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NFL.com: Advantage Campbell? Weeden reportedly outplayed at OTAs

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He won some games early on before getting hurt...so what? He won several games against division rivals under Zorn before teams realized they just needed to send in an extra blitzer, bump Moss and double cover Cooley, and Campbell would dump off. Look how that played out.

I'm going to quibble with this statement. I could give a rat's ass about JC, honestly. I had high hopes for him, they didn't pan out, and he wore out his welcome. I was happy when Shanahan traded for McNabb, because that meant one way or another, JC wouldn't be starting.

However, this statement has some issues:

1. The 'Skins team that you are referencing is the 2008 Zorn team.

2. They had bumpkis on the OL that year. Rabach was done, Samuels got hurt. I think (though I could be wrong) Heyer was lining up at RT, maybe even LT at times.

3. They had no playmakers left. Moss wasn't a #1. Cooley was a really solid TE. Portis was a good back. They had NOTHING else. ARE was the #2 wideout, Kelly was hurt, Thomas was hurt, and Davis was still sleepy.

4. Zorn, on average, called 1/3 of the pass plays as screens. Where the ball was designed to be thrown behind the LOS.

5. The scheme and talent was SO bad, I am shocked it took 8 games for teams to figure out that if you blized 1 guy, bumped moss and covered Cooley, there was nowhere else to go with the ball.

6. The reason that JC Checked down all the time is because it's all he could do. I watched games with stopwatches. He was routinely getting hit at 2.3 seconds after the ball was snapped. Sometimes it was .7 seconds.

7. JC just wasn't good enough to overcome all of this. are there QBs who might be? Sure. Maybe somebody who can make REALLY fast decisions. But I'm pretty sure you'd still see a lot of checkdowns because when you're #2 WR is ARE, and you really don't have a #3, and it's easy to take Moss out of the game, I'm not sure what else is left.

Look, he could have played better. But the captain checkdown thing irks me because I'm not sure that he had much of an opportunity to do much else. And after a few games with Zorn, I think he started having the same disease that Ramsey had after multiple games with Spurrier. Some type of post-crushing-sack syndrome.

And for reference, in Oakland, he actually did stretch the field quite a bit. The running game set up some nice play-action stuff, and he hit it pretty well. Not great. Just maybe slightly above average.

The more I think about it, the more I think he's the same guy as Patrick Ramsey. Late 1st round pick, big kid, strong arm, kindof slow mechanics. Had a little success here and there, but was ultimately ruined by a horrendous coach in Spurrier. And Gibbs wasn't able to undo the damage.

But, there wasn't nearly the vitriol towards Ramsey as there has been towards JC.

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Cleavland made a big mistake not offering 3 #1's  for RG3


here is what they got instead. So who who trade RG3 for those 3

Trent Richardson
Brandon Weeden
Barkevious Mingo



never draft a Alabama running back in the first 2 rounds as they run behind a nfl line. I would never draft a rb in the first round unless it was a Petererson type. Even then i would have to think about it especially after watching shanhan pull rbs out of the 5th and 6th rds consistently

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Campbell was another victim of fan's insane expectations.


To be fair to the fans (including myself) who had high expectations for Campbell, our Hall of Fame coach traded back into the first round to get him.  First rounders are usually expected to be high-quality starters, not decent back-ups, especially when they're drafted by HoF coaches.  This is why JaMarcus Russell (high first rounder) makes all-time greatest busts lists and Colt Brennan (sixth rounder) does not, even though both had a terrible NFL career. 

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The Browns are just a terribly run franchise. It's almost as if they actively avoid getting a franchise QB. They're completely stuck in the 80s. I'll go out on a limb here and predict they will finish last in their division for the 856th time.

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Meh. Peter King once said Campbell had the one of the best practices of any QB he's ever seen in training camp.

I remember this clear as day. I was on a cruise in the med and found out that we just traded for Jason Taylor and I had a really bad feeling of here we go again. Anyway I went online to read about it and read about king talking about Campbell's "best practice ever".

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  • 2 months later...

Well JC filled in for one series last week. 1-4, 6 yds. And he was putrid filling in for Cutler as the Bears backup(he lost the backup job there last year if I'm not mistaken). No wonder they're going with Hoyer. Jason seems to regress as his career goes on. He's now 3rd string material(at best)

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I think the objective is to Bag It for Bridgewater.

Bridgewater to the Browns would make that team pretty dang good.

Great offensive line, good defense, middling skill players...plus a franchise QB for a change...that's something that the Browns can build off of.

That said...you have to wonder what could have been. The Browns should have selected Julio Jones in the 2011 draft with the 6th overall (I believe) and gone all in with the Rams for the right to select RG...that happens...whoa. Browns would have been the team to beat in the AFC North.

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I believe Weeden is injured


Ohhhhh. That makes more sense. Though Weeden is probably done anyway.



I have a hard time even envisioning a good quarterback in Cleveland. I feel like no matter who they draft, he will be out of the league within 3 years, or worse, a 3rd stringer for the Raiders. Somehow it's just not possible for a QB to be good when he's wearing a solid orange helmet.

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