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HTTR24-7; The Story of Meredith Barber, Robert Griffin III's (Completely Fake, Lying, Fictional) Side Chick


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It wasn’t that long ago that Richard Hurd, a 26 year old former member of the Baylor men’s basketball team, tried to extort Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III. The harsh reality of life in the NFL is that one way or another, people will try to exploit you somehow. Luckily for RGIII, Hurd was caught, charged, and received 18 months in prison after his extortion attempt.


Since she didn’t try to extort RGIII personally, Meredith Barber likely won’t have to deal with any jail time. However, she will have to deal with a lot of embarrassment.


Last week, the website Busted Coverage posted a story referring to Meredith Barber as RGIII’s “side piece”, and accused Griffin of texting her on his wedding day. While the story didn’t get much attention nationally (it did wind up on Deadspin), it did cause a mini-panic attack in Redskins Nation over the franchise quarterback potentially cheating on his new bride.


Allow me to sooth those fears by telling you that they’re a straight up lie.


Thanks to a lot of tireless work from Richard Bruno (a.k.a @RedskinsRich on Twitter), we have a much clearer picture of here Meredith Barber actually. Namely, that she’s not RGIII’s side piece, but another misguided human being hoping to profit on the kindness of others.


I think it’s fair to say this starts with a friend of Robert Griffin III, William Mallow, and RGIII’s desire to play wing man for his buddy.


http://httr24-7.com/blog/the-story-of-meredith-barber-robert-griffin-iiis-completely-fake-lying-fictional-side-chick/'>Click here to read more.

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Great work.  although, unfortunately the Chad and Dukes show has given this story a good amount of coverage where while they have mentioned that this all might not be true, they seem to give the story serious credibility.  So hopefully, it puts a stop to their coverage of this.


LOL....it won't.

Actually, I don't see why you're wasting your time with this NLC. It's not football related, and refuting such accusations only lends them credence.

What kind of site is this now? Entertainment tonight? ;p

In my opinion, people would be better served ignoring such bull****. To each their own, though. This is the first, and last, time I'm going to bother with this "issue".

Lol, the media are trolls. If you respond to trolls, don't expect anything good to come out of it.

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"Refuting" these things doesn't lend the credence. Ignoring them while the story gets bigger and bigger and staying silent until you're on the defensive lends them credence.


The fact is that I probably would've ignored and not posted anything if it had just stayed on Busted Coverage. Once it hit Deadspin, that's when it was time to post it. Then I saw it started hitting celebrity gossip sites, and it was in the New York Daily News. I wrote this three days ago, sat on it, and basically gave it a chance to play itself out, but it got bigger instead.


So rather than wait for ESPN to get done turning Johnny Manziel heel and come looking for new material, I figured I'd just nip it in the bud now, period.


A completely fake story like this could have lasting, damaging consequences for RGIII's marketability, his personal life, and could've been a big dumb fabricated distraction if it got any bigger. So I put it out into the ether now to basically squash it, and if nothing else we'll all know the truth about it.

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Great work.  although, unfortunately the Chad and Dukes show has given this story a good amount of coverage where while they have mentioned that this all might not be true, they seem to give the story serious credibility.  So hopefully, it puts a stop to their coverage of this.


LOL....it won't.

Actually, I don't see why you're wasting your time with this NLC. It's not football related, and refuting such accusations only lends them credence.

What kind of site is this now? Entertainment tonight? ;p

In my opinion, people would be better served ignoring such bull****. To each their own, though. This is the first, and last, time I'm going to bother with this "issue".

Lol, the media are trolls. If you respond to trolls, don't expect anything good to come out of it.


Disagree. There's never anything wrong with the truth being told.

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It seems more than a little naive of you to think your article will change the mainstream press coverage of this, but I hope you're right and it does. We can agree to disagree on the rest, the whole thing is rather silly.

I still think the only thing that will crush this nonsense is the start of football, which thankfully isn't far away.

Edit- As far as the truth goes, it is only heard by those who want to hear it. Truth is a subjective concept,especially in modern times.

For example, how many Redskin fans in the "How is RG3" thread believed this story merely because it confirmed how they viewed professional athletes in today's world? Too many. Most people form their opinions based on what fits their world view, and the truth of the matter is secondary. It's sad, but such is the internet age. Too bad it isn't confined to such trivial matters as this.

Idealistically, I agree that spreading truth is never a bad thing. Realistically, it can be futile, imo. I can definitely respect the idealistic viewpoint, though.

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Outstanding work!  I really feel bad for RGIII.  Sadly, this won't be the last time someone tries to incriminate him with false evidence.  The higher you climb up a mountain the more the wind blows.  I'm sure he's up to the challenge and true Redskins fans will always have his back.

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When there is a "story" of this magnitude, it's always best to get the facts out.  Good reportage, NLC!


Like most things with Robert, including this "story" and the truth about his injury/surgery, facts do have meaning.  Even if some people refuse to believe facts.  Everything else is factoid, and attempts to take advantage of Robert.


Now, on to the preseason!

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Nice piece, concise explanation of the photo analysis.


Unfortunately you're preaching to the choir, there is a faction that will want to believe this just because it fits into their warped view of the world.


But you can never go wrong with the truth as long as you don't expect any thanks for stating it.

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Everything will straighten itself out in due time.


My issue is why was this in the news to begin with.  No news is always the best news.  I don't like reporters talking about RG3 even when he's done nothing wrong.  A distraction is a distraction.  The best teams in the league always seem to play distraction free.


For Robert Griffin III, this is an unfortunate lesson on what you can and can’t do with friends. For all intents and purposes, Griff did nothing wrong but try to help friends out, and clearly Mallow was a good enough friend that he was in his wedding party. That being said, sometimes it’s better to exercise discretion, even when you’re trying to hook a homeboy.
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Everything will straighten itself out in due time.


My issue is why was this in the news to begin with.  No news is always the best news.  I don't like reporters talking about RG3 even when he's done nothing wrong.  A distraction is a distraction.  The best teams in the league always seem to play distraction free.


Yeah, right lol...


I guess it depends on how you define "distraction"...but every team in the league, good or bad, has offseason distractions of all shapes and sizes.

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It was news because Busted Coverage got a hot tip and wanted to push it out there to get clicks.


Like I said in the article, a lot of today's media culture revolves around being FIRST, rather than being right. Put the story out there first, then let the facts work themselves out.


I think that's why initially the story just sort of lingered in the corners. Then Deadspin posted it and it started gaining some traction.


Robert generates clicks and revenue just about every time he's talked about. Just part of life with a superstar under center.

Funny side note; Stampede Blue posted about this bogus story. That article has more comments on it than just about anything else on their site, followed only by a story on the Broncos and Peyton. Basically nothing about Andrew Luck has that many comments.


Just thought that was funny.

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It was news because Busted Coverage got a hot tip and wanted to push it out there to get clicks.


Like I said in the article, a lot of today's media culture revolves around being FIRST, rather than being right. Put the story out there first, then let the facts work themselves out.


I think that's why initially the story just sort of lingered in the corners. Then Deadspin posted it and it started gaining some traction.


Robert generates clicks and revenue just about every time he's talked about. Just part of life with a superstar under center.

Funny side note; Stampede Blue posted about this bogus story. That article has more comments on it than just about anything else on their site, followed only by a story on the Broncos and Peyton. Basically nothing about Andrew Luck has that many comments.


Just thought that was funny.


Not to mention that the places that have decided to run with the story use deceptive headlines..."RG3 cheats on wife with Hooters waitress", "RG3 sends pics of his junk to other woman on wedding night"...etc, etc, yadda yadda. Nothing in their stories says either of those things happened, of course, but hey, they got you to click on the link or pick up the paper.

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Great job NLC, I don't care what anybody says this article was very important and hopefully we can get it to the powers that be. Send it to Robert LIttal on twitter he runs BSO website, he also was one of the only websites (who get major traction) that refuted the Meredith story. He flat out came out and said it's BS she's lying, he'll help get the story out. 

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As I mentioned, love to get Dukes and Lavar to stop running with this, they have hit it for at least three days on 106.7.  They tried to get Keim to talk about it on their show last week, and he refused to talk about it.  Then they moved it over to Jason Reid to comment on.  Reid had no clue about the story until they told him about it.  And their angle wasn't WHETHER it was true but it mostly was lets assume this is true and if so how does it color your opinion about RG3.


They seem to be on a mission to both spread the story and also give it credibility.

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As I mentioned, love to get Dukes and Lavar to stop running with this, they have hit it for at least three days on 106.7.  They tried to get Keim to talk about it on their show last week, and he refused to talk about it.  Then they moved it over to Jason Reid to comment on.  Reid had no clue about the story until they told him about it.  And their angle wasn't WHETHER it was true but it mostly was lets assume this is true and if so how does it color your opinion about RG3.


They seem to be on a mission to both spread the story and also give it credibility.


Seriously, how are you or anyone else able to bear listening to that radio show? I'm not trying to be condescending - I just really don't know why anyone listens to them.

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As I mentioned, love to get Dukes and Lavar to stop running with this, they have hit it for at least three days on 106.7.  They tried to get Keim to talk about it on their show last week, and he refused to talk about it.  Then they moved it over to Jason Reid to comment on.  Reid had no clue about the story until they told him about it.  And their angle wasn't WHETHER it was true but it mostly was lets assume this is true and if so how does it color your opinion about RG3.


They seem to be on a mission to both spread the story and also give it credibility.


Seriously, how are you or anyone else able to bear listening to that radio show? I'm not trying to be condescending - I just really don't know why anyone listens to them.


I couldn't take anymore the day after the Monday Night Massacre

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Everything will straighten itself out in due time.


My issue is why was this in the news to begin with.  No news is always the best news.  I don't like reporters talking about RG3 even when he's done nothing wrong.  A distraction is a distraction.  The best teams in the league always seem to play distraction free.


Yeah, right lol...


I guess it depends on how you define "distraction"...but every team in the league, good or bad, has offseason distractions of all shapes and sizes.


To some degree yes.


But breaking up a marriage isn't exactly a small distraction.  Just the fact that it's out there is troublesome.

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