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Jim Haslett : Time For Him To Show Something ?

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If Haslett isn't let go I'll be taking a sabbatical from this team.

Personally I would fire Allen and hire a GM, then let the GM decide the fate of the staff, but that's me, I tend towards rationality.

I can live with just Hasletts release. I'd have some faith things are getting better if they fire Foerster too, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

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This is Haslett's last season under contract, right? They need to tell him "thanks for trying, but we're going in a different direction" tonight. So when Rex Ryan is fired tomorrow morning, we can bring him in as Defensive Coordinator. I know that is a bit unlikely, considering Rex has an ego and will likely want to field offers for HC positions. 


I don't realistically expect him to settle for a DC position unless he's still available in February/March. 

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Any, and I mean ANY faith I have in Gruden will hang directly on the decision of Haslett, and how long it takes to do something.

whether it be making it public immediately that his contract will not be renewed or worse if they decide to keep Haslett, action has to be taken now.


Any stalling by the FO will speak volumes to the fans of their competence and patience level, not to mention the longer they wait the more we will see other teams snatching up the available DCs looking for work. It simply HAS to be a forgone conclusion on Haslett's future here, if there is a god.

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I just hope losing, or dare I say getting, spanked this game will finally show Snyder and his butt buddies that Hasn't-it has to go, immediately. Just tell us tonight his contract will not be extended. What I wished had happened was that by the start of the 4th quarter Snyder had already hired the moving cew to start clearing out hasbeens office

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As most of us thought prior to the season, Haslett need to go.  Having him remain this season was just a waste of everyones time.  Will he claim Gruden meddled with his defense this season?  Perhaps this year the excuse will be that he wanted to go back to the 4-3 but Allen and Gruden wouldn't let him. 


He's a bum and this team needs to drop him off at the airport with a ticket to anywhere-but-here. 

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Unfortunately, I expect Haslett to be extended.  I just don't have any faith in the Front Office or the coaching staff.  Probably a two year (because of injuries) show me contract with the hopes of getting guys healthy, and 'he did a great job developing young talent' type of talk.


Seriously, this is where I'm at with the Skins.

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Crap, Russell just said that Haslett still has one more year on his contract, so he would have to be fired not to come back.  I'm cool with the firing, but I thought his contract was up this season.

WTF? How could there be confusion on this, weren't we all operating off the assumption he only had one year left? How could he secretly have been extended?

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Crap, Russell just said that Haslett still has one more year on his contract, so he would have to be fired not to come back.  I'm cool with the firing, but I thought his contract was up this season.


From 1/17/14 (link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/wp/2014/01/17/redskins-will-retain-jim-haslett-at-defensive-coordinator/) :



The Washington Redskins will retain Jim Haslett as their defensive coordinator and will look into the possibility of extending Haslett’s contract, Coach Jay Gruden said Friday.

“He has one year left on his contract,” Gruden said in a telephone interview. “I’ll talk to Bruce [Allen, the team's general manager] and we’ll talk to [Haslett] and see what we can do there. But definitely he’ll be back next year as coordinator.”


I found nothing on any extension

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