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How is RGIII? (merged)

Crazed Bengal

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Hello, my name is Dr. Extremeskinsfan.  And I know all about surgery better than Dr. Andrews.  Please believe me and not him.  I'm a professional, because...I stayed at...like...a Holiday Inn Express last night. 


<_<  ignorant misinformed media and fans about his surgery.

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Some of  you people are just too funny. You WANT to argue. You LOVE to argue. Somebody can say a player is having surgery, and some of you will say "hey, they didn't use a knife, that was a laser so techinically it wasn't surgery".


I love to talk football. I love to talk Redskins. I love to make predictions on what I see. I don't particularly love arguing about stupid things. Since I am not a DR. and since I wasn't in the operating room, I will tell you what I know for sure. Rg3 according to reports from everywhere, had surgery on BOTH knees. He had some work done on his ACL which actually involved some CUTTING of some sort.


Now perhaps you will argue that the "cutting" was called shaving or trimming or whatever. Argue that point with someone else. Go get into a gunfight with somebody over it and get your head blown off if you want. Most of these back and forth arguments are just plain silly.  But I am just one of those guys who has been a Skins fan for a lot longer than most of you and it just seems that over the years these Redskins forums have DETERIORATED into **** forums and argue forums instead of friendly confines for fans of the team.


However, having worked in the mental health field, I can tell you that there appears to be a worsening of the emotions with all of the drugs and chemicals being pumped into people by the food and pharmaceutical industries. Perhaps those of us who actually have stable lives and a grasp of logic, can understand that all of this sports talk does not have to generate such argumentative hate and emotional outbursts that are frequently displayed here on this site. The  big question is just this: why can't we just enjoy each others company and state some opinions without some folks reacting as though precise wording is a matter of life and death.


p.s. I linked an article in which Dr. Andrews is reported to talk about his torn ACL surgery...and I still have not seen one of you put a link in here which contradicts that statement. and seriously, just to see what you are talking about I would enjoy researching it.

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Some of  you people are just too funny. You WANT to argue. You LOVE to argue. Somebody can say a player is having surgery, and some of you will say "hey, they didn't use a knife, that was a laser so techinically it wasn't surgery".


I love to talk football. I love to talk Redskins. I love to make predictions on what I see. I don't particularly love arguing about stupid things. Since I am not a DR. and since I wasn't in the operating room, I will tell you what I know for sure. Rg3 according to reports from everywhere, had surgery on BOTH knees. He had some work done on his ACL which actually involved some CUTTING of some sort.


Now perhaps you will argue that the "cutting" was called shaving or trimming or whatever. Argue that point with someone else. Go get into a gunfight with somebody over it and get your head blown off if you want. Most of these back and forth arguments are just plain silly.  But I am just one of those guys who has been a Skins fan for a lot longer than most of you and it just seems that over the years these Redskins forums have DETERIORATED into **** forums and argue forums instead of friendly confines for fans of the team.


However, having worked in the mental health field, I can tell you that there appears to be a worsening of the emotions with all of the drugs and chemicals being pumped into people by the food and pharmaceutical industries. Perhaps those of us who actually have stable lives and a grasp of logic, can understand that all of this sports talk does not have to generate such argumentative hate and emotional outbursts that are frequently displayed here on this site. The  big question is just this: why can't we just enjoy each others company and state some opinions without some folks reacting as though precise wording is a matter of life and death.


p.s. I linked an article in which Dr. Andrews is reported to talk about his torn ACL surgery...and I still have not seen one of you put a link in here which contradicts that statement. and seriously, just to see what you are talking about I would enjoy researching it.

Now at what point in the article did DR. ANDREWS say anything about "a torn ACL"? NOT ONE.


Read it again. All references to a TORN ACL are from the PFT author



And the rest of your elitist-tinged post can leave if you hate ES so much

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y'all are nuts. listen to the coaches, listen to the player, listen to the doctors. these arbirtrary fan-made schedules are absurd for a 100 reasons, not the least of which is RG3 didn't even tear his ACL. Why not let the people with first-hand direct knowledge of the situation make the decisions?

didn't tear his ACL? Was it a hangnail injury or was it dandruff that he had surgery for? I am confused.

No, he did not tear his ACL again.

Also, am I misremembering or are you one of the Cult of Colt fanatics that's been MIA for a while?

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y'all are nuts. listen to the coaches, listen to the player, listen to the doctors. these arbirtrary fan-made schedules are absurd for a 100 reasons, not the least of which is RG3 didn't even tear his ACL. Why not let the people with first-hand direct knowledge of the situation make the decisions?

didn't tear his ACL? Was it a hangnail injury or was it dandruff that he had surgery for? I am confused.

No, he did not tear his ACL again.

Also, am I misremembering or are you one of the Cult of Colt fanatics that's been MIA for a while?

y'all are nuts. listen to the coaches, listen to the player, listen to the doctors. these arbirtrary fan-made schedules are absurd for a 100 reasons, not the least of which is RG3 didn't even tear his ACL. Why not let the people with first-hand direct knowledge of the situation make the decisions?

didn't tear his ACL? Was it a hangnail injury or was it dandruff that he had surgery for? I am confused.

No, he did not tear his ACL again.

Also, am I misremembering or are you one of the Cult of Colt fanatics that's been MIA for a while?

Speaking of MIA, where you been? Haven't seen you around for a bit...

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I'll stick to what I've said from the beginning. RG3 should come back for the DALLAS game. He should not be trying to break Adrian Peterson's recovery record, he should be trying to be HEALTHY before coming back. "Cleared" and "Healthy" are 2 completely different things. If you don't understand that ask Orakpo, Carriker, or Merriweather, as well as RG3 from last year's fiasco.

There is nothing wrong with Kirk Cousins starting the season because if he can't beat the Eagles then the Redskins are in serious trouble anyway. RG3 can take 4 games off, then the 2 week bye to get ready for the Cowboys. With a possible 15 year career ahead of ROBERT, then the Redskins should take a LONG TERM approach for this problem.

Look at those first 4 games. Seriously, with this schedule, the Skins could potentially be 3-1 going into the bye week. If that is the case, why risk the franchise quarterback. Plus, it's a great way to see if Kirk Cousins is truly the number 1 backup quarterback in the league.

I'd be 100% for this approach if there was any reason to believe the extra month would make a difference. At some point, if you are ready, more time doesn't make you more ready.

I'll defer to the medical staff and the decision-makers who still have egg on their face from last season.

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y'all are nuts. listen to the coaches, listen to the player, listen to the doctors. these arbirtrary fan-made schedules are absurd for a 100 reasons, not the least of which is RG3 didn't even tear his ACL. Why not let the people with first-hand direct knowledge of the situation make the decisions?

didn't tear his ACL? Was it a hangnail injury or was it dandruff that he had surgery for? I am confused.
No, he did not tear his ACL again.

Also, am I misremembering or are you one of the Cult of Colt fanatics that's been MIA for a while?

y'all are nuts. listen to the coaches, listen to the player, listen to the doctors. these arbirtrary fan-made schedules are absurd for a 100 reasons, not the least of which is RG3 didn't even tear his ACL. Why not let the people with first-hand direct knowledge of the situation make the decisions?

didn't tear his ACL? Was it a hangnail injury or was it dandruff that he had surgery for? I am confused.
No, he did not tear his ACL again.

Also, am I misremembering or are you one of the Cult of Colt fanatics that's been MIA for a while?

Speaking of MIA, where you been? Haven't seen you around for a bit...

Hey! I'm in and out, do more reading than posting in the offseason now because when it comes to my football/Internet time my offseasons are crazy busy with dynasty fantasy football obligations, I'm huge into that--rookie drafts, college player drafts, blind bidding, auctions, general housekeeping and league business, etc. Takes up a lot of time and cuts down on the non-fantasy message board time I have. Plus, I'm going to be honest, I'm still warming up to the new board here and the activity seems to be way down. I follow the tweets every day and read some threads, but contribute less. It'll ramp up during the season I think. I hope!

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RG3's Dad said the ACL wasn't torn.  Just tightened and stabilized after it was destabilized.  The graft was for the LCL.  This has been discussed dozens of times.  The media is misinformed.

I think you have to be right on that, but RG3 was apparently under the impression a patella-sourced graft was for ACL surgery:


"So I knew when I got put to sleep if I woke up and felt my left knee [where the patella tendon was

taken from], that I’d had surgery on my ACL.”

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I love it when we get a new member who knows WAY more than everyone else and presents information that NONE of us have ever seen before.  It's just incredible how none of us knew that RGIII had an ACL tear at Baylor, that he had work done on his ACL in January, that Kirk Cousins can play football, that he's wearing a knee brace, that he can sit out games and not get injured during those games.


I'm so grateful for someone else having the same unique opinion as everyone else.  It's really refreshing.

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Ok, before seeing that gif, I was leaning towards holding him out until October for the 9month recovery time of the 7-9 months it takes. It's his career after all, not just one season. Kirk is capable. But after seeing that Gif, over, and over. that's promising.


Brian Mitchell swears he has a limp that isn't just his brace, that he isn't planting the injured leg and is compensating on his heel and not the ball of his foot to take pressure off the knee, ie he's not ready. Will he be in 4 more weeks? idk.  He looks pretty dang good in that gif, footwork, change of direction, was up on the ball of his foot, cutting, with agility/quicks like he did before the Ravens game.

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Brian Mitchell swears he has a limp that isn't just his brace, that he isn't planting the injured leg and is compensating on his heel and not the ball of his foot to take pressure off the knee, ie he's not ready. Will he be in 4 more weeks? idk.  He looks pretty dang good in that gif, footwork, change of direction, was up on the ball of his foot, cutting, with agility/quicks like he did before the Ravens game.


That's because Brian Mitchell has an eternal ax to grind with the Redskins, so he'll make **** up when it comes to the way things are handled with our franchise.

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