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Anybody Worried about Kyle and a Head Coaching Gig?


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I think a talent like RG3 can make any offensive coordinator look good. I just know we have all called for this guy's head the last couple of years. Glad he is having a good year. What I have liked the most is the fact that he has kept the foot on the gas pedal in the 4th quarter when we are ahead. I like the aggressiveness.

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+1 on the offense trying to get first downs late in games, going for the jugular. Versus almost blindly and predictably running three straight times, or going run, run, pass - game in and game out, anytime we have a lead in the 4th quarter. Sure NE was doing it 10 years ago, but its better late than never.

I am not worried about him getting a head coaching gig for 2 reasons. 1 is Dan "Pockets" Snyder able to match any offers, and 2 is, we have RG3. Exactly how hard is it to win games with RG Garcon Morris and an otherwise average supporting cast? Now that the league has welcomed the concept of adapting offenses to rookie QB's, its a lot easier.

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A few considerations:

1. Kyle probably has more power here as OC than in he would in many places as HC, bc of a strong relationship with Mike S (dad).

2. Kyle has the ability and potential to become HC here...here meaning an up-and-coming team that looks to be at least a serious threat to win the East for the forseeable future. Leaving would not be a wise move.

3. Money is not an issue. Danny will pay him. See #4

4. Any offer from another team during the Mike Shanahan era will be matched and something worked out ala the Greg W deal of several years back

After the Mike Shanahan run...meaning when Mike is let go, or retires...he might go elsewhere. If that happens it'd prob be because we aren't winning. Til then...for me...no worries. Just my opinion.

Welcome to the new glory years!

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If mike doesn't become a co-GM, which I don't think is a good idea because I don't want to have a father son relationship within management and coach, then we have to hire a player personnel guy, Bruce Allen is more of a contracts guy then a personnel guy. Give Scott Campbell an opportunity as he has done an excellent job since Vinny left.

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Kyle is really young--he just turned 33. The fact that Josh McDaniels continues to be such a great OC, though failed so quickly as a young head coach--he is currently 35--will make teams more hesitant to hire a young guy as head coach.

KS is a smart guy, and he knows that his reputation will continue to grow with the Skins' success. He is already coaching a team that is getting better every week, and working with one of the most uniquely talented QB's to ever play the game.

He also left Houston--just as they were getting good--to come work with his dad, and help him finish his coaching career strong. That mission is synonymous with rebuilding the Redskins franchise. This mission is only half complete. The ultimate goal is to win a Super Bowl, and I think both Shanahans want to see it through.

I just can't see Kyle walking away from Mike and RG3 when there seems to be so much promise for the future. I mean, what is going to do, go coach Brandon Weeden?!?!

---------- Post added December-18th-2012 at 12:07 PM ----------

Why not stay in Washington and try to take over after Mike retires?

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A few considerations:

1. Kyle probably has more power here as OC than in he would in many places as HC, bc of a strong relationship with Mike S (dad).

2. Kyle has the ability and potential to become HC here...here meaning an up-and-coming team that looks to be at least a serious threat to win the East for the forseeable future. Leaving would not be a wise move.

3. Money is not an issue. Danny will pay him. See #4

4. Any offer from another team during the Mike Shanahan era will be matched and something worked out ala the Greg W deal of several years back

After the Mike Shanahan run...meaning when Mike is let go, or retires...he might go elsewhere. If that happens it'd prob be because we aren't winning. Til then...for me...no worries. Just my opinion.

Welcome to the new glory years!

5 - RG3. And this alone might be on top of it.

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I think some folks are in denial at this point.

Kyle is quickly becoming THE hot head coaching candidate. Seriously there's Chip Kelly, the big name retreads, and Kyle.

Any extension he signs will have an out for a HC offer.

Latest of numerous articles on Kyle.


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There's a lot of stupid rumors going around about Kyle taking Kirk with him to another team and such... Kyle is a going to be a Bellicheck and some, with RG3 as his Tom Brady (AND SOME)... He just struck gold and unless he has his head shoved 6 feet deep in his ass, I highly doubt he's going to leave this for any other team. Sure, the whole Greg Williams thing might scare him off but we all saw the Greg effect last year and hopefully that won't be a factor.

Bottom line: Kyle should be the HC of this team in the very near future just as planned and realize coaching athletes like RG3 is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 2010-2020 will be a much better decade for Kyle & Griff than it was for Bellicheck & Brady in 2000-2010. No homerism, just realism! I will bump this thread in 2020 btw when all is said and done.

Hail to the mother freaking Redskins!!!!!:logo:

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I am worried and I'd love to get an extension locked down.

I wouldn't be surprised if he got a new HC job somewhere and didn't do well. But I'd like to see what happens here with continuity and grooming. Because his play calling has been boss.

---------- Post added December-22nd-2012 at 07:33 PM ----------

There's a lot of stupid rumors going around about Kyle taking Kirk with him to another team and such... Kyle is a going to be a Bellicheck and some, with RG3 as his Tom Brady (AND SOME)... He just struck gold and unless he has his head shoved 6 feet deep in his ass, I highly doubt he's going to leave this for any other team. Sure, the whole Greg Williams thing might scare him off but we all saw the Greg effect last year and hopefully that won't be a factor.

Bottom line: Kyle should be the HC of this team in the very near future just as planned and realize coaching athletes like RG3 is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 2010-2020 will be a much better decade for Kyle & Griff than it was for Bellicheck & Brady in 2000-2010. No homerism, just realism! I will bump this thread in 2020 btw when all is said and done.

Hail to the mother freaking Redskins!!!!!:logo:

Except BB is a defensive coach...

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Yeah, I'm worried, because I for one would like the Shanahan era to last for twenty years. And, for the record, I was never one of ones who bashed either Mike or Kyle, wanting them fired and all that nonsense. My only criticism of Shanny has been that he should look for better help on the defensive side of the ball, but even the D has been taking care of biz as of late.

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I am worried and I'd love to get an extension locked down.

I wouldn't be surprised if he got a new HC job somewhere and didn't do well. But I'd like to see what happens here with continuity and grooming. Because his play calling has been boss.

---------- Post added December-22nd-2012 at 07:33 PM ----------

Except BB is a defensive coach...

And our defense has done well with a has been/never was DC. Our defensive problems will be solved if we bumped Raheem if we decided to take the shortcut. Getting a young guy around Kyle's age like Spanos, or some other up and comer would do wonders for our team. Plus, BB has had some suspect defenses in the past. Especially against the overrated 08 & 11 Giant's.

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KS is a smart guy, and he knows that his reputation will continue to grow with the Skins' success. He is already coaching a team that is getting better every week, and working with one of the most uniquely talented QB's to ever play the game.

He also left Houston--just as they were getting good--to come work with his dad, and help him finish his coaching career strong. That mission is synonymous with rebuilding the Redskins franchise. This mission is only half complete. The ultimate goal is to win a Super Bowl, and I think both Shanahans want to see it through.

I just can't see Kyle walking away from Mike and RG3 when there seems to be so much promise for the future. I mean, what is going to do, go coach Brandon Weeden?!?!

I agree with the above posted comment, totally. After two years of struggling with McFlabb,Beck and Grossman why on earth would Kyle want to go through that again with Sanchez/McElroy..Gabbert, Fitzgerald,Palmer or any of the teams being thrown out there as possibly landing spots? The one reason Kyle left Houston was to work with his dad. If I hear about Shanny,Sr wanting to leave for another destination, then perhaps I'll be worried. Kyle has RG3,Cousins,Alf, Pierre,Josh,Hank, Freddy D this is a pretty damn good group. The O line has a few good pieces as well. Elsewhere Kyle may not be as fortunate.

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1. If Kyle leaves he goes to a team devoid of talent....

2. With WHO at QB?

You have to be joking that you think he would walk away from RG3.

Also, do you really think that an owner would give a 33 year old coordinator a head coaching job AND give him complete control of personnel selection which he would likely want? Not very likely.

As people have said...

3. Snyder will pay him like a head coach and

4. He likely takes over when Shanahan senior retires and

5. He WANTED to come here to coach underneath his father so it's not likely he'll back out only 3/5 of the way through the deal

It's much more likely that if Shanahan senior gets an extension,

6. Kyle will STILL stick around to keep on building the offense and

7. learn more head coaching duties every year

until Shanahan senior retires. Then he will be head coach here.

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I think too many guys get head coaching gigs based on their Xs and Os, forgetting that there's a management and leadership component to being the head coach. When it's ALL under your thumb as steward of the franchise, that's a whole other ballgame. Kyle's probably got as good a shot as anybody apprenticing under his old man, but he might need a few more years of seasoning, lest he be the next Josh McDaniel.

---------- Post added December-28th-2012 at 04:09 PM ----------

I just hope we don't do the head coach in waiting thing with Kyle, cuz that never works.

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So, the day has come when HC vacancies are going to be available, and people will start calling Kyle.

The best thing the 'Skins can do to keep him out of the jobs is to keep winning. :)

So, here are the jobs, and in my opinion only, the order of intrigue they would have to Kyle. I'm going to add the Chargers, because even though they haven't fired Norv yet, they will.

1. Chicago Bears: The defense is long in the tooth, but they are still competitive. He would have a QB and WR that have both played in his system. Jay had his best season under Kyle's dad. In my opinion, if I was the Bears, I would speed dial Kyle, and see if he would come up to Chicago. If I was Kyle, this is a job opportunity I would listen to.

2. San Diego Chargers: It looks like they are going to fire both HC and GM, the talent on the team is now limited, but they have a guy who used to be a heck of a good QB. This would be interesting. The thought from the Chargers is that Rivers still has something left, and they can build around him. The reason I don't think Kyle would be interested is the uncertainty at GM, the overall talent on the roster, and the fact that Norv Turner is a REALLY good offensive coordinator, and Rivers has still regressed. This would point to Rivers being done, and the new HC having to start over at every position.


100. Philly Eagles: The only reason you would put this on the list is that they have had a track record of consistency. They still have the owner and GM in place, and they can build a roster, and the offense has a ton of firepower. They would need to address the QB position. The defense needs to be addressed also. I think Kyle would have a blast coordinating that offense with the speed and talent at the skill positions, but I don't think he'd want to coach in the same division as Dad, against Robert, and have to find a new QB and rebuild the defense.

1000. Kansas City Chiefs/Buffalo Bills/Cleveland Browns: All three are the same team: no talent, no QB, and shaky organizations. At this point, and this wasn't always true, but the OC position at the 'Skins is a much better job than the HC at any of those places. If they come a'calling, I'd be a'running in the opposite direction.

I have a feeling that one lesson that Mike will impart on his son is that his first coaching stint was a catastrophe, and you want to avoid that. Don't go work for "Al Davis." or an owner/organization that's similar. Kyle will be a HC in the league. He can wait for the perfect opportunity. And, I think Dad might also ask him to stick around a couple more years.

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