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Open letter and request to the men of the Washington Redskins


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Open letter to the men of the Washington Redskins:

1st: Congratulations!!! It has been awesome watching what you guys have been doing. Really brings back the confidence in the fans and makes someone like me feel like I did back in the 80's and the very, VERY early 90's when I knew if y'all had to take care of business in a game: you would. It's nice to know that feeling again!

2nd: I DEMAND retribution this weekend. My favorite player of all time is, of course, Art Monk. But the guy's jersey that I have and will continue to have forever is Mr. Sean Taylor. When he was murdered, snatched away from us, the Seattle Seahawks fans and media were the most brazenly offensive ****s in the world. The Dallas Cowboys people were incredible... so understanding, respectful, sweet. But those classless idiots in the Pacific Northwest were wearing Sean Taylor jerseys with BULLET HOLES cut into them. Their media was calling him a thug and gangster. And then: we lost!!!! It made things so terrible. I get angry to this day thinking about it.

Most of y'all weren't on the team back then, only a couple of you were. But this season, you've made so many things right for us fans. So many things. Please make this one right, too? I'm not talking about physical harm or anything like that. But their little "magical ride" needs to come to a screeching halt. They've got a dose of karma coming to them and as a fan: I'd like to ask that you make this right. I know you plan on winning anyways... but just know that some of us will have this injustice in the back of our minds and we're looking for some peace.

Thanks guys, and YOU. ROCK. SO. MUCH. !!!!


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It's true. Seahawks fans at the game in Jan '08 were dissin' Sean, saying they were glad he was dead. Unbelievable stuff. Stuff Eagles fans wouldn't even do.

You need to read some of the Seahawk fans' posts elsewhere.....we are making that all up since they didn't hear it. Yeah, we would just do that. No chance any of their fans are scumbags and we have a right to be upset.

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You need to read some of the Seahawk fans' posts elsewhere.....we are making that all up since they didn't hear it. Yeah, we would just do that. No chance any of their fans are scumbags and we have a right to be upset.

Yeah man, whatever. They were all ABOUT talking trash about a man who was murdered protecting his family during an armed robbery. Facts are facts and history is history. I fully expect the 'Skins to take care of their business on the field... I'mma just be thinking about this.


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Man this just makes my blood boil remembering when all this happened. When I was out for work in Seattle I was surprised at how obnoxious their fan base was. Many of them people I worked with who just transformed into different people when talking about their team. Never showed any respect for anyone else, very odd. Different than cowboys and eagles fans, no ounce of mutual respect.

Can't wait to get our revenge.

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Man this just makes my blood boil remembering when all this happened. When I was out for work in Seattle I was surprised at how obnoxious their fan base was. Many of them people I worked with who just transformed into different people when talking about their team. Never showed any respect for anyone else, very odd. Different than cowboys and eagles fans, no ounce of mutual respect.

Can't wait to get our revenge.

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I just want the win on the field. That I want very very badly.

I don't just want to win honestly. I want us to manhandle and maim them. The team is just like the fans. They run up the score like their #1 trying to get a BCS national championship bid. Their fans act like crap. I'm sick of those insecure west coast bird turds.

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I don't just want to win honestly. I want us to manhandle and maim them. The team is just like the fans. They run up the score like their #1 trying to get a BCS national championship bid. Their fans act like crap. I'm sick of those insecure west coast bird turds.

Pete Carroll's running the show. Are you surprised? The second the NCAA caught up with his cheating ways at USC, he fled for the NFL and left his former employer with years of sanctions.

I'm pretty indifferent about the Seahawks as a franchise (except the stories I hear from our fans from '05 and '07 and I've heard from fans of other teams are pretty dissapointing), but Carroll is a scumbag.

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Problem with Seahawks fans 99% of them give the other 1% a bad name

Really though, that is one fanbase I have no problems generalizing. They are *******s, and bandwagon *******s at that. Remember when Spurrier took the Redskins out there? There were like 100 people at that game. Then they start winning, now they're the 12th man and telling us they're glad Sean Taylor is dead

They are the red headed step children of the NFL. They are completely irrelevant. Always will be. Thus, the way they act.

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Here is some more happy news:

Fun Facts ...

(courtesy of Redskins Public Relations)

A Redskins win Sunday would...

  • ... improve the Redskins to 24-17 in postseason play all-time.
  • ... make the Redskins 7-1 all-time in NFC Wild Card Round
  • ... make the Redskins 14-2 in postseason home games, not including
    the 1936 NFL Championship moved to the Polo Grounds in New
  • ... give the Redskins six straight wins in postseason games played
    at home. Washington has won its last five postseason home games
    dating back to the 1986 NFC Wild Card Round. This is the second longest
    postseason home winning streak in team history behind an
    eight-game streak from 1942-1984.
  • ... improve Shanahan to 9-5 in postseason play as a head coach.

Furthermore.... and this is from me...

Seattle sucks on the road. Without that illegal home stadium with the megaphone shaped roof blowing soundwaves at the 50 yard line, they blow.


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I was thinking about the thread talking about the noise level at the Dallas game, but figured I'd put my thoughts about the upcoming Seahawk game as it relates in here:

Many longtime game-attending fans feel that the loudest Redskins affair that has been played at JKC/FedEx was the early 2000 playoff game against the Lions. That season we had started off the year strong at 4-1, then 5-2, but then started to slip. We righted the ship to 7-4 with a couple of big home divisional wins (Eagles and Giants) but then found ourselves 8-6 going into the game to clinch the division at San Fran. We eked out the crown in a OT game we were lucky to win against a weak 49ers team, then came home for a throwaway game against the Dolphins. When we finally played the Lions on 9 Jan 2000, the last significant home game had been a month earlier. But I think the factor of the Skins not having had a home playoff game in eight years, plus the stories of the crowd noise at the Silverdome impacting the Skins in a loss in November, really helped in challenging the Skins fans to amp it up. Everyone in the joint was on their feet at the beginning of the game, and when Greg Jones blitzed the first play and put Gus on his tail, the place exploded, and the atmosphere continued as the Skins built a 27-0 halftime lead.

Fast forward to the present and we have a situation which seems a lot different then that of 1999. This team is hardly limping into the playoffs, as we've won seven straight. Its almost surreal to pay attention to the ESPN crawl today listing the wild card round games and seeing "Redskins" included. Further, the game that got us the playoff berth, division title, and first home postseason game in 13 years was against our longtime arch rivals, at which the crowd was awesome in its very own way.

Now the challenge becomes: how do the FedEx faithful kick it up a notch for this Sunday? I'm sure a lot of us are still spent from Sunday night, but its early in the week. Plus, it seems that it would be tough getting up for Seattle as compared to Dallas. Yes, they beat us at their place in 2005 and 2007, but both of those teams had different stars (Hasselback and Alexander) then today's crew of Wilson and Lynch.

So I applaud the efforts in this thread to hit at the core of the stuff their fans said about ST#21 and also about their stupid stadium. Anything it takes to help whip us up into the same frenzy. After 13 years, I want to go to FedEx on Sunday and make that atmosphere in early 2000 pale in comparison to what the Seahawks and the few supporters of theirs that will be there should feel.

Plus, here's another stat I saw today: The Seahawks have lost their last eight road playoff games. And we thought the Cowboys were a bunch of chokers........

Lets rock!

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i like everything about this season thus-far. not just because we have a QB we can believe in, or because our team is much more balanced than any in our recent playoff history, nor because of our Coach, or our winning streak....or any of that sensical stuff.

i love our team this season more than any since '91 because of all the stuff that doesn't make any sense.

i love that we have won 7 playoff games & are working on #8 against a team playing their 1st of the season. i love that week to week, nobody is giving us any real credit or clamor, or any praise beyond what seems ordinary for any ol' team winning a game in the regular season. i love that the media waxes poetic about Luck & Wilson & then when it comes time to discuss who's better, or who they have more trust in, or who is OROY they all push RGIII to the last place in the discussion. they are citing things like missing games, or the Colts not being expected to get as far as they have, or the Seahawks being the "hottest team EVAR!"

it's fine...i like it.

i like that when they say how the Seahawks are the hottest team, they cite outscoring their opponents 100-godzillion to -476 over the last 4 games & hardly mention the 'Skins winning 7 in a row. they speak on how they ambushed a 9ers team in their hometown in the elements against a QB that's greener than either rookie...playing against these odds, while playing one of the most physical, fast, & aggressive defenses in the league. they say these things & then forget how much praise they were heaping on the Cowpukes Defense prior to our "Divisional Championship," or the Giants before they saw us on MNF, or how many of them picked the Brown to beat us..........yet when all we do is win these games & get better at doing it each week....we aren't as hot as the Seahawks or Colts.

i love that people forget how the Seahawks were being predicted as big-time playoff contenders before acquiring Matt Flynn & how suddenly a guy who beat him out for the starting job somehow wasn't expected to do the same things at the helm & that all of a sudden they "weren't expected to do what they've been doing." i like how people forget that 2 of those huge blowout wins were at home vs. the Cardinals who are possibly playing worse than the Chiefs have over the last 6 weeks & on the road on a neutral field vs. an awful Buffalo Bills team. i love how nobody mentions that while they've looked good in winning, they've forced a ton of turnovers & scored plenty on D while creating short-fields for the offense to score. this is exemplified by Russell Wilson's rather mediocre passing stats through those HUGE blowout wins.......but they are somehow "explosive" & "dynamic" with Russell Wilson at the helm.

i love how in that same conversation, they point to RGIII being "hampered" by his knee. that the 'Skins can't be effective offensively as they want to be with him not being able to run with the same burst or explosiveness.

aside from this being ridiculously obvious...it's overstated. they forget how Dallass tried to limit the effectiveness of the pass out of the read-option by staying at home & not getting sucked-in on the run-fake only to get burned for 200 yards by Morris. that their game plan helped us run off huge chunks of clock & wear down their Defense. that Dallass effectively picked their poison & chose to die a slow, painful, agonizing death......& they still couldn't stop it.

they forget how our Defense was so terrible that there was no way we could hold Eli to 16pts after they ran roughshod over Green Bay, or Romo sits to pee after going off for the last 6 weeks, or how we have routinely created big turnover after big turnover throughout the season to the result of winning 10 games.

i love how they say that this Redskins team was expected to do more than these other teams, as they conveniently make no mention of their average predicted record among all analysts was an astonishing 4-12.

i love how all last week they were making a big deal about the injuries that Dallass has had to deal with on the Defensive side of the ball, but rarely a mention of the losses of Orakpo, or Carriker, or Fred Davis, or Garcon missing the time he did, or both of our starting Safeties, or Cedric Griffin being out 4 games, & Fletcher playing hurt through about half of the season. i mean........sheesh...you'd think we didn't have any injuries as little as they mention it with our team.

but, i especially love how it's going to turn out....or rather, how it has been to this point.

i love that Luck or Wilson will probably win OROY as the media continues to fawn over what they've done as QB's, & keep talking about how RGIII has been lucky to have the coaches he's had with the foresight to build a scheme around his college experience. i love how they keep slighting RGIII's passing ability & our Offense as a whole. i love that each week, each challenge presented vs each team we've had to face...we continue to be doubted. i love that each week since the streak began, the talk leading up to each game by the "experts" has revolved around the team we're playing against. will the Giants cement their championship defense, will Nick Foles stamp his mark vs the pitiful Redskins D, will Romo sits to pee escape his GOAT status, will the Flacco finally cement his elite status, can the Pistol work vs the vaunted Ravens D, will the East teams figure out the Redskins O the 2nd time around.........all of these questions have been answered with resounding aplomb. & still...the questions being asked are will the Seahawks finally win a big game on the road on the East-Coast, was it good for the Seahawks to win a tough one vs the Rams last week, how awesome is Wilson for picking a Seahawks logo out of a hat before he was drafted, how awesome is it that Browner & Sherman will be there to help Seattle.

my point is that all along this winning streak i've noticed a shift in the media. there has been this reserved praise for the Redskins that, given the way they all predict on Sundays says "but we still don't believe in you." it's fine...as a Redskins fan for so many years i can't say i blame them. but i can say that i noticed it. i have to assume the team has noticed it. i wouldn't call it blatant disrespect, i am sure there is bulletin board material here. i am sure that RGIII is thinking "same old criticisms." i can see Fletcher thinking "apparently they think stopping Eli & Romo sits to pee isn't as impressive as stopping this Wilson kid." i can see the team thinking "they thought the Cowboys were facing more adversity than a team that HAD TO WIN EVERY GAME WITHOUT LOSING just to get to this point & we did it in the NFC East!"

out of all this...i see a team with a legitimate bone to pick. i see a team that can look at the trends in the media, the talk about this game & all these games since week 9, & the discrepancies in logic when certain facts are mentioned, like Seattle only losing all 5 games by 7pts or less......(i think we only lost 2 by more than that all season as well & they were games without Pierre Garcon & Fred Davis & everyone dropping passes like they were toxic), or Lynch being too tough for us to stop (as though we didn't hold AP to 79 yards rushing, or we weren't in the top 5 vs the rush all season).

i mean...if they don't have their heads in the sand & they see all this noise as the lot of us do....they have ample reason to be THAT team with the chip on their shoulder. the team that believes they're being forgotten about, disrespected. the team that people are looking at & going "awwww...how cute, the Redskins won the division.....how'd that happen Eli & Romo sits to pee?"

of course...if they don't see all this stuff & their heads are truly in the dirt as they focus on their next opponent 5mins after the franchise's biggest win in 13, or possibly even 21 years...if they truly don't "listen to all that noise," then i like our chances even more.

team of destiny? perhaps...

but this is a team i love & believe in more than any i've seen in a while....even as nobody else really seems to.


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