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Jim Haslett : Time For Him To Show Something ?

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My fear is that i honestly believe that the absolute best case scenario that could come from retaining haslett would be as follows.

We add a few key elements and Our defense stays healthy.

We become a 10th ranked defense or so but our secondary gets obliterated in the playoffs.

Weve seen time and time again hasletts defenses show flashes but burn out and then the excuses come rolling in.

Time for a fresh start with someone who at least has the potential to coach a defense thats consistent


 The biggest problem with Haslett is he doesn't know how to get the most out of his players and he is always 2 moves behind WHEN he does make adjustments.

We all have heard its a chess game, but Haslett waits so long to adjust, and when he does its usually after halftime, when the opponents have made their own adjustments, AND tweaks to counter any chances of Haslett getting lucky and making a good adjustment.

He's pretty much being out-coached and out-thought in most every game, and its not something new, its his M.O.

Haslett not going anywhere.


you're not my friend anymore. :P

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as a refresher, this is what we might be up against.  But I am guessing Bruce weighs in and Haz is gone




the defunct Florida Tuskers saved his job. Maybe we should explain.Relationships are everything in pro football. Beyond raw talent, who you know and who you work with still often defines your career ascent in the NFL. It’s why Jay Gruden didn’t obsess over Haslett’s defense giving up more points than all but one other NFL team in 2013 when Dan Snyder made Gruden his seventh coach in 15 years. The numbers wouldn’t define Haslett to Gruden. They couldn’t.


Because they had history — Tusker history. After the Arena League folded in 2009, Gruden agreed to become Haslett’s offensive coordinator and talent recruiter for a 6-0 team that lost in the United Football League’s inaugural title game the same year. When Haslett left to be the St. Louis Rams’ defensive coordinator a year later, “I told Jay I would help him get the head job,” he said, which Gruden did in 2010.


Sean McVay, now Washington’s 28-year-old offensive coordinator, was the quality control-wide receivers coach for the Tuskers....“Once you work with somebody, and you feel good about them, it makes all the difference in the world,” Haslett said. All the difference.


It’s still surreal to think Haslett survived a purge no other defensive coordinator with his numbers might have survived, that he’s actually still here....aslett actually laughed when someone told him his return was a bigger upset than Auburn beating Alabama last season.


“Crazy league,” he said then. “Never seen anything like this before.”

When he spoke about it Monday afternoon, he added, “Anytime you’re 3-13 you expect [being fired] to happen — it’s kind of the nature of the business. I liked the area. My wife likes the area. I got a son now playing at Indiana, Pa. [Haslett’s alma mater]. But you know you’re still a football coach. If you don’t win, you move on.


“[Hiring Jay] just happened. They hired the perfect guy. And it’s turned out to be a great situation.”...Gruden has never had a head job at this level. McVay is the youngest coordinator in the NFL. Allen clearly gambled on people he knew and felt comfortable wouldn’t undermine him.


It’s even more reason why Haslett’s experience was needed. Now he needs to show his blitzing schemes are as contemporary now as they were when he was the NFL’s coach of the year with New Orleans in 2000. Haslett’s only other coach of the year award came in 2009, when Gruden and McVay were on his staff, when the Florida Tuskers were refining the talents of three men who would become the game-day brain trust for an NFL franchise in need of new blood — a transfusion that resuscitated a defensive coordinator who was convinced he was done.


“I thought I was a goner — I think everybody did,” Haslett said soon after he learned he was officially returning. “Just goes to show you . . . ”

“Show you what?” he was asked then. “I don’t know yet. I’ll think of something before the press conference.” Looking back, something as simple as “Tusker Power, baby,” might have worked.

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If Gruden feels so strongly about HIS buddy Has. Then By all means Snyder SHOULD step in and relieve Gruden of his duties as well.


This "buddy-buddy" crap is getting ridiculous. Gruden thinks he's some hot shot coach and he's not. Go back to Cincy you have worn out your welcome in 1 year! 


Oh and I hope Bruce haven't scheduled a end of the season press conference because he wont be the GM for long as well.


I hope the REDSKINS fan in Snyder come out in full blast starting this morning!!!

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Worse than the stats and even the results is this: This D is also not playing for Haslett.  You can tell because things somewhat improved after halftime when Gruden reportedly reamed them out.  Defensive players for at least the past two weeks have had their bags packed.


They don't believe in him and are tuning him out. They turned it off.

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 Geez, this sucks, because the longer Snyder/Allen wait around, the less opportunities of getting anyone worthwhile grows.


 Unless it is the stall tactic Allen is using to have a scapegoat for an excuse to keep him, which would not surprise me in the least.

 Makes me wanna just walk up to Allen and **** slap him. Don't ask what I want to do to with Haslett, its not pretty.

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The more I'm hearing about Gruden, the more I want him gone. You mean to tell me that he can put RGIII on blast but is willing to protect Haslett?

That is an excellent point.  Gruden directly calls out players over and over, keeps THEM on a short leash, but his buddy gets a pass, in the press, and regarding his job.  Gruden's judgment, with his mouth, the QB rotation, playcalling (running game), O-Line, and relationships is very troubling.  I don't see good times ahead unless the coach and Allen are humbled too.  The relationships give the upper management too much unaccountability.

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The more I'm hearing about Gruden, the more I want him gone. You mean to tell me that he can put RGIII on blast but is willing to protect Haslett?


Exactly. He wants to call out players in the media for not performing, but Haslett gets a pass?


I don't see how bringing back Gruden does anything for this team next year or beyond. Seems to me that he's severed a bunch of relationships with the players here already. If the players have quit on year during your 1st season, why would they want to play hard for you next season?

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The more I'm hearing about Gruden, the more I want him gone. You mean to tell me that he can put RGIII on blast but is willing to protect Haslett?

The difference is, Bob has a lot of things at his disposal to win and succeed, while Haslett is overseeing a talentless and depleted unit. Bob should be playing better than what he's demonstrated while Jim is being asked to do wonders with dogcrap.

That said, I was on board to see Jim extended for 1 more year if he proved himself against Dallas, but since that didn't happen I want both of these clowns gone.

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am listening to Russel this morning, he is super pessimistic about Haz staying.  The D staff is at the office right now.  He thinks we will hear Haz being gone at some point today.  Will see.  I find Russell being good at times at revealing interesting tidbits at what his sources tell him -- he was on the Jay-RG3 dynamic before most others were, for example.   But he often seems wild off with predictions. 

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The difference is, Bob has a lot of things at his disposal to win and succeed, while Haslett is overseeing a talentless and depleted unit. Bob should be playing better than what he's demonstrated while Jim is being asked to do wonders with dogcrap.

That said, I was on board to see Jim extended for 1 more year if he proved himself against Dallas, but since that didn't happen I want both of these clowns gone.



Excuse me?  For years the Skins have spent more trying to upgrade the D than the offense(some of this predates RG3 coming here).  RG3 and Trent Williams are the only major high round draft picks on the offense while the D has been given Rak, Kerrigan, Amerson, Trent Murphy and Jenkins.  Midround picks that have produced are limited to limited contributions by Reed and Helu.  On the D we've gotten Robinson, Riley, Breeland and Phillip Thomas may be able to produce something.  Late rounds do have the benefit of producing Morris for O but nothing for the D.


For free agency Skins have gotten Garcon, Jackson, Chris Chester and Shawn Lauvau.  On D, Hatcher, Cofield and Bowen were all acquired in free agency, so was Hall and Merriweather is just the latest of a ton of free agent DBs we've brought in.

And none of those reasons are ever Dan Snyder or Robert Griffin's fault.


Plenty is Snyder's fault.  So what?  The man's not psychic.  As for it being Griffin's fault I've never seen him line up on the OL or try to play D so I don't see why it should be.

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The difference is, Bob has a lot of things at his disposal to win and succeed, while Haslett is overseeing a talentless and depleted unit. Bob should be playing better than what he's demonstrated while Jim is being asked to do wonders with dogcrap.

That said, I was on board to see Jim extended for 1 more year if he proved himself against Dallas, but since that didn't happen I want both of these clowns gone.

It's hard to believe there are fans like this. It's honestly shocking.

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The difference is, Bob has a lot of things at his disposal to win and succeed, while Haslett is overseeing a talentless and depleted unit. Bob should be playing better than what he's demonstrated while Jim is being asked to do wonders with dogcrap.

That said, I was on board to see Jim extended for 1 more year if he proved himself against Dallas, but since that didn't happen I want both of these clowns gone.

I was under the impression that Haslett was being held back last year. Was he held back this year?

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as a refresher, this is what we might be up against.  But I am guessing Bruce weighs in and Haz is gone


ok if haz is gone for being a failure and not producing, then what is up with bruce staying then?  if you get rid of one then bruce has gotta go! his failures in drafting, avoiding questions, and being a competant gm is totally off!  im done with the excuses from haz, bruce and gruden. and dare i say it griffen. people need to look themselves in the mirror and stop deflecting fault! but that wont happen in todays society. just sad.

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My fear is that i honestly believe that the absolute best case scenario that could come from retaining haslett would be as follows.

We add a few key elements and Our defense stays healthy.

We become a 10th ranked defense or so but our secondary gets obliterated in the playoffs.

Weve seen time and time again hasletts defenses show flashes but burn out and then the excuses come rolling in.

Time for a fresh start with someone who at least has the potential to coach a defense thats consistent


Seriously, I lol'd


We aren't gonna make the playoffs anytime in the near or distant future.

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I say the same thing when I read posts from Bob fans. The difference is, I'm ready to see Jim go at this point. Bob fans, on the other hand, want to see another year of mediocre QB play.


Then I'd add a bunch of ex-QBs who played the game like Dilfer, Young, etc and ex-head coaches among the dummies who also don't get it and somehow think a 24 year old in a new offense hasn't hit their ceiling but actually evolve and that's a normal process-progression -- as opposed to some wacky exception. 

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