i.e. pretentiousness/giving oneself "airs"/exaggerated outrage/inflated self-importance etc etc). While that applies to this and many discussions, I digress.



PER RG3 not being able to compete for a woman's interest, I'd say his list of "nice, but not a chance" is much shorter than most.  :P

Thanks for the warning, wont happen again. Looking at my comment now it was kind of juvenile my apologies everyone.

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Well putting this story on ES isn't gonna help Rg3 in any way. Who knows what local media outlet in DC might get word of this, get curious and follow up on it, and then it ends up getting erroneously reported by some other national outlet...It doesn't take much.


It's needless drama the haters will eat up, and can fill up segments on any sports station, radio or TV. This story should die so we can worry about the season instead of fueling worthless stories that can get blown up out of proportion quickly in today's social media.


His friend shouldn't use his relationship with Bob to get chicks, a true friend wouldn't do that. Hopefully there's a lesson learned from this. The cynic in me wants to tell Bob to ditch the friend, who knows what else this so called friend could do, but that's overreacting.

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In the course of the same thread someone has said I'm naive for thinking this will get any national attention and condemned it because it'll bring national attention.



And as others have said, there's nothing wrong with telling the truth.

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Lets be honest here, that chic wouldnt want anything to do with RG3.


I know, she was really after this Redskins QB



You really need to put a NSFW title or something, what if I were to have kids around when I opened that, sheesh! Haha


Great article, good detective work and we all know that it's just some poorly communicated situation that went way overboard and due to social media and people more obsessed with celebrity lives then their own, this has gain traction on the internet.


Hopefully this is all behind us, now with news of RGIII being cleared by doctors. Let's focus on Training Camp and get ready for a glorious season!



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Jay Leno mentioned this story in his opening monologue last night :(


"Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin the 3rd was in the headlines this weekend, apparently he sent a picture of his junk to a Hooters waitress on the night of his wedding." 


Jay...stfu dude

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Jay Leno mentioned this story in his opening monologue last night :(

"Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin the 3rd was in the headlines this weekend, apparently he sent a picture of his junk to a Hooters waitress on the night of his wedding."

Jay...stfu dude

Seriously, I wish the media would just shut up about this. Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes truth.
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Jay Leno mentioned this story in his opening monologue last night :(


"Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin the 3rd was in the headlines this weekend, apparently he sent a picture of his junk to a Hooters waitress on the night of his wedding." 


Jay...stfu dude


How did the rest of the joke go?

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Jay Leno mentioned this story in his opening monologue last night :(


"Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin the 3rd was in the headlines this weekend, apparently he sent a picture of his junk to a Hooters waitress on the night of his wedding." 


Jay...stfu dude

good lord its a joke by a very safe comedian, lol.


anyway its probably not true anyway, so move on

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"Refuting" these things doesn't lend the credence. Ignoring them while the story gets bigger and bigger and staying silent until you're on the defensive lends them credence.


The fact is that I probably would've ignored and not posted anything if it had just stayed on Busted Coverage. Once it hit Deadspin, that's when it was time to post it. Then I saw it started hitting celebrity gossip sites, and it was in the New York Daily News. I wrote this three days ago, sat on it, and basically gave it a chance to play itself out, but it got bigger instead.


So rather than wait for ESPN to get done turning Johnny Manziel heel and come looking for new material, I figured I'd just nip it in the bud now, period.


A completely fake story like this could have lasting, damaging consequences for RGIII's marketability, his personal life, and could've been a big dumb fabricated distraction if it got any bigger. So I put it out into the ether now to basically squash it, and if nothing else we'll all know the truth about it.

RG3 should give you an autographed football.  Your article certainly put my mind at ease when I read it.  Good work.

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Great work.  although, unfortunately the Chad and Dukes show has given this story a good amount of coverage where while they have mentioned that this all might not be true, they seem to give the story serious credibility.  So hopefully, it puts a stop to their coverage of this.

What I don't understand is, why cover this story at all until the facts are out? In this case, there really wasn't anything to report, but now, thanks to certain media outlets, her name will forever be linked to RG3, whether real news or not. Similar to when crazed, drunken fans run out onto a baseball field to get their faces on tv, people like this should get no media coverage at all, radio silence & nothing written until all the facts are in.


That is all.



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