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How is RGIII? (merged)

Crazed Bengal

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I wonder if EJ Manuel's injury will make RGIII think twice about wanting to play in the pre-season.


what's funny is that Dalton got injured in the game yesterday and they brought him back into the game for a preseason game, but no one cares about cares about him since he isn't RG3

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I find it extremely convenient that the guy who "broke" the RG3 wasn't cleared to play until week 6 happens to be Eskin, a mouthpiece from Philly.


I'm sure he wasn't just trying to stir up controversy in the hopes that we fans would revolt and crucify Shanny for "playing him before he was cleared"


Maybe Tandler should "break news" that Vick is running an underground Black Panther party and he's put a hit out on Cooper...

And that the Feds are investigating him again for Dog Fighting, Cooper is secretly the grand wizard of the western PA KKK, Chip Kelly is going to receive a lifetime ban from the NCAA and Mara is going to come after the Eagles cap next year, since he's already gotten Dallas and the 'Skins.

I mean, none of that would be any more of a fantasy than the story they broke.

what's funny is that Dalton got injured in the game yesterday and they brought him back into the game for a preseason game, but no one cares about cares about him since he isn't RG3

I think nobody cares about him because he's Andy Dalton. He has about as much natural charisma as a rock.

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150 pages? Wow must have been a ton of merging, haha.


So I'm listening to 980 this morning at work, and I hear all this reaction to Jaws's "critique" of RGIII warming up in pregame drills for a preseason game that he isn't playing in, mind you.   His comments were something along the lines of "his mechanics don't look as good as they did last season, his weight transfer off back leg"  Well, gee Jaworski, thank you for that brilliant observation and laying it all out there for the world.  You have certainly opened eyes on the matter and cleared the fog of the situation......eh, not really.


This got me thinking.  It seems like the conversation has been framed as people worried Shanahan might play RGIII before he is ready, football-wise (assuming he will be medically cleared).  As in, he is healthy but rusty therefore he shouldn't be playing.


I sort of have the opposite worry about the situation, which is RGIII being medically and football ready, but Shanahan feeling pressure to make him rest additional weeks to sort of save his own butt from any criticism that will come his way if RGIII doesn't come out and set the game on fire on MNF against Philly.


Look, we all know Shanahan had his part in the RGIII/Seattle injury debacle.  Regardless if you blame him 10%/50%/100% everyone is throwing SOME blame his way. 


And it looks like to me most of the worries from folks regarding RGIII coming back too soon/Week 1 has to do with risk of injury/re-injury and not whether or not they think he can be an effective QB Week 1.


To me this is just absurd. This is the NFL.  Risk of injury is going to be there every single snap RGIII takes.  It doesn't matter if he plays Week 1, or sits out until November or until 2014 to make folks feel extra warm and fuzzy.  RGIII can be completely healthy and ready to play Week 1 and despite all that get injured.  The same with any QB and/or player in the league.   The risk of injury is not going to be magically lifted if RGIII sits out additional time. 


All indications are that he is going to be medically cleared sometime after the Tampa preseason game.  I'm assuming if all goes well and there are no setbacks, RGIII will take over snaps with the #1's at practice long before that to prepare for The Eagles.on MNF. 


If RGIII is medically cleared, AND Shanahan likes what he sees as far as RGIII's throws, mechanics, footwork, weight distribution on his knee, back leg, etc etc....then I am not sure what anyone would be accomplishing by then at that point still holding him out from playing.


I guess what some of you would reply with is that you don't trust Shanahan's evaluation and possibly Andrews's diagnosis either, but I suppose I would counter with what Shanahan has to gain by playing RGIII prematurely.  He has to figure a couple of early wins are not worth a long term disaster.....................right?

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Yeah I've been listening to that too. 


To me the underlying theme that no one wants to address is the lack of confidence in Shanahan to evaluate and/or make the decision.


It's almost as if all these media talking heads want RGIII to not be ready just so Shanahan gets put in the hot seat of what to do...and on top of that they want him to make the wrong decision just to have something to talk about that Tuesday morning.


To me it is just crazy-talk to suggest that Shanahan is willing to do what is not in the team's best interest to win football games. Maybe you think he is not a good evaluator of this, but I don't think he would be internally thinking Cousins is the better option, but play RGIII anyway, but that's what the media seems to want to happen.  It's like they would rather have disaster and controversy than a huge win on MNF....it is kind of exhausting listening to day after day. Keep in mind this is 980....I can only imagine the sky is falling nonsense going on over on The Fan.

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150 pages? Wow must have been a ton of merging, haha.


So I'm listening to 980 this morning at work, and I hear all this reaction to Jaws's "critique" of RGIII warming up in pregame drills for a preseason game that he isn't playing in, mind you.   His comments were something along the lines of "his mechanics don't look as good as they did last season, his weight transfer off back leg"  Well, gee Jaworski, thank you for that brilliant observation and laying it all out there for the world.  You have certainly opened eyes on the matter and cleared the fog of the situation......eh, not really.


This got me thinking.  It seems like the conversation has been framed as people worried Shanahan might play RGIII before he is ready, football-wise (assuming he will be medically cleared).  As in, he is healthy but rusty therefore he shouldn't be playing.


I sort of have the opposite worry about the situation, which is RGIII being medically and football ready, but Shanahan feeling pressure to make him rest additional weeks to sort of save his own butt from any criticism that will come his way if RGIII doesn't come out and set the game on fire on MNF against Philly.


Look, we all know Shanahan had his part in the RGIII/Seattle injury debacle.  Regardless if you blame him 10%/50%/100% everyone is throwing SOME blame his way. 


And it looks like to me most of the worries from folks regarding RGIII coming back too soon/Week 1 has to do with risk of injury/re-injury and not whether or not they think he can be an effective QB Week 1.


To me this is just absurd. This is the NFL.  Risk of injury is going to be there every single snap RGIII takes.  It doesn't matter if he plays Week 1, or sits out until November or until 2014 to make folks feel extra warm and fuzzy.  RGIII can be completely healthy and ready to play Week 1 and despite all that get injured.  The same with any QB and/or player in the league.   The risk of injury is not going to be magically lifted if RGIII sits out additional time. 


All indications are that he is going to be medically cleared sometime after the Tampa preseason game.  I'm assuming if all goes well and there are no setbacks, RGIII will take over snaps with the #1's at practice long before that to prepare for The Eagles.on MNF. 


If RGIII is medically cleared, AND Shanahan likes what he sees as far as RGIII's throws, mechanics, footwork, weight distribution on his knee, back leg, etc etc....then I am not sure what anyone would be accomplishing by then at that point still holding him out from playing.


I guess what some of you would reply with is that you don't trust Shanahan's evaluation and possibly Andrews's diagnosis either, but I suppose I would counter with what Shanahan has to gain by playing RGIII prematurely.  He has to figure a couple of early wins are not worth a long term disaster.....................right?

Jaws is just being a hater to put matters simple. 


Shanahan is feeling no pressure to the kind that RG3 will be feeling on Monday night.  Remember, all of this started and will end with RG3 and what's he taking from last year ie.  displaying that he's learnt how to protect himself from (his competitiveness).


Also, the media appeases to nothing but unncecessary drivel that floats in the hot air.  I was once a Sheehan fan but now he is beginning to become more and more like Tweety (Thomm).  Sounding smart on the airwaves doesn't always mean using your uneducated guess.

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Kevin Sheehan has been trying to stir up a controversy saying RGIII might not play even if he's cleared. Saying he's not football ready. I usually like Sheehan but I think he's trying to make something out of nothing.

Yeah, he tends to believe/look for controversy when there isn't necessary any.  Kinda irks me too.  Like there's always something sinister going on behind the scenes.

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Jaws is one of the people leading the passive aggressive Luck Charge. He is a QB purest, meaning that he prefers the position to be played a certain way. listen to one of his segments and count how many times he says "The QB position position has to be played from the pocket."  This means that when he sees Luck make mistakes, he'll be easier on the criticism, because, in his mind, Luck is "Playing it the right way," where as when it comes to Griffin, he will operate with a more advanced microscope, because he is turned off by his playing style. If the doctors say he's ready, then the dude is ready.

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Kevin Sheehan has been trying to stir up a controversy saying RGIII might not play even if he's cleared. Saying he's not football ready. I usually like Sheehan but I think he's trying to make something out of nothing.


First of all, I like Sheehan a lot too. We probably have to consider that he has 2 hours to fill each afternoon and Griffin is the biggest thing in this town right now.


Secondly, I think there are two percentages that are at play here (as you mention). There is the health factor. To me, his knee being anything less than 100% = him sitting out. I would assume that every normal-functioning person agrees there.


Then, there is the effectiveness factor. I'm much more willing to let Griffin and Shanahan slide on this one. It's virtually impossible that Griffin will be 100% effective on 9/9, especially when you consider he will have taken no live snaps prior to that. But what do you do? He's only going to get into football shape by playing football...so unless he's very low there, I think you have to play him. You turn the page, let him knock off the rust for a couple weeks, and get back to being the RGIII he was pre-Baltimore of 2012.

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RG3 is as driven as any person to play QB in a long time. I am sure his training regime is second to none. So I think he will be effective whenever he is cleared to play, maybe there will be some rust but the only way to get rid of it is to play.


As far as mechanical differences, one would think if he can run and cut he can also plant to throw.


So I hope he stays healthy, plays a full season, and the Skins have a great year.

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Just got an ESPN Alert on my phone that said:


"RGIII practicted against the 1st team defense for the entire practice for the 1st time today"


To me this means that full-on prep for The Eagles has begun today and that means now is when he will be getting the real tests thrown his way in practice.  Also we have hit the point of "if there are no setbacks, he plays the opener" no return.


Get your popcorn ready everyone!

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Personally, I don't think RG3 is ready.


We can defer to the doctor all we want, but the fact of the matter is, the good doctor didn't say anything when RG3 was limping to the huddle in the playoff game before he was finally escorted from the field permanently after that akward fall. Granted, Andrews looked concerned throughout that entire game, which suggests that he wasn't confident in RG3's chances of making out of that field in one piece.


A part of me believes he's being deliberately pressured from all sides into providing a diagnosis favorable to a week 1 return. I mean, imagine how difficult it would be to tell everyone - the coaches, the players, the owner, and the fans - that the biggest star in Washington D.C. isn't ready and won't be for another two months, especially now that everyone's expecting him to start in the season opener?

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Personally, I don't think RG3 is ready.


We can defer to the doctor all we want, but the fact of the matter is, the good doctor didn't say anything when RG3 was limping to the huddle in the playoff game before he was finally escorted from the field permanently after that akward fall. Granted, Andrews looked concerned throughout that entire game, which suggests that he wasn't confident in RG3's chances of making out of that field in one piece.


A part of me believes he's being deliberately pressured from all sides into providing a diagnosis favorable to a week 1 return. I mean, imagine how difficult it would be to tell everyone - the coaches, the players, the owner, and the fans - that the biggest star in Washington D.C. isn't ready and won't be for another two months, especially now that everyone's expecting him to start in the season opener?


If Dr. Andrews had a maleable personality like you are implying then I think he would have been out of this business a long time ago.  His longevity alone speaks to his ability to remain neutral and give proper advice on player health.


With that said, I'm not so sure Robert's going to be healthy come week 1 either.  Just because you are cleared to play doesn't mean you're ready to play.  I'll just hold my breath like everyone else, because at this point it's pretty much all just speculation.  We won't know for sure until Sep 9. 

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Personally, I don't think RG3 is ready.


We can defer to the doctor all we want, but the fact of the matter is, the good doctor didn't say anything when RG3 was limping to the huddle in the playoff game before he was finally escorted from the field permanently after that akward fall. Granted, Andrews looked concerned throughout that entire game, which suggests that he wasn't confident in RG3's chances of making out of that field in one piece.


A part of me believes he's being deliberately pressured from all sides into providing a diagnosis favorable to a week 1 return. I mean, imagine how difficult it would be to tell everyone - the coaches, the players, the owner, and the fans - that the biggest star in Washington D.C. isn't ready and won't be for another two months, especially now that everyone's expecting him to start in the season opener?


Imagine how difficult it would be if, after getting **** from all angles for virtually an entire offseason, Shanahan and Co. have to face the music yet again (not learning their lesson from last time) , and endanger not only their own jobs (and futures) but the future of RG3 and the future of the franchise, just for him to play all 16 this season, when he is in their plans (or is at least supposed to be) for a lot longer than that.


Yeah... sorry, I don't see it. They are supposed to defer to the doctors. Shanahan said from his own lips that even if RG3 were cleared to play by the doctors, that if he felt something still wasn't right, he wouldn't play him. That's on record

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Imagine how difficult it would be if, after getting **** from all angles for virtually an entire offseason, Shanahan and Co. have to face the music yet again (not learning their lesson from last time) , and endanger not only their own jobs (and futures) but the future of RG3 and the future of the franchise, just for him to play all 16 this season, when he is in their plans (or is at least supposed to be) for a lot longer than that.


Yeah... sorry, I don't see it. They are supposed to defer to the doctors. Shanahan said from his own lips that even if RG3 were cleared to play by the doctors, that if he felt something still wasn't right, he wouldn't play him. That's on record


Yeah, well not to dump on our head coach, but he doesn't have a spotless record when it comes to reconciling his actions with his words. What about the USA Today article, in where Dr. Andrews never gave the OKAY for RG3 to return to the field against Seattle despite Shanahan's earlier statement that the good doctor gave him the green light to go back in? One of the two is lying to save their own ass, and it concerns me either way because we either have a doctor who's full of it or we have a head coach who's full of it. If no one is going to take the full blame for that game, then how are we expected to trust the diagnosis on RG3's health, or trust that either one of those two has Robert's best interest in mind?

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Personally, I don't think RG3 is ready.


A part of me believes he's being deliberately pressured from all sides into providing a diagnosis favorable to a week 1 return. I mean, imagine how difficult it would be to tell everyone - the coaches, the players, the owner, and the fans - that the biggest star in Washington D.C. isn't ready and won't be for another two months, especially now that everyone's expecting him to start in the season opener?


Dr Andrews is a professional at the top of his field. He didn't get there because he was afraid to tell the truth or break bad news. He sure as hell didn't get there because he is easily persuaded by people with agendas either. 


If he clears RG3 to play, then he is confident and satisfied with where is knee is, period.


Also, it doesn't benefit anyone in the Redskins organization to pressure Andrews into clearing RG3 before he was ready. Do you think anyone wants to deal with the scrutiny of getting him hurt again, much less the jobs and money that would be lost because of it like possibly Shanahans?


RG3 is expected to be in this for the long haul, he is the golden goose so they aren't just going give the Doc an offer he can't refuse in order to get Griffin cleared and risk further injury. 


Scared, paranoid fans...

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Yeah, well not to dump on our head coach, but he doesn't have a spotless record when it comes to reconciling his actions with his words. What about the USA Today article, in where Dr. Andrews never gave the OKAY for RG3 to return to the field against Seattle despite Shanahan's earlier statement that the good doctor gave him the green light to go back in? One of the two is lying to save their own ass, and it concerns me either way because we either have a doctor who's full of it or we have a head coach who's full of it. If no one is going to take the full blame for that game, then how are we expected to trust the diagnosis on RG3's health, or trust that either one of those two has Robert's best interest in mind?


I'll say this. There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the intial aftermath of the Ravens/Seahawks game, but I find it hard to believe that Shanahan, as a professional head coach, didn't learn a thing or two from last time, and would willingly sacrifice his own future (as well as others) and blatantly ignore protocol, all to play a "Hobbled" RG3 in week 1. It would only make sense to me if he's lost his mind, and is intent on commiting borderline career suicide.

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Yeah, well not to dump on our head coach, but he doesn't have a spotless record when it comes to reconciling his actions with his words. What about the USA Today article, in where Dr. Andrews never gave the OKAY for RG3 to return to the field against Seattle despite Shanahan's earlier statement that the good doctor gave him the green light to go back in? One of the two is lying to save their own ass, and it concerns me either way because we either have a doctor who's full of it or we have a head coach who's full of it. If no one is going to take the full blame for that game, then how are we expected to trust the diagnosis on RG3's health, or trust that either one of those two has Robert's best interest in mind?


You're contradicting yourself now.


First you said you think Andrews was pressured into giving the go-ahead for Griffin to start week 1...


Now you're saying that Andrews is the type of guy who would actually contradict what Shanahan says, and in the press no less, if he didn't agree with it.


Pick one paranoia and stick with it lol...

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