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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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I think I like the wheel and also I prefer a lottery system that wouldn't potentially drop a team 5 spots if they "lose".

Thinking about it I prefer a lottery system over the wheel. I don't agree tanking is an issue.... we'll see how it works for Philly.

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You do realize that LeBron James, the greatest player in the NBA, is a year older than Jefferson and has logged many more minutes?

The injury thing is just a mild concern. Lots of players have overcome it. It's not career-ending as you are making it out to be. Al will be fine.

I do find it ironic that a Wiz fan would be calling another team's players old. Aren't you guys going to be starting a 38 year old SF? And isn't your back up PG about 40? Lol

And you can't look at box scores to determine the level of competitiveness of a game. The fact that a couple of the games were double digit losses is irrelevant to the conversation.. You didn't watch. Just admit it.

You're not getting it, or maybe you are, I don't know. It's a difference between having an older guard and wing player who doesn't have an issue of serious injuries who will be your role players and having a BIG MAN with FOOT problems be the focal point of your team.

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I was skeptical but it looks like Drake was actually a pretty good choice to host the ESPYS (other than his Redskins joke, which seemed to bomb anyway). Maybe it was Blake Griffin that made him look good though lol.




Blake's reaction to the Donald Sterling joke was pretty good too.



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I can't stand Blake Griffin on the court, but he is terrific at comedy.  


He's funnier and more of a natural than Drake and Chris Brown were.


Anyone just uncomfortable with the Donald Sterling B.S. report jokes?  I don't mind the topic, it was the execution.  If you're going to do racism jokes, you've got to be good.  Key & Peele these guys ain't.

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I can't stand Blake Griffin on the court, but he is terrific at comedy.

I don't think I've ever gone from loving a player to hating him faster than I did Blake Griffin after seeing him in person his "rookie" year against the Wiz. Loved him in college, wanted the Wiz to win that lottery more than the Wall lottery. But I swear to God ive never seen a player cry and **** and moan to the refs more in my life. That includes Lebron and whoever. And for a "rookie" to do it? Yeah not surprised at all that he's a league leader in techs because he's always getting into it with players who don't like him. **** him.

Edited by G.A.C.O.L.B.
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Word is Cavs now willing to include Wiggins in Love deal


If Love is going to sign long-term, both teams have to do that.


For the Cavs, Wiggins has a chance to be awesome, but Love is awesome. And he, Lebron, and Kyrie are more than enough to win the East.


For Minny, what else are you possibly going to get for him? He aint' coming back. That much is obvious. If you get a legit #1 overall pick for him, you have to. That gives you cheap talent, hope to sell, and a long period where you control the contract.

Honestly, I don't see what the rush is for the Cavs


The rush for the Cavs is Lebron is basically on a one-year deal and wants to run the team and he wants Love and he wants him now.

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Trading a Wiggins for Love creates a two year window. Everything after that is up in the air. It also creates a big three with two poor defenders. Why would Love sign a long term deal before the CBA expires? He'll play the next two season and then, if Lebron gets his way and max contracts vanish, he and Lebron can bankrupt the Cavs.

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Word is Cavs now willing to include Wiggins in Love deal

I badly want this to happen.

Will it make Cleveland a better team TODAY? Absolutely.

But I think 3 years down the line they're a worse off team. They're carrying an additional MAX guy over those 3 years where as with Wiggins you've got a bit more cap space to work with. Plus it seems talent wise Wiggins has a chance to be a top 5 or 10 guy in this league for years to come, meaning as LeBron begins to decline even a bit Wiggin's would be ascending. Instead you'll have a declining LeBron and Love who have to be buoyed a bit by Irving who I just don't see as that kind of guy.

In the meantime, if the Wizards could grab a Durant in 2016 with Beal and Wall just coming into their own....I like that against a LeBron/Love/Irving match up more than a LeBron/Wiggins/Irving one at that point I think.

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I mean the trade deadline isn't till Feb.

You can't give Wiggins that long to show something?

If the Warriors finally come to their senses and add Klay to the deal, then it's a priority but yeah


What if Boston offers Rondo and a couple of the gazillion first round picks they have?

What if GSW throws at Thompson?

Cleveland knows if Love is going to sign long-term there. (And I believe that if you can play your prime with Lebron, well, you do that).


Why do you want to bring in Love in February and try to figure out all their roles in the stretch run? It took Lebron and Wade over a year to really figure it out in Miami.


The best case scenario is that Wiggins is a truly impactful player in three years. By then Lebron is looking at 33. Love is a truly impactful player now.


Yes, defense will be an issue, but it's the East. The goal is to win the East and hope for the right matchup in the Finals. If I am Cleveland, I want to go to the next three Finals. Love, Lebron, and Kyrie are heavy favorites to do that. Lebron, Kyrie, and Wiggins...eh....He's one year out of college.

But I think 3 years down the line they're a worse off team.


In three years, Love will be 28 - smack dab in the middle of an NBA prime - and Kyrie will be 25. And -let's be honest - it's hard to imagine any player in history better equipped to handle the "mid 30s aging superstar" part of his career better than Lebron. He's not going to be Kobe still demanding 25 isolation plays a day.


And there is probably going to be another CBA war before then where I bet Dan Gilbert is suddenly not so opposed to "super teams."

In the meantime, if the Wizards could grab a Durant in 2016 with Beal and Wall just coming into their own....I like that against a LeBron/Love/Irving match up more than a LeBron/Wiggins/Irving one at that point I think.


Seriously, you Durant to the Wizards guys are going to give yourself drug problems if you do not ease back on this.

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Eh....He's one year out of college.


Seriously, you Durant to the Wizards guys are going to give yourself drug problems if you do not ease back on this.

And two years out of high school.


We're Wizards fans. It's probably a miracle if we don't already have drug problems

If you're Cleveland and you have a shot at Love you take it. James/Love/Irving = likely title this year. When you have a chance at a title you take it and you worry about next year, next year.

Agreed. Though it's awesome if they don't win one and Wiggins turns into a star. Cleveland's tears are so nutritious.

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If you're Cleveland and you have a shot at Love you take it. James/Love/Irving = likely title this year. When you have a chance at a title you take it and you worry about next year, next year.


That's my point.


Boston mortgaged everything for Allen and Garnett. And it got them one title and one near title. And it left them barren when it ended.


And they would do it again every time.


This is where Simmons is talking out of his ass. He's convinced that he's Red Auerbach and could run a team where you replace aging superstars with new superstars on a never-ending conveyor belt over 16 years. But he just happily cheered for a team that absolutely mortgaged its future for 4 great years. And he knows that was the right move.


If I am a Cleveland fan, I want to be good right now. I have a two year honeymoon with Lebron and I want to be in the Finals each year.

We're Wizards fans. It's probably a miracle if we don't already have drug problems

Agreed. Though it's awesome if they don't win one and Wiggins turns into a star. Cleveland's tears are so nutritious.


Wiggins is going to be a star. I have no doubt about that.


But Love IS a star. And if this was 1992, he would be in his third season in the league.


And let's not act like Kyrie Irving is a completed product. If this was 1992, he would have just completed his career with back to back national titles at Duke and people would be calling him the most "NBA ready player to enter the draft since Tim Duncan." (Or Danny Manning, I guess, since Duncan was in high school in '92. I'm caught in a time warp here).

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You don't really believe that Atlanta, Miami, or Charlotte are as good as we are do you?  I'm not being a homer, I'm being realistic.  Unless Kevin Love ends up in Cleveland, the Wizards have the best roster in the East this season and it's well built, not gimmicky.  If we don't win the SE, it'd be a disappointment.


Just saying, before Al Horford got hurt, they were on pace for a 45-37 record.  Which is about what the Wizards had.


I'm not too familiar with the Hawks developing youth, but I'd guess the Wizards have them beat there.  This is ultimately the factor that should decide everything.  Also, does Wittman actually play GR Jr and Otto?  Glen Rice looked decent enough to warrant more minutes for development as a rookie, yet he only played in 11 games, and only got 10 minutes per game in those 11 games.  Otto was shelved for a lot, except in a few cases of garbage time.  (Just checked, and I know +/- isn't everything, but GR. Jr had a net positive +/- in his 11 games)


The Wizards bench last season played terribly.  It was better after acquiring Andre Miller, but I feel like Wittman deserves some blame for the poor bench play.  I feel like Wittman gets bailed out by Miller's massive 15 year experience in the league (or whatever it is), and by Wall's excellence.


I feel like the Wizards should win 50ish games, they should have a deeper bench with exciting young pieces.  But Wittman could also hold them back while riding Pierce into the ground.


Right now, for next season (when compared to the Wizards)...I think Miami's worse.  I think Atlanta's worse.  I don't know what to think about Charlotte, they should be a bit better than last season, but I think they'll be a bit worse than Washington.


Also in the division (although divisions in the NBA are stupid and pointless) is Orlando.  I really liked their draft.  Payton and Gordon pared with Oladipo and Vucevic has a ton of potential.  They're not even close to playoff contention next season, but the season after...who knows?

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