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Open letter and request to the men of the Washington Redskins


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Honestly they should win because that's the point of playing football, not because of incidents from half a decade ago. I'd rather move on from that entire ordeal and win solely to get one game closer to Superbowl 47. And this game will not be easy. At all.


The Seahawks are a very balanced, confident, and consistent team. On offense they are just like us but on defense they are gnarly. It could get ugly this sunday.

They stop the run and they have a lockdown corner. Nice LBs too. Honestly I consider Washington to be the underdog. I don't know what Vegas says because I don't gamble but Seattle's record would have won our division if they were in it.

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Great friggin' post nemocystem. I think you summed up a lot of the frustration that we as a fanbase have been experiencing regarding the overall lack of respect the team and RGIII seem to get from the media. It has been excruciating at times to listen and to read the "expert" analysis from some of these folks. You wonder sometimes if they actually watch these games or if they just go off of the ESPN highlights.

That's okay, though, I think this lack of respect is probably what the doctor ordered for a young and hungry team like this one. Better to have the "chip on your shoulder" and "us against the world" mentality at this stage of the game with young and talented players like we have. Keeps them focused on the task at hand and showing the world that they belong when others are not giving them the much deserved respect.



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Great post, nemo! I really liked when you dropped the word 'aplomb'. FWIW, it's bulletin board material not billboard (or maybe y'all say it different out west).


no, you're right....i tried to catch all of my little mistakes, missed that one. i guess not everyone can be RGIII =P

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I don't even know where to start...

Nobody. NOBODY in the Seahawks fan base or media has EVER made fun of Sean Taylor in such a classless way. I think you are full of it!

How does it makes sense for a Seahawks fan to wear a REDSKINS jersey to the game, noneless a jersey with bullet holes?! You're full of it! Please find me just 1 article where the Seattle media pokes fun at Sean Taylor. You won't find any because it NEVER HAPPENED. Just like the Seahawks fans wearing Redskins jerseys with bullet holes at the game never happened.

And I just love the PED comment someone supposedly said a Seahawks fan said. First off Richard Sherman said he didnt take any PED's. If you wanna say he's a liar, fair enough. Are we suppose to cry and boo the guy, I don't know where you people are getting this from? Our other CB did get suspended for PED but so have a bunch of other NFL players. I guess we're suppose to boo him too? Like every other fan base boos their guy when he comes back from suspension.. NOT

I'm stunned that someone actually made up this kind of BS just to get a reaction. Now I'm sure me and my team will get called many names after this post, I've heard it all I could care less! But if you guys wanna be dick heads at least get your insults straight. We're from Seattle, not Iran.

Go ahead with the insults, nothing you guys say will be a surprise unless you blatantly make it up like you did with this BS Sean Taylor story...

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I don't even know where to start...

Nobody. NOBODY in the Seahawks fan base or media has EVER made fun of Sean Taylor in such a classless way. I think you are full of it!

How does it makes sense for a Seahawks fan to wear a REDSKINS jersey to the game, noneless a jersey with bullet holes?! You're full of it! Please find me just 1 article where the Seattle media pokes fun at Sean Taylor. You won't find any because it NEVER HAPPENED. Just like the Seahawks fans wearing Redskins jerseys with bullet holes at the game never happened.

And I just love the PED comment someone supposedly said a Seahawks fan said. First off Richard Sherman said he didnt take any PED's. If you wanna say he's a liar, fair enough. Are we suppose to cry and boo the guy, I don't know where you people are getting this from? Our other CB did get suspended for PED but so have a bunch of other NFL players. I guess we're suppose to boo him too? Like every other fan base boos their guy when he comes back from suspension.. NOT

I'm stunned that someone actually made up this kind of BS just to get a reaction. Now I'm sure me and my team will get called many names after this post, I've heard it all I could care less! But if you guys wanna be dick heads at least get your insults straight. We're from Seattle, not Iran.

Go ahead with the insults, nothing you guys say will be a surprise unless you blatantly make it up like you did with this BS Sean Taylor story...

Lol, yes they did but okay. I mean you sound like the Canucks fans after Game 7 of the 2011 SCF when they said it was the "fake" Canucks fans who set the city on fire.

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I don't even know where to start...

Nobody. NOBODY in the Seahawks fan base or media has EVER made fun of Sean Taylor in such a classless way. I think you are full of it!

How does it makes sense for a Seahawks fan to wear a REDSKINS jersey to the game, noneless a jersey with bullet holes?! You're full of it! Please find me just 1 article where the Seattle media pokes fun at Sean Taylor. You won't find any because it NEVER HAPPENED. Just like the Seahawks fans wearing Redskins jerseys with bullet holes at the game never happened.

And I just love the PED comment someone supposedly said a Seahawks fan said. First off Richard Sherman said he didnt take any PED's. If you wanna say he's a liar, fair enough. Are we suppose to cry and boo the guy, I don't know where you people are getting this from? Our other CB did get suspended for PED but so have a bunch of other NFL players. I guess we're suppose to boo him too? Like every other fan base boos their guy when he comes back from suspension.. NOT

I'm stunned that someone actually made up this kind of BS just to get a reaction. Now I'm sure me and my team will get called many names after this post, I've heard it all I could care less! But if you guys wanna be dick heads at least get your insults straight. We're from Seattle, not Iran.

Go ahead with the insults, nothing you guys say will be a surprise unless you blatantly make it up like you did with this BS Sean Taylor story...

You're right--it never happened. You were there, in their shoes. All of those people lied because..you said so.

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I don't even know where to start...

Nobody. NOBODY in the Seahawks fan base or media has EVER made fun of Sean Taylor in such a classless way. I think you are full of it!

How does it makes sense for a Seahawks fan to wear a REDSKINS jersey to the game, noneless a jersey with bullet holes?! You're full of it! Please find me just 1 article where the Seattle media pokes fun at Sean Taylor. You won't find any because it NEVER HAPPENED. Just like the Seahawks fans wearing Redskins jerseys with bullet holes at the game never happened.

And I just love the PED comment someone supposedly said a Seahawks fan said. First off Richard Sherman said he didnt take any PED's. If you wanna say he's a liar, fair enough. Are we suppose to cry and boo the guy, I don't know where you people are getting this from? Our other CB did get suspended for PED but so have a bunch of other NFL players. I guess we're suppose to boo him too? Like every other fan base boos their guy when he comes back from suspension.. NOT

I'm stunned that someone actually made up this kind of BS just to get a reaction. Now I'm sure me and my team will get called many names after this post, I've heard it all I could care less! But if you guys wanna be dick heads at least get your insults straight. We're from Seattle, not Iran.

Go ahead with the insults, nothing you guys say will be a surprise unless you blatantly make it up like you did with this BS Sean Taylor story...

Right here buddy. From a recent thread on YOUR board.


**** your fan base.

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Its not bs dan you better edit that quickly. In the amount of time it took you to write that awesome post, you could have google'd the info in question, and prevented yourself from looking foolish.

I dont think your gonna last long here, have fun watching your overated team get pounded on sunday.

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Dude (dan), I live in that area, and while there may be the typical exaggeration of some stuff (regrettable as that is) there were a number of awful things that I know happened first hand, and trusted, reasonable, people I know from back east experienced them also. What's really weird is you actually believe a whole (huge) fanbase would just make stuff this up. Think about it. At least one of the SEA radio talk-shock-jocks (KISW if remember right) even did some really tasteless stuff on Taylor.

Some of these events were reported in both our (Puget Sound) local media and other national and east coast media, though as a minor (obviously not to us---Sean Taylor was much loved) story. I don't blame you for wanting to believe NONE of it happened, but whatever our "sins" here may be in some of our fans' attitudes, you do yourself and the fanbase you're trying to represent a serious disservice in this effort.

And I have a great number of friends here in the greater Seattle area (all over western Wa really) after living here for the better part of 30 years who are fine seahawk fans (and I love it here, and the people, and have taken those stances on this forum, too, which aren't popular).

So I have to tell you, this was a major fail on your part. All you did is fuel the anger.

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Nobody. NOBODY in the Seahawks fan base or media has EVER made fun of Sean Taylor in such a classless way. I think you are full of it!

That's kind of a extreme stance to take. Every fan base has its idiots and its kind of silly to claim to speak for every person in a 67k stadium. If fact another thread on this board quotes a poster on one of the Seahawks boards making disparaging comments about ST's "thug life" which is well documented had nothing to do with his passing, so that pretty much negates your point right there.

I wasn't at either game ('05 or '07), so I'm not going to offer up any recollection of what did or didn't happen, but I don't think its implausible that one fan picked up a ST jersey somewhere and thought he was being hilarious by doing something like that. And I'm fairly certain you weren't at every gate at the stadium checking every attendee's attire.

A bunch of people went to a playoff game in Seattle and came back saying some things happened. I have no reason to think they are making these things up. There are road fans at every NFL game. To date, in recent history, the Seattle games a few years back and Cleveland a few weeks back were the only games where fans on this forum reported boorish behavior. Maybe they just happened to be isolated incidents, maybe not. We don't know. But you strongly insist it didn't happen.

As for the conversation about PEDs, I've long believed that pretty much everyone in the NFL is on PEDs and a few guys are getting caught. The NFL is masterful at PR and therefore isn't held under the magnifying glass the way other sports are.

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This is a great thread. I really enjoy the posts in here, but I must say that nemocystem - your post is brilliant! A perfect synopsis of a magical year! Naturally, The Skins are underrated. That's been our m.o. for like, forever.

One thing did get me pissed, above all the other stuff: I just saw a couple hours ago that Washington is a 3 POINT HOME UNDERDOG in this matchup!!! WTF!??? That is TOTAL disrespect by the oddsmakers. Don't get me wrong here; I expect a tough contest, but a home dawg? That's spitting in our Organization's face. Now THAT is bulletin board material.

---------- Post added January-2nd-2013 at 02:41 AM ----------

Great friggin' post nemocystem. I think you summed up a lot of the frustration that we as a fanbase have been experiencing regarding the overall lack of respect the team and RGIII seem to get from the media. It has been excruciating at times to listen and to read the "expert" analysis from some of these folks. You wonder sometimes if they actually watch these games or if they just go off of the ESPN highlights.

Precisely how I have felt for years. What largely passes for analysis from the nat'l press corps [AHEM! ESPN] is laughable. It's so funny because I'm convinced that most of their "experts" have been highlights analyzing not only us, but half the league. I have personally learned more about the state of a given non-sexy team (like a Cincinnatti, for example) through talking to one of their hardcore fans.

(Say what you will, but I exempt Skip Bayless from this. Agree or disagree with his opinions, he speaks with the kind of knowledge of actually having watched the games. He has that kinda 1st-hand knowledge of a lot of teams. I dunno how he can see that many games)

Now that we've got RGIII, the talking heads will pay more attention to our season, which leads me to believe that we will get a fairer analysis of the team overall. To the NFL network's credit, their talking heads are much more knowledgeable of the whole league (except Jaime Dukes--no idea what he's smokin), because it's their product! But otherwise, I've learned to follow the beat writer the biggest local paper covering a given team. Them guys tell ya like it is!

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I don't even know where to start...

Nobody. NOBODY in the Seahawks fan base or media has EVER made fun of Sean Taylor in such a classless way. I think you are full of it!

How does it makes sense for a Seahawks fan to wear a REDSKINS jersey to the game, noneless a jersey with bullet holes?! You're full of it! Please find me just 1 article where the Seattle media pokes fun at Sean Taylor. You won't find any because it NEVER HAPPENED. Just like the Seahawks fans wearing Redskins jerseys with bullet holes at the game never happened.

And I just love the PED comment someone supposedly said a Seahawks fan said. First off Richard Sherman said he didnt take any PED's. If you wanna say he's a liar, fair enough. Are we suppose to cry and boo the guy, I don't know where you people are getting this from? Our other CB did get suspended for PED but so have a bunch of other NFL players. I guess we're suppose to boo him too? Like every other fan base boos their guy when he comes back from suspension.. NOT

I'm stunned that someone actually made up this kind of BS just to get a reaction. Now I'm sure me and my team will get called many names after this post, I've heard it all I could care less! But if you guys wanna be dick heads at least get your insults straight. We're from Seattle, not Iran.

Go ahead with the insults, nothing you guys say will be a surprise unless you blatantly make it up like you did with this BS Sean Taylor story...

...nah. You don't get to revise history now, dude. We've been waiting. Same as with the Rams for all the extra cheap-shots the Rams took on our guys this year... we'll be waiting for the next game with them, too.

We've been waiting for this game. And listen: we play in the division with the Eagles and their fans, the Giants and their fans, and they play in the same division as us. There's always some sort of goings-on, well, going-on. And for US to be offended by another team's fans? Only Seattle and Cleveland (from this year) come to mind. Y'all own that. And now we're asking our team to set the ledger straight.

I can't speak about the PED's. Lord knows some of our guys have been clipped, too. My entire issue is with the way fans and media of your team -- not the players -- treated the memory of a much-loved man on our team, a kid who was putting it all together and we were watching him grow up like he was part of our own family. And then he got taken from us, and then people associate with y'all pissed on his grave.

We've been waiting.


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Even Ashleigh Miller, a junior at Loudoun Valley High School, wasn't spared from the onslaught, enduring a nasty encounter with one particularly boorish Seahawks fan. "He was right up in my face," she said, her blond braid tucked under a burgundy No. 21 hat honoring the late Sean Taylor, "and I'm only 16!"


I have been to Leeds/Millwall/West Ham/Chelsea/Birmingham/Swansea - all REALLY bad places for a travelling (away) fan and even at those places you would be hard pressed for anyone of those hardcore element to pick on a 16 year old girl.

As the saying goes over here

"It just aint cricket"


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