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thats a wholelottabugs!


(and much funnier than:   "here is a political statement that i consider ironic, which is really only a half-step from funny right??"  )




my contribution:   the dance of the umbrellas


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Meet the Guy Who’s Protesting a Maryland Theater’s Production of The Producers


Olney Theatre’s production of Mel Brooks’s 2001 musical The Producers only has three more performances, but it’s not going to close without a bit of manufactured controversy. Audience members at Montgomery County playhouse are going to have to walk past a small coterie protesting the show’s play-within-the-play, because, the demonstrators say, it makes light of Adolf Hitler and the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany.


I understand the intent is satire,” says Jeffrey Imm, who is organizing the demonstration through his anti-discrimination group, Responsible for Equality And Liberty. “This is the point of morality: some things we have to recognize as absolute evil. When 6 million people are murdered, we don’t view it with knee-slapping, we view it with reverence.”

In The Producers, which is adapted from Brooks’s Oscar-winning 1968 film of the same name, two crooked Broadway producers endeavor to profit off a critical and commercial flop, which they believe they find in Springtime for Hitler: A Gay Romp Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden, which portrays Hitler as a flamboyant dandy.

Even though the jokes in The Producers come at the expense of show-business types and Nazis, Imm is not impressed by its humor, or the original Broadway run’s record 12 Tony Awards. Contemporary audiences, he argues, are no longer frightened by genocide.


Although Imm’s demonstration against The Producers has only elicited about a dozen emails to Olney Theatre and will only attract one or two other demonstrators, he believes his cause will grow.

Call the Southern Poverty Law Center and ask them if they think it’s okay to do a play about Hitler,” he says.

Says SPLC spokesman Mark Potok: “We don’t have an opinion on this.”


Edited by GhostofSparta
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Dear lord,

Do people have anything better to do with their time?

I wonder what his views on To Be or Not To Be are since that was another Mel Brookes movie that made fun of Nazis.

I didn't want to water my time reading the article, but does it mention if he knows that Mel Brookes is Jewish?

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EXCLUSIVE: Outrage as Parliament computers access porn sites 20,000 TIMES a month


COMPUTERS used by MPs, peers and their staff are accessing porn sites more than 20,000 times per month, Express.co.uk can reveal.
More than 247,000 attempts to visit X-rated sites were made on the parliament's network last year, with figures spiking when MPs were on holiday from the chamber.
The most popular month was April, with a staggering 42,000 visits made to pages classed as pornographic by officials – more than 1,300 a day.
After April, the next most popular month for visits to porn sites in 2014 was October – with more than 30,000 hits.
In December, visits to porn sites doubled to 20,000 compared to the previous year.
It is not known specifically what websites the computers were trying to access or how long was spent on the pages.
It adds to a shocking total of 350,000 visits in 2013, including 75,000 in November and 69,000 in April.
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Texas man shot after bullet ricochets off armadillo


Cass County, TX - According the the Cass County Sheriff's Office, a Texas man suffered a gunshot wound to the head he claims occurred when a bullet ricocheted off of an armadillo he was firing at.


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certainly not the first time it has happened, I generally let em pass by or let the dogs play

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(CNN)Chinese distillers have been spiking their booze with Sildenafil, better known as Viagra, and are often marketing them for their extra health "benefits."

A nationwide investigation lead by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) found that a total of 69 wine products, from 52 companies, had the drug or a substitute, as an additive.

The products are often explicitly or implicitly marketed for their anti-impotency properties and sexual health benefits.

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This Ejector Bed that Launches You to wake Up Is a Real Nightmare


Waking up is hard. Anybody who can just get straight up in the morning cannot be trusted. For the rest of us, we make do with phones and alarm clocks and snoozing and coffee and showers and jobs that pay us to not be late. Perhaps we’re going to easy on ourselves. Maybe we need a high voltage ejector bed that shoots our sleeping ass into the air and kicks us off the bed.


The always wacky and always entertaining inventor Colin Furze made this ejector bed and if I slept on it, it would definitely give me nightmares:


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Has Bishopville's 'lizard man' returned? New video surfaces in case


BISHOPVILLE, S.C. (WCIV) -- The fabled Bishopville swamp creature known as Lizard Man appears to have surfaced again Sunday afternoon.


Sarah, a Sumter woman who says she went to church with a friend Sunday morning, stepped out of the sanctuary to see the Lizard Man running along the tree line.


So she did what anyone else would do -- took a picture with her phone.


"My hand to God, I am not making this up," she wrote in an email to the ABC News 4 newsroom. "So excited!"


She says they were just a mile or so from Scape Ore Swamp, the site of a similar spotting of what may also be the Lizard Man in May.


A man who asked not to be identified submitted a short video of what he thought was the Lizard Man Monday morning. He said he took the video in May while coon hunting but kept its existence quiet -- until he saw the reports of Lizard Man outside a church.


"I saw your lizard man story and it's given me the courage to send you a video I took in early May," the man wrote. "Though my wife believes me that it's real, she said she would be embarrassed that everyone would think I was a loon so I kept it a secret."


The man said he took the video in Scape Ore Swamp just off Camden Highway in Bishopville.


In the 20-second video, the photographer ducks behind a tree as a dark figure with what appears to be a long tail walks by some 30 or 40 yards away. 


The video stops as the figure appears to turn towards the camera.


"If you're wondering I absolutely believe it's real. I also don't know if it's the same thing you posted," he added. "When it noticed me I high tailed it out."


Scape Ore Swamp is the area where most of the Lizard Man sightings over the last 30 years have been focused.



What the lizard man may look like


Click on the link for the full article and video

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Three-Story-Tall Lamp Post Collapses Onto Occupied Car, Urine To Blame


According to San Francisco's Public Utilities Commission, a lamp post that toppled over and nearly crushed a driver had been terminally compromised by a most deadly combination: human and dog urine.


KTVU reports that the three-story-tall pole snapped and fell onto an occupied car at around 6:30 p.m. Monday night, at the Nob Hill intersection of Pine and Taylor.


Luckily, the driver escaped injury, and was just shaken up by the experience. But why did the structure fall in the first place?


A PUC spokesperson acknowledged that the light was old, but said that it wasn't just age that felled the massive pole, it was pee. Lots and lots of pee.


“We believe there was some contribution of dog or human urine on the base of the pole,” PUC spokesman Tyrone Jue told the Chron, saying that pee "accelerates the corrosion of the metal base of street poles."


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First, this thread should be renamed something that honor's China's wonderful contributions to ES and my constitution on a daily basis.  Good job sir.







Chris got so riled up by the insinuation that he was from the North that not only did he post pictures of all of the (non-Northern) flags on his truck, he also posted his phone number and requested that an admin call him to vet his Southern bona fides.
Our friend Lowen dialed Chris to investigate. He claimed to be a guy named Roger who'd heard Chris was a Northerner who'd joined the group to troll. Understandably, Chris was upset about this, and claimed to have never left the state of Texas. "Roger" told Chris he'd heard that he had the state flag of "Maine or New York" on his truck, that he worked at Dunkin' Donuts, and that he'd voted for Obama "both times from a polling station in Brooklyn, New York." Chris was very upset that people were spreading these vicious rumors about him, and told "Roger" that his "friends in high places" would slap the trolls with prison time for their actions.
All of these shenanigans were too much to keep up with for the group's lone, overworked admin, who did not seem to know how to stop the banner from changing or ban the trolls, whose numbers were starting to rival those of the Rebels. So, in the style of Shock Doctrine, I swooped in and offered to clean up this manufactured crisis. The hapless admin fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Once I was in charge of the group I decided to take it in a new direction. The Confederate flag, I felt, had become a toxic brand. And all this South-rising-again business was a sure loser with swing voters. A top-down rebranding was in order. After rigorous focus-group testing, I decided to align the group with LGBT rights, Michelle Obama, Judaism, miscegenation, and the victorious Juche ideology. And that is how "confederate pride, heritage not hate" became "LGBT Southerners for Michelle Obama and Judaism."
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City tried to fire dead man for missing work


The city moved to fire an employee for missing about 18 months of work, even though he had the best excuse of all time — he was dead.

Bureaucrats at the Human Resources Administration filed charges against Medicaid-eligibility specialist Geoffrey Toliver accusing him of going AWOL — even though his death by cancer was reported in an online obituary.

An administrative-law judge then agreed to his firing, noting Toliver didn’t show up at his hearing.

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