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Chalk Talk: Five Rookies Made Tremendous Impact, One Proved his Worth without even Playing


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A roller coaster ride, but I've had something this year with this team that I haven't had recently... Confidence. When we went down eight, in past years, I would have written us off. But I didn't even feel the game was close to over. I even told someone on twitter who was upset (I won't label them a quitter, because they're not one, but they were upset) that it "wasn't over".

Part of that is the play from our youngins'. RG3 and Morris speak for themselves.

Crawford made a play at punt returner that Banks hasn't made in years.

Kirk Cousins came in cold and managed to help us win a football game, proving that he was definitely not a wasted pick. That one felt good. I've been defending that pick since day one.

Kobra Kai is tougher than nails.

And that's not even mentioning the play, today, of one Jarvis Jenkins. He played fantastic today. Perry Riley was always around the ball. Darrell Young is always a factor.

But one of the absolute biggest factors, and it can't be measured, is what RG3 did after he was hurt. When he went out, the air went out of the stadium. Cousins came in and threw and incomplete pass, but was aided by an interference... And then out came Griffin. The air came right back into the stadium as he began to lead us down the field. He inspired an entire team, including Kirk Cousins and Richard Crawford to come out and play. He showed what it's like to have a leader on the team. Someone that can even help win games without statistics. It's not measureable. It won't go in the stat line. It won't help him win rookie of the year. But it certainly helps us in the future.

Raheem Morris hugged him, the defense ran over to him. And before he went to the locker room, he had encouragement for Kirk Cousins.

That's not taking away from anyone's play. Our guys came out and balled. But Griffin has an intangible. It can't be seen anywhere but it can certainly be felt.

Hail to the Redskins.

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Well said. The youth is starting to grow up and play with some confidence.

It's a great time to be a fan of the team. We've endured some very difficult times on and off the field. And now, up in Rochester, NY, I see Redskins jerseys and car decals popping up. A Cowboy fan I work with has asked my permission to become a 'Skins fan. I told him yes, on one condition: He holds a bonfire with all of his Cowboy gear and sings Hail to the Redskins while wearing a Redskin jersey to exorcise his demons :)

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Sweet. It is exciting to see some of our homegrown talent produce on the field. It makes it easier to forget the wasted draft picks that we traded away for "veteran" players that wanted Snyder money to only turn around and waste time in a Skins uniform.

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It's a great time to be a fan of the team. We've endured some very difficult times on and off the field. And now, up in Rochester, NY, I see Redskins jerseys and car decals popping up. A Cowboy fan I work with has asked my permission to become a 'Skins fan. I told him yes, on one condition: He holds a bonfire with all of his Cowboy gear and sings Hail to the Redskins while wearing a Redskin jersey to exorcise his demons :)

I think we need pictures or videos as proof of this exorcism. I love it tho.

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I'm glad someone is giving Jenkins some love. I also thought he played great today. It's so tough for a big guy to come back and be the same one year after a major knee surgery. He is coming around, and I still think his future is very bright.

And I wonder if people think drafting Kirk was a good idea now? He was simply outstanding. The main thing I noticed in the preseason was his confidence. He knows he can play in the league. That was a heck of a spot for a rookie to come into, cold, and he delivered with flying colors.

Yeah, and Kai was awesome. Not only does he make kicks, but he makes them look effortless. Hope he keeps it up. We mighta lucked into a good one, and at the perfect time to do it.

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I'm glad someone is giving Jenkins some love. I also thought he played great today. It's so tough for a big guy to come back and be the same one year after a major knee surgery. He is coming around, and I still think his future is very bright.

He hasn't been very good the majority of the year, but boy did he make his presence felt today. Very strong outing. This is the type of game we thought we'd see consistently in preseason last year :)

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KDawg really underlines the importance of Griffin. It's not just in his demeanor or talent, but what he leads people to do who are inspired by him. Remember, he got named Captain for a reason, he said he would dominate and then when eh can't do anymore for the team ON the field, you got guys making plays FOR HIM and coming back to him. So often in football, I see guys just kinda shrug and go about their business or just look sullen after losing a star player like that. I hope he didn't hurt himself going back out but HOW HUGE was it that he completed two passes on one leg?

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It's not just in his demeanor or talent, but what he leads people to do who are inspired by him. Remember, he got named Captain for a reason, he said he would dominate and then when eh can't do anymore for the team ON the field, you got guys making plays FOR HIM and coming back to him. So often in football, I see guys just kinda shrug and go about their business or just look sullen after losing a star player like that. I hope he didn't hurt himself going back out but HOW HUGE was it that he completed two passes on one leg?

I'm actually surprised that's not a story line more people are running with...

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I kind of agree... and I'm not sure if this belongs in this thread, but in a way I think it might and I don't think it merits its own.

This was Robert's first rookie like game. He seemed more indecisive, made some bad decisions, and just hesitated too long. Mind you, a bad game for RGIII is still not that bad, but there were times I was yelling at Griffin to run or get rid of the ball as he was bobbing around with a defender within inches of him. This was not a strong showing for him performancewise, but man was it a gutty and tough performance otherwise.

Hope he's okay... Personally, I'd lean towards caution with the kid. If it's close, let Cousins or Grossman start against the Browns and let him heal for a week.

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KD, thanks for mentioning Jarvis Jenkins along with the rest, I was watching him have a real impact today and hoping that he'd get some love here, he earned it.

I've been critical of the kid. But man did he look good quite a few times today. Looked like the 2011 preseason version! Fun to watch!

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I don't know if it's just me, but it sure seemed like that TFL by Jenkins on Ray Rice changed the atmosphere. He just blew through and drilled Rice. The D seemed very energized by that. Excellent game by the entire team though. RG3 is iron man. Taking shot after shot and keeps going.

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Burgold, I agree. Several times I was screaming for him to unload the ball. I think this was his shakiest overall game other than maybe the Panther game. I think some of it might be that he's only passing from the zone read or play action situation, which seems to cut down on the receivers he can throw to. He also had a couple bad throws.

When he got into obvious passing situations and we didn't try to fool Baltimore with play fakes, he seemed more decisive. I think next year we will ween him off of the zone read fake passing game. It's pretty fun to watch him when he's just slinging it and I think he has all the talent to excel in those situations.

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Can we finally all just agree and get behind Mike and this rebuild no matter what speed bumps we hit? Would be nice. :)

I'll get behind Mike's rebuild through youth. Thats what I (and many others) have been calling for for such a long time. Sad that a lot of the guys who have been hurting us this year have been free agent pick ups.

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It's a great time to be a fan of the team. We've endured some very difficult times on and off the field. And now, up in Rochester, NY, I see Redskins jerseys and car decals popping up. A Cowboy fan I work with has asked my permission to become a 'Skins fan. I told him yes, on one condition: He holds a bonfire with all of his Cowboy gear and sings Hail to the Redskins while wearing a Redskin jersey to exorcise his demons :)

that's pretty funny.

To the point of the youth gelling... it's unreal. These guys learning how to finish the way they are... coupled with the coaches (namely Haz) making good adjustments at half time... this is a good team. And man are they fun to watch.

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At this point, anything less than playoffs will be a tremendous disappointment. That said, after the dust settles, if we continue to play relatively well... we have a LOT to look forward to. We went from Shanahan apparently giving up on the year to winning four in a row and completely changing the vibe. This is not the same Redskin team. We're building something special here.

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