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Jim Haslett : Time For Him To Show Something ?

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He's coming back folks.  I hate it too, but as many injuries as we've had and his friendship with Gruden, and the ineptness of the front office, I'd put money on him coming back, and I don't gamble, AT ALL.  I don't even play lottery.

Well, if that's what you would bet money on, I wouldn't gamble either.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Allen silently extended Hasletts contract last year when Gruden came in, because it's unusual to go into a season with a 'new' staff with just 1 year left on your contract. Still there's no way to bring Haslett back next year, he will be gone or the fans will be gone.

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Unfortunately, I expect Haslett to be extended.  I just don't have any faith in the Front Office or the coaching staff.  Probably a two year (because of injuries) show me contract with the hopes of getting guys healthy, and 'he did a great job developing young talent' type of talk.


Seriously, this is where I'm at with the Skins.


knee jerk reaction.  Snyder has brought in many failures.  How often has he given them second chances once they're shown they're no good.  I can't think of many contract extensions.

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I would say it's the timing of that quote is the issue.  In 2014 Jay Gruden says that Hazlett still has a year on his contract.  It's just that it was early enough in 2014 that that year was the 2014 season not the 2015 season

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knee jerk reaction.  Snyder has brought in many failures.  How often has he given them second chances once they're shown they're no good.  I can't think of many contract extensions.

 wouldn't call it knee jerk.  It's just what I expect from my team.  We seem to do exactly the wrong thing every time, e.g. giving up the house for Robert and NOT getting the Oline straight, franchising Orakpo, keeping Haslett after last year.  We all said the same thing last and here we are again, still talking about Jim Haslett.


Tell me there's not a little bit of doubt we keep him again.  I mean we did beat Dallas.  We did have injuries to D Hall, and Coefield, and Orakpo, and Hatcher, and Porter, and the excuses go on and on. 


I hope I'm wrong, I'd love to eat raw crow, hell smoke it into crow jerky, but I have that little faith in the Bruce Allen and Snyder.

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 wouldn't call it knee jerk.  It's just what I expect from my team.  We seem to do exactly the wrong thing every time, e.g. giving up the house for Robert and NOT getting the Oline straight, franchising Orakpo, keeping Haslett after last year.  We all said the same thing last and here we are again, still talking about Jim Haslett.


Tell me there's not a little bit of doubt we keep him again.  I mean we did beat Dallas.  We did have injuries to D Hall, and Coefield, and Orakpo, and Hatcher, and Porter, and the excuses go on and on. 


I hope I'm wrong, I'd love to eat raw crow, hell smoke it into crow jerky, but I have that little faith in the Bruce Allen and Snyder.


At this point, with this organization, I just assume they make the wrong decision and am pleasantly surprised if it works out.

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 wouldn't call it knee jerk.  It's just what I expect from my team.  We seem to do exactly the wrong thing every time, e.g. giving up the house for Robert and NOT getting the Oline straight, franchising Orakpo, keeping Haslett after last year.  We all said the same thing last and here we are again, still talking about Jim Haslett.


Tell me there's not a little bit of doubt we keep him again.  I mean we did beat Dallas.  We did have injuries to D Hall, and Coefield, and Orakpo, and Hatcher, and Porter, and the excuses go on and on. 


I hope I'm wrong, I'd love to eat raw crow, hell smoke it into crow jerky, but I have that little faith in the Bruce Allen and Snyder.


as I said in a previous post, I don't even  see where they could begin negotiating. 

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If this team retains Haslett, I don't even know what to think anymore.. I mean seriously... How many more chances do we need to give this guy? I'm so sick and tired of hearing all the excuses about how he doesn't have the right personnel. Regardless, this guy has done NOTHING since he's been a defensive coordinator. Great coaches get the most out of what they have. You think these idiots in the front office would realize something needs to change when you're consistently producing NOTHING. Any professionally run organization realizes the importance of accountability and it's non existent here. Hell, if Haslett can keep his job with those kind of results, why should anyone else strive to improve?



What's that Einstein quote about doing the same thing over and over again... Maybe someone should send that quote Snyder's way. Moron...

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Hell, if Haslett can keep his job with those kind of results, why should anyone else strive to improve?


Exactly, if we keep this guy, I don't know how to root for this team anymore. I'd be rooting for a culture of guys mailing it in and playing for a paycheck instead of pride. No way I'd be doing that. I'm out if he returns..

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He's coming back folks.  I hate it too, but as many injuries as we've had and his friendship with Gruden, and the ineptness of the front office, I'd put money on him coming back, and I don't gamble, AT ALL.  I don't even play lottery. 


they coached together for one UFL season. 

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as I said in a previous post, I don't even  see where they could begin negotiating. 

I doubt they'd even negotiate.  They'd just extend him through 2016 at his current rate, them you'll get a press conference by Allen later in the week talking about how they expect results and how much they appreciate the fans loyalty yada yada yada, horse and pony show.   


Then Gruden will have his say about Robert and how the team sucked but stuck together and with the off-season coming and draft and developing long term options at QB horse and pony show continue.


Then we'll all come here and vent and curse at each other and insult each other, and the mods will ban people and NNT people, because of multiple "BOYCOTT SNYDER NOW" threads and "Robert Needs an OLINE" threads and "Kirk Cousins IS Better."


Then comes free agency where we will still expect to get another Jairus Byrd at safety or the "Best Olineman in Free Agency" stuff. 



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Someone friggin find out about what Russel said... I'm getting sick right now thinking he was secretly extended or something. 


If Russel put that out there and he was wrong, what an ahole for giving us a heart attack and not verifying his information properly. He has to be the worst when it comes to putting out false info. I have no idea how he's lasted this long doing the biggest no no in journalism over and over again like that.    

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they coached together for one UFL season. 

Which makes them friends.  Ever strived with a buddy and made promises that once I make it or you make it you have the other one's back.  That's Gruden and Haslett.   It's why we're having this conversation now.  There was no logical reason last year other than their friendship and he's supported him all year. 


Even today in the press conference when asked about the defensive staff he talked about how it's not "just on the coaching staff."  I think he really believes in Haslett, which is why I don't trust his judgment as a head coach and think Haslett will be back. 

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It'll make absolutely no sense to me, if Snyder can meddle with the headcoaching and players all the time, but buttons his lip for a DC that has done absolutely nothing in 5 years.. If he could coach and/or develop we wouldn't be seeing DB's looking around confused every damn game.. They may get beat in coverages, but they wouldn't look completely lost.. Every 2nd string QB in the league wouldn't set his career goals against the Skins either.. The dude just can't coach. Never has, never will.. Please KNOW this Dan!!!

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Which makes them friends.  Ever strived with a buddy and made promises that once I make it or you make it you have the other one's back.  That's Gruden and Haslett.   It's why we're having this conversation now.  There was no logical reason last year other than their friendship and he's supported him all year. 


I can honestly say I've never strived with a buddy or anything of the sort.


actually there was a logical reason.  Money.  In a year where Snyder is paying two head coaches, two OCs he manages to no pay two DCs.  Hazlett is 12 years older than Gruden and in fact had already made twice being a head coach in the NFL so I'm not sure their relationship is buddies trying to help each other make it.

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