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Which retro Nintendo game console is the best?


Best retro Nintendo game console  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Best retro Nintendo game console?

    • Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Nintendo 64

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I'm taking NES and games like Punch-Out & Duck Hunt every day of the week.  However, I would love to have a N64 just to play Goldeneye 007.


It's ironic you said this because just earlier today I overheard two guys talking about playing Goldeneye and it took me back to the good ole days. What a great game for its time. 

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Let's see.....



Dragon Warrior I - IV




Kid Icarus


Ultima: Quest of the Avatar

Mega Man 2

Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse

Super Mario Bros. 3

The list goes on and on. Yeah....... I'll take the NES.

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I'd say super nes just barely over the NES with N64 in last. All are great though and super NES wins it for me because it was the golden age of console RPGs and square and the platformers were upgraded NES versions. Lots of the newer indie games go back to the SNES era on steroids as well.

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I actually think the N64 is a pretty big step down from the SNES.  The SNES game library is massive and loaded with classics on par with stuff like Super Mario 64.  Ocarina of Time may be the best game ever but A Link to the Past is right behind.

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My favorite games are all on SNES and N64. The SNES improved every aspect of the NES which is why I think it was better. The games were in a perfect sweet spot of difficulty and challenge and the frustration of bad controls wasn't present either like it was on a lot of NES games.

The N64 has true classics as well though and some of my fondest gaming memories are foraying into 3D on the N64. man that might be a toss up. It's a really tough choice.

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I actually think the N64 is a pretty big step down from the SNES.  The SNES game library is massive and loaded with classics on par with stuff like Super Mario 64.  Ocarina of Time may be the best game ever but A Link to the Past is right behind.

I agree for the most part. THe N64 had some landmark games and experiences but the sheer volume and awesomeness of the SNES is what made me vote for it

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I'd have a hard time choosing one.  I have very distinct, fond memories of each one.


NES: Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 and 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Contra, Robin Hood

SNES: Playing Super Mario Bros. for hours with my best friend growing up, including pulling an all-nighter right before he had a big soccer game.  (His parents weren't too happy about that.)  Just about the same thing with Donkey Kong.


N64: Playing the crap out of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark in high school.  Not to mention Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Brothers.

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I'd go with N64, that's what I played when I was 8-teen years. So I have my fondest memory with that system.

What I loved about SNES was all the games, and so many off the wall ones. I still remember trying to play this stupid game called Super Alfred Chicken, and it frustrating me so often.

Games aren't difficult like they used to be in SNES/NES era. I don't know if it was because I was young and my skills were probably bad, or because they were trully difficult. I still have my SNES and N64, and still in great condition, I might break it out soon and see if I can beat some of the games I never could.

Also I have found I am completely incapable of playing FPS on N64 with only one joystick, I have no idea how I used to be able to do it lol.

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I agree for the most part. THe N64 had some landmark games and experiences but the sheer volume and awesomeness of the SNES is what made me vote for it

For every good N64 game there are 5 good SNES games.  N64 had no 3rd party support because of Nintendo's decision to stick with cartridge.  Once you get out of Nintendo-made games, N64's library is incredibly inferior to SNES, and the graphics have aged much worse to boot.

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It's a toss up for me between the NES and SNES.  I have a lot of nostalgia for both.  I thought the NES was amazing when I first got it.  After playing the Atari 2600 for several years, I thought the NES had jaw dropping graphics when it came out lol.  I remember my friend was the first in the neighborhood to get the NES.  He was playing Metroid and I was just mesmerized by the game play.  I remember I was a bit baffled looking at the NES controller.  I was so used to joysticks on the Atari and in arcades, that I thought using your thumb on a pad was weird.  Of course after I got my NES, I got used to it quickly.



I also have the N64.  I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as the first two systems.  The N64 had some games I love though, like Golden Eye, Shadowgate 64, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire, and the Zeldas.

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Also I have found I am completely incapable of playing FPS on N64 with only one joystick, I have no idea how I used to be able to do it lol.

The four yellow arrow "c" buttons functioned the same as the right stick does now.

Did any of you play Star Wars pod racer on n64? That ame doesn't get the credit for awesomeness it deserves.

N64 changed the game, too. Nintendo has a way of doing that.

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For you NES fans has anyone played Sweet Home? It wasn't released here but you can get a rom with English translation. It was the game the first resident evil tried to emulate and is truly ahead of its time. Check it out def one of the best games on NES and not many know of it. Has perm death for characters that die and is a hybrid action/rpg/puzzles. If you have no interest in playing it but want a run down of it google happy video game nerd sweet home.

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For you NES fans has anyone played Sweet Home? It wasn't released here but you can get a rom with English translation. It was the game the first resident evil tried to emulate and is truly ahead of its time. Check it out def one of the best games on NES and not many know of it. Has perm death for characters that die and is a hybrid action/rpg/puzzles. If you have no interest in playing it but want a run down of it google happy video game nerd sweet home.

Hmmm, I never heard of it.  It sounds like it might be one of those awesome under the radar games.  I'll have to check it out.  Another awesome game for the NES that wasn't real popular at the time was Rygar.  I thought Goonies II was a real good NES game also.

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Hmmm, I never heard of it. It sounds like it might be one of those awesome under the radar games. I'll have to check it out. Another awesome game for the NES that wasn't real popular at the time was Rygar. I thought Goonies II was a real good NES game also.

I had rygar, Mario duck hunt with my brand new NES December 87. Rygar has awesome music! When I first played the game I didn't know to level up and that turtle in the woods always rocked me and frankly scared the crap out of me for some reason. Grew up a little, got smarter and realized you needed to farm Xp so beat it. Back then no instant guides if wasnt in Nintendo power or you knew someone with the answers you had to figure it out yourself. I feel that is a MAJOR issue with games of today. Goonies II was great too although got tiresome hitting every wall with your fist and hammer looking for secrets. Sweet home didn't make it here from Japan because it was super graphic and would have never passed nintendos approval system so i don't even think they tried. It's an awesome game def worth trying for the first time in 2013.

Ah there we go finally logged in from a PC instead of iphone so can post links videos. Skip a min in past the intro but yeah this game is worth a play if you can handle old games.

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