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Westbrook hates: Beer Snobs and Hipsters with their stupid goddamn IPAs


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In my opinion, the hoppy IPA trend that is going on in microbrews is annoying. While taste is something which I won't argue is right or wrong, there is a market which exists which would most certainly like a wider selection of craft pilsners, hefeweizens, lagers, and even ales which are not simply a hop explosion. The part about a hop explosion is my opinion. Many people find the word "hops" to be synonymous with "flavor". To them, they want to really taste a hoppy beer because it is the only beer which tastes good to them. I believe this is acquired over a period of time and not a natural reaction. Becoming accustomed to extremely hoppy and bitter beers may raise one's appreciation for subtleties within that style of beer, but may make the flavor and subtleties of a perfectly crafted hefeweizen taste bland and nonexistent. It's sort of like the difference between someone who drinks coffee black and people who drink coffee with cream and sugar. The black coffee drinkers will be talking about the massive differences between the quality/grade of whichever expensive and mystical coffee beans they managed to get their hands on from the depths of Colombian jungles or the heights of their mountains. Likewise, to someone who likes coffee with cream and sugar, the black coffee may just taste like a big cup of bitter dog crap.

Indeed, I am guilty of disliking "watered down" Inbev/SAB crap, mainly because I feel like I'm drinking barely beer-flavored carbonated water. Perhaps if I hadn't been brought into the beer drinking world in Munich, I may have developed a slightly different opinion of these tastes.

I'm not hoping that microbrews stop making super hoppy ales, or that people stop pumping out stouts which would induce vomit. I just wouldn't mind if they took the time to produce a wider range of beer types. I work at a store where we sell almost exclusively a huge range of micro-brews and I'd say the vast majority of them have IPA or some sort of "Crazy Hops madness!" advertizement on them. There are a few which are good hefeweizen/weissbier/pilsner/whatever style lager, etc. and I'm grateful for those, but just as fans of IPA's are ecstatic to have such a large selection which isn't produced by "big beer" and has some actual character, I'd like to have some variety in other beer types. Hell, at this point my favorite American brewer is a macro: Sam Adams, and only because they make such a nice variety of things to compliment the regular Boston Lager.

I respect this post a lot more than the "hops are stupid" posts.

I like IPAs. In fact I like them a lot, but I agree just about 100% with your post. I wish some of the shelf space that is currently dominated by pale ales would be given to other kinds of beer.

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edit, I tried to post a picture of the bitter beer face guy but failed, for some reason I could never figure out how to post damn pictures

this is what happens on the first sip every time i have a lost sailor i.p.a but they always get better every sip, its one of those infamous aquired tastes i guess

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there are tons of awesome craft beers out there that aren't super hoppy. personally i am big into imperial stouts right now. belgian tripels are nice too. unfortunately, IPA seems to be the "default" craft beer style, but there are PLENTY of GREAT craft beers out there for anyone that thinks they dislike craft beer just because of hops.

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The problem with saying a beer is too hoppy is that it's vague. Is it too much bitterness? Flavor? Aroma? Depending on how you use hops you could get them to add any one of those characteristics individually. The article above is predominately referring to bitterness and if the hops in a beer a solely contributing bitterness, it's a bad IPA. There are a lot of bad IPAs out there.

I would agree that IPAs are easy to brew. it's not tough to throw together an IPA that friends will love with minimal effort or planning. Making a well balanced sour beer on the other hand... that takes some serious skill.

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I would agree that IPAs are easy to brew. I've spent a lot of time brewing over the past decade (holy crap I'm getting old) and I can throw together an IPA that everyone will rave about with minimal effort or planning. Making a well balanced sour beer on the other hand... that takes some serious skill.

that's because sour beer is a terrible idea! :) i've had about 5 and hated em all. Vintage50's was the closest to being enjoyable i guess, but it was still like ... whyyy would i choose to do this to beer? i'm not so insecure in my manhood that i'm afraid of chocolate or coffee or maple or spices or fruit or WHATEVER in my beer (in fact i like it). but i don't really have much desire for my beer to have notes of pickle juice.

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edit, I tried to post a picture of the bitter beer face guy but failed, for some reason I could never figure out how to post damn pictures

Well, here's the commercial:

And here's a random guy with bitter beer face:


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that's because sour beer is a terrible idea! :) i've had about 5 and hated em all. Vintage50's was the closest to being enjoyable i guess, but it was still like ... whyyy would i choose to do this to beer? i'm not so insecure in my manhood that i'm afraid of chocolate or coffee or maple or spices or fruit or WHATEVER in my beer. but i don't really have much desire for my beer to have notes of pickle juice.

Exactly. Sour beers are very difficult to brew well, thus it's hard to find good examples. You're balancing the fermentation of the beer and yeast health while growing a culture of lactobacillus on top of the beer. There are so many ways that this process could end and a well balanced, slightly sour beer seems to be the least likely outcome.

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IPAs own. Sorry your awful palettes are not mature enough to handle the flavor. Go have your awful coffee latte beer.

Or just enjoy what you like! v:)v

Blanket statements rock. Sorry your nuanced realities are not mature enough to handle childlike simplicity. Go have your awful informed opinions.

Or just say what you can support! v:)v

---------- Post added May-16th-2013 at 09:26 PM ----------

WTF is a hipster? Is that like a cool-daddio?

Set up one of these and you'll probably catch one.


And s/he may look like this, give or take.


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Blanket statements rock. Sorry your nuanced realities are not mature enough to handle childlike simplicity. Go have your awful informed opinions.

Or just say what you can support! v:)v


No my reality is fine and delicious thank you very much. keke la

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Everyone can say what they will about IPA's and non IPA's, but one thing is certain... beer, even in the worst of times of the poor economy, never really declined in sales. Now there is a boom of american brewery's , which can only help the economy producing more jobs.


I work in the beer world, just got a new job at the beginning of the year, and even though Im not a big beer drinker, I am enjoying it immensely!


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Hope where ever you all are drinking draft beer, that the beer lines and everything are kept clean, if not this is what a dirty coupler looks like

(its what connects the tap to the keg)

I found this on an account I was given to go do because the other guy was not making trips out there, needless to say, I cleaned her up well

and cleaned the line out, its tasty once again!

And no I will not say where this was lol


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I love a good IPA, will be tasting a bunch tomorrow at the West Coast Brew Fest, however I like plenty of non-IPAs as well.

One misunderstanding is people associate Craft Beer solely with IPAs because of their current popularity, but there are so many excellent craft beers that have nothing to do with IPAs or hops.

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Of course, I can't imagine anyone preferring a miller lite to a Sierra Nevada pale ale or ipa. Madness, I say!

I'm one of those guys. I'd much rather prefer a Miller of any sorts, Busch, Bud, Michelob, etc. Have tried a bunch of microbrews and IPAs and just can't acquire the taste.

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I'm one of those guys. I'd much rather prefer a Miller of any sorts, Busch, Bud, Michelob, etc. Have tried a bunch of microbrews and IPAs and just can't acquire the taste.

So do you enjoy the taste of Miller/Bud/etc., or do you just find them easier to drink in order to get a buzz?

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I'm one of those guys. I'd much rather prefer a Miller of any sorts, Busch, Bud, Michelob, etc. Have tried a bunch of microbrews and IPAs and just can't acquire the taste.

IPA's and some other types of beer are strong tasting, no doubt. but there are other types that arent as bitter, etc. honestly, drinking a typical domestic beer to me is like drinking carbonated water, especially with the alcohol content of some of these beers- 8%+. yowza!

i will say this, i love strong, bitter IPA's, i like stouts, but i cant drink a wheat beer. makes me gag. and i hate the taste.

i used to hate wine, specifically red wine, and now i love a good red wine. you just never know.

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So do you enjoy the taste of Miller/Bud/etc., or do you just find them easier to drink in order to get a buzz?

I just like the taste better...don't really drink to get a buzz, although it happens on occasion.

---------- Post added May-17th-2013 at 01:12 PM ----------

i will say this, i love strong, bitter IPA's, i like stouts, but i cant drink a wheat beer. makes me gag. and i hate the taste.

See if I'm at a bar with just IPAs and microbrews, I'll only drink the wheat beer. It's just a matter of preference. BTW, I can't stand wine.

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I see parallels between extreme hop heads and those guys who are always looking for the hottest hot sauce. At some point the quest moves beyond taste into ridiculousness.

That said, I do enjoy hoppy beers now and again, though I don't go out my way to get the most heavily hopped brew available.

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One beer I have a love/hate relationship with is Guinness. Sometimes I really like it, other times it will taste way too bland or something. I can't put my finger on it. A couple of years ago they put out their 250 Anniversary Stout. http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/guinness-250-anniversary-stout/101769/

Holy crap, one of the best beers I have ever had. Of course I will probably never have it again >:^(

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