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Espn: first take Skip Bayless put redskins 2nd in most likely to win Super Bowl in 2013


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They did a segment this morning ranking the top 5 teams to possibly win the Super Bowl next year. Stephan A did not have us ranked( big surprise I wasn't expecting to see us at all). But then Skip came on and said he had a surprise up his sleeve. He put the redskins at #2 and said he was struggling to keep from putting them at number 1..... He had us ranked just above the patriots broncos and ravens. His reasons we all already know them 7-0 run .....big time players coming back from injury (orakpo, carriker) coming back and being up 14-0 on Seahawks before rg3 injury.

Stephan A did say we would probably win the division this year but the Super Bowl was taking it to far....

Seeing all this redskins love really got me pumped for the day

Whoo hook baby can't wait for the 2013 season to start ....

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Eh, I am torn. I am sure the 2012 NFC East Champions will be a hot topic this offseason and you will have two schools, those who believe RGIII will come back better than ever and those who will say he won't be the same.

Old, jaded Redskins fan in me doesn't like the attention but like I have preached on here before, these are not Joe Gibbs' Redskins. This team appears to embrace the spotlight, specifically its leader, and probably is up to meet the challenge of heightened expectations.

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Super Bowl is taking it a little far. I'm still not sold on the defense being a championship defense. I think they'll be about the same, in that 10-6 range.

I'm not so sure. Getting Carriker and Orakpo back will be huge for our pass rush and pressure, which will naturally help out the secondary. You could see the impact the rush created when Rob Jackson started to come along during the 7-game winning streak. You also KNOW this team will address the secondary first and foremost. That was the biggest weakness this year (outside of RGIII's injury). While I don't necessarily expect us to be world beaters (our schedule is brutal and the injury with Robert is still a huge ?) ... I think our defense will be much improved. I think our offense takes a step back, naturally, as a result of the caution around easing RG back in.

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Super Bowl is taking it a little far. I'm still not sold on the defense being a championship defense. I think they'll be about the same, in that 10-6 range.

You know who else didn't have a championship defense?

The Baltimore Ravens.

And statistically, the Giants the year before that. Packers too.

The game done changed. There are few even 1991 Skins defensive squads out there. They are ALL vulnerable and the last SEVERAL YEARS should be teaching us that who is winning the SB is often more dependent on the right guys getting hot at the right time and simply believing it's their year. Flacco still is not elite to me, but he at least turned it on more when it mattered and had enough help from elite players to get over the top. I believe RG3 is a better and more significant player and IF he can return to form (or simply be an even better passer, even if he's reduced 10 percent) then there's no reason our D isn't as good as these others.

I mean, the only reason we didn't head to Atlanta was RG3's injury. the D held as long as they could.

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Super Bowl is taking it a little far. I'm still not sold on the defense being a championship defense. I think they'll be about the same, in that 10-6 range.

Question for you. Both Seattle and SF went into the playoffs with virtually all their stars healthy. So here is the question. Where would we be if entering the playoffs we had RGIII, Orakpo, Carriker, Merriweather, Jackson, Davis, Helu 100% healthy.

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Whether he is saying good things about the Redskins or bad things Skip Bayless does not have a clue what he is talking about and should be ignored.

Furthermore, everything Bayless and Stephen A. say is about getting ratings. They always disagree to keep people watching. How can you realisticly pick the Skins to go to the SB without knowing how Griffin will return from the injury? Niners, Seahawks, Patriots, Broncos are all more realistic picks at this time.

That being said, let's hope Bayless is right!

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Anything is possible. Speculation this early, though, is just a waste of time.

Teams win the big game a little differently these days. Obviously you have to be a good team, but you don't necessarily have to be that "dominant all year long" type of team. You just have to get on a roll when it matters, and once you make it into the postseason, recent history has shown us that anything can happen.

The Ravens this year, Giants last year, Packers before that ... all teams with weaknesses and issues, but they got on a run, they got hot, they gelled when it mattered. If RG3 had been healthy all year ... wow, who knows what could have happened, even with the injuries we DID have.

Injuries have destroyed us now for years. That's what we have to overcome next season. Let's just try to get into the playoffs in back to back seasons for the first time since 1990 and 1991. Then we can speculate on everything else.

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Question for you. Both Seattle and SF went into the playoffs with virtually all their stars healthy. So here is the question. Where would we be if entering the playoffs we had RGIII, Orakpo, Carriker, Merriweather, Jackson, Davis, Helu 100% healthy.

But if you're playing it conservative, you gotta assume injuries. Well, you don't, but I do. :) Banking on perfect health is a dicey proposition.

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Question for you. Both Seattle and SF went into the playoffs with virtually all their stars healthy. So here is the question. Where would we be if entering the playoffs we had RGIII, Orakpo, Carriker, Merriweather, Jackson, Davis, Helu 100% healthy.

There are obviously a lot of other factors in play but we could easily be planning a parade for this afternoon imo.

That is why I don't necessarily think defense is as huge a concern as others think. They played well down the stretch and add to that the returning players from injury and an improvement here and there in the offseason and they are a very solid group.

The model for winning a SB is pretty easy. Top 20 statistical defense that can get after the passer or cause turnovers and a top level offense. We basically have those already not including draft picks and FA signings that could put us over the top.

I guess the biggest question mark is RG3 and how he comes back. If he is ready to go full speed with no lingering mental lack of confidence in his knee come October and we aren't 0-4 we should have a great chance at the playoffs again. Once you are there, anything can happen especially when you have a player/leader as dynamic as Griffin is.

Its about to get real, real fun...

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But if you're playing it conservative, you gotta assume injuries. Well, you don't, but I do. :) Banking on perfect health is a dicey proposition.

I am not banking on complete health but on the other hand to say SF or Seattle or Denver or whatever other team has more chance than us you kind of saying the same thing, in otherwords their QBs will be healthy there best pass rusher will be healthy and their best FS and SS will be available.

I don't pay much attention to Bayless but I can't argue his point either. Going into the playoffs with a completely healthy RGIII and a completely healthy Orakpo I just don't see how they beat us. My point is if every one of our players is healthy entering the playoffs I love our chances against any NFC team.

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I'll consider us fortunate if we get back to the playoffs.

Robert's knee in question, a brutal schedule, we're now on everyone's radar, teams have a full offseason to study our offense. The Giants and Saints are sure to bounce back.

Winning the NFC East/a wild card is not a foregone conclusion just cause we pulled it together this year.

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I'll consider us fortunate if we get back to the playoffs.

Robert's knee in question, a brutal schedule, we're now on everyone's radar, teams have a full offseason to study our offense. The Giants and Saints are sure to bounce back.

Winning the NFC East/a wild card is not a foregone conclusion just cause we pulled it together this year.

all true but here is something we haven't considered. with all the injuries our backups did a great job stepping in. Thus next year they have experience so at the very least we will have a more well rounded team that many of our rivals. Hell some of us are even comfortable with Cousins starting a few games in order for RGIII to get to 100% healthy. Question is how many other teams can say that? Can the Giants lose Manning and still be viable? or Seattle? Can they lose their best pass rusher, both safeties, and starting TE?

don't doubt our team people, this is not the Redskins of old. They have tasted victory and are battle harden.

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How can you realisticly pick the Skins to go to the SB without knowing how Griffin will return from the injury?

Because I think our offense will be fine with Cousins at QB. Think about Shanahan's offenses once things are established. They work and they produce. If we improve our defense to a top-15 unit, I think we are a legitimate contender.

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all true but here is something we haven't considered. with all the injuries our backups did a great job stepping in. Thus next year they have experience so at the very least we will have a more well rounded team that many of our rivals. Hell some of us are even comfortable with Cousins starting a few games in order for RGIII to get to 100% healthy. Question is how many other teams can say that? Can the Giants lose Manning and still be viable? or Seattle? Can they lose their best pass rusher, both safeties, and starting TE?

don't doubt our team people, this is not the Redskins of old. They have tasted victory and are battle harden.

Well said. The experience a lot of the guys earned this year will only make us better. We aren't very far away which is staggering to me since the only Redskins I have ever known were always a parting-of-the-red-sea away from a SB.

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Robert's knee in question, a brutal schedule, we're now on everyone's radar, teams have a full offseason to study our offense. The Giants and Saints are sure to bounce back.

The Giants are sure to bounce back? From what? Finishing 9-7? From getting beat by us?

They've done that two years in a row. The only difference between this year and last year is that another team in the division (namely, us) was capable of winning 10 games.

When's the bounce going to happen, exactly?

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Because I think our offense will be fine with Cousins at QB. Think about Shanahan's offenses once things are established. They work and they produce. If we improve our defense to a top-15 unit, I think we are a legitimate contender.

This is how I feel. I think with Cousins as QB, our offense would still produce. I t might not be as powerful, but effective nonetheless...

With that being said, I don't know how we will fare this year. At this point I don't even know who will be on the team. I am not going to use stuff that happened last year to predict next year.

Hey, Walterfootball.com has us winning it all next year (by way of his NFL Draft where we're slated to select at the #32 slot with the Rams picking of course). Since they're going there I'm banking it! :silly:

I saw that. It kind of caught me off guard.

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