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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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A couple of things...


1.  Today is the 10 year anniversary of the "Malice at the Palace."  A brawl that forever changed the landscape of the NBA.  Here's a fantastic article (from two years ago) by Jonathan Abrams, who, along with Zach Lowe, are two of the best basketball writers on the planet.  I'm not kidding.


The Malice at the Palace

An oral history of the scariest moment in NBA history


2.  Lebron not happy with all the minutes he's logging...dude has a point. 


LeBron James wants PT reduced


In Miami, Spo had Riley's support...In Cleveland, Blatt has who?  If they are still up/down by the start of the new year, there is no way Blatt is coaching this squad past 1/15/15. 

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Malice at the Palice was terrible, horrible, unacceptable and whatever other bad things you prefer. But it's one of the most entertaining bits of sports tape ever made because it's something that just simply is never supposed to happen, that did. Especially the part where that one fat fan, riding high on liquid courage, decides to square up on a player and just gets dropped.

Reminds me of that tangent we all explored a while back about who thought they could beat an NBA player in a fight. LKB seemed to really enjoy demanding everyone's size and weight.

Edited by Destino
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Steve Buckhantz has always hinted at, if not outright said, that LeBron is the biggest egotistical douche he's ever been around and he can't stand him.

Also heard an interview a few years back (ugh. I'm turning into Larry in my old age) with some local who used to call Mason games. Said the team was in Cleveland for a game and the day before they got tickets to the Cavs game. So after the game they were invited into the locker room to meet the players, particularly LeBron. So he said LeBron talked to them there were folks literally dressing LeBron. Like he would hold his arms out and they'd rub lotion on them, lift his foot up and they'd put a sock on, other foot, sock, then shoes, tied them. So on and so forth. Said it was the weirdest and most douchey thing he'd ever seen. Imagined that's how royalty lived in 18th century Europe or something

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Does Duncan count as international?

Speaking of internationalI player, I wish the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union had collapsed about five years sooner. I think we really missed out on something special by getting a Sabonis that was already on his third set of knees. Heard so many stories about how ****ing awesome he was.

Yeah, he might be ahead of Hakeem if we got a full career from him.

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Steve Buckhantz has always hinted at, if not outright said, that LeBron is the biggest egotistical douche he's ever been around and he can't stand him.

Also heard an interview a few years back (ugh. I'm turning into Larry in my old age) with some local who used to call Mason games. Said the team was in Cleveland for a game and the day before they got tickets to the Cavs game. So after the game they were invited into the locker room to meet the players, particularly LeBron. So he said LeBron talked to them there were folks literally dressing LeBron. Like he would hold his arms out and they'd rub lotion on them, lift his foot up and they'd put a sock on, other foot, sock, then shoes, tied them. So on and so forth. Said it was the weirdest and most douchey thing he'd ever seen. Imagined that's how royalty lived in 18th century Europe or something

Lebron doesn't strike me as a bad guy but he has always appeared to behave like a very image conscious urban aristocrat, which isn't a vibe I get from athletes very often. It's something you see in extremely wealthy executives of tech firms. Like new money trying to behave as they think old money would, but lacking the refinement that comes from a life raised by the best employees cold absent parents could afford. It's not entirely dissimilar to Dan Snyder's important man routine, but in Lebron it's offset by the presence of a real human personality and a life that requires constant human interaction and hard work.

I'll take Earl Boykins. You guys get the rest.

I'd be at a safe distance with my phone out screaming "world star!" and giggling like an idiot.

Edited by Destino
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Malice at the Palice was terrible, horrible, unacceptable and whatever other bad things you prefer. But it's one of the most entertaining bits of sports tape ever made because it's something that just simply is never supposed to happen, that did. Especially the part where that one fat fan, riding high on liquid courage, decides to square up on a player and just gets dropped.

Reminds me of that tangent we all explored a while back about who thought they could beat an NBA player in a fight. LKB seemed to really enjoy demanding everyone's size and weight.

I know some people that need zero alcohol and would still do the same thing. Crazy. And again, like I said in that argument you're referencing, it's not pro athletes are superior gifted fighters as well, but in a fight between two non fighters, I'm taking g the gigantic, pissed off, incredibly strong and quick athlete vs pudgy Bill Brimsley who works at Meineke.

unfortunately for the drunk dude at the palace, he picked a gigantic, pissed off, incredibly strong and quick athlete, who probably sees demons everywhere he looks, and can fight on top of it.

He could've been beaten to death

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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In Miami, Spo had Riley's support...In Cleveland, Blatt has who? If they are still up/down by the start of the new year, there is no way Blatt is coaching this squad past 1/15/15.

Blatt's not going anywhere, guy was one of the most respected coaches in the game before he even got to the NBA. There's no way he's being canned halfway into his first season.

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Blatt's not going anywhere, guy was one of the most respected coaches in the game before he even got to the NBA. There's no way he's being canned halfway into his first season.


I think you're severely underestimating Lebron's pull.  Blatt's international resume doesn't mean squat in the grand scheme of things...ESPECIALLY if he has a supposed NBA Finals contender sputtering for longer than it should.

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If you want an endlessly entertaining few minutes, do a Google search of "Steven Jackson" and Dan Lebatard. He's talked to Lebatard a bunch on different shows and they always talk about the fight. And he is always completely honest. And is also completely hysterical.


I think on Monday, they had him on and Dan said, "Happy Anniversary."


They had tape of Chauncey Billups giving his perspective on the fight and how Wallace really wanted to fight Artest and Artest wanted to part of Wallace but Artest had no problem with the fat 5'8 guy in the crowd. Jackson took some exception to that.


The three funniest things:


1. Artest in the locker room afterwards, looking at Jackson and asking, "Do you think we're going to get in trouble for that?" Jackson breaks out laughing and tells him they'll be lucky to still have jobs in the morning.


2. Jackson saying that the dude to follow in the fight is Austin Crozier who didn't want to look like he was running away but actually had no intention of squaring off with anyone.


3. Everyone trying to figure out what Jamal Tinsley was doing with a dust pan.

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You gotta watch the YT version with the John Saunders meltdown on the fans afterwards 




We'll never see that type of brawl again because the odds of finding that many psychos in one space (Artest, Jackson, R. Wallace, B. Wallace, O'Neal, Larry Brown, Reggie, Mahorn) is 1,000,000 to 1 


I actually watched that Saunders meltdown live. I have no earthly idea why I was even watching that game. But it turned into the most mesmerizing viewing experience ever.


The key to that entire thing is that the Pacers had Artest and Jackson on the same team. Artest was the one guy in the league capable of rushing the crowd like that and Jackson was maybe the only dude in the league who would follow him without a moment's thought.

Didn't Ben Wallace grow up on a farm?

You never **** with dudes that grew up on farms, and develop that classic country punching power


In the interview this week Jackson was saying that Ben Wallace "Swoled up about 100 pounds when he got angry." But - God bless Jackson - he seems to think that he would win a fight with Wallace.


Jackson actually seems legimitately scary to me. Like he is absolutely the kind of guy who get killed or kill someone in a street fight because he's just not capable of quitting. Didn't he see his brother get beat to death as a teenager?

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I think you're severely underestimating Lebron's pull. Blatt's international resume doesn't mean squat in the grand scheme of things...ESPECIALLY if he has a supposed NBA Finals contender sputtering for longer than it should.

Yeah look at that long list of coaches LeBron has got canned in his career.

How the hell is "I'm playing a lot of minutes right now and I'd like to play less" translate to Blatt having until New Year's to turn them into an unstoppable machine.

All LeBron has done since coming back is emphasize how much he understands it's going to be a long process To build Cleveland into a dominant force and people still insist that he demands satisfaction now or that he'll bolt Cleveland at a moments notice.

I think you're overestimating LeBron's desire to use what pull he has on canning a damn good coach for playing him the same amount of minutes he's always played a month into the season.

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Lebron and Cavs spoke publicly about wanting to cut back his minutes and rest him prior to the season.  There is nothing surprising about his comments or about his minutes being high early in the season.  Like he said, right now they are trying to figure things out but they won't be going the entire season playing playoff minutes.  In other words, his playing time isn't an issue it's just an update.   

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Wait, what? Is there video of him with a dust pain during the brawl?


I can't find a clip online for some reason, but it's mentioned in every story.


One of the enduring images of the melee was Jackson defiantly storming through the tunnel, flashing his Pacers jersey and screaming at the fans, totally unafraid as people dumped drinks on him. O’Neal took the experience a little more personally, lunging for a fan who had tossed a drink his way before getting pulled away by Wesley and others. Another Pistons fan threw a chair in the general vicinity of a few exiting Pacers. Jamaal Tinsley left the court through the tunnel and returned holding a dustpan over his head, but was turned away before inflicting any damage. It seemed improbable that every Pacers player and coach would make it through the tunnel, but they did.



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