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Presidential debate thread


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Seriously, can you explain how Mitt Romney pays for everything? Tax cuts, increased military spending, keeping the best parts of health care, increasing education spending, etc. He claims to want to keep everything good and somehow still cut the debt.

It's just lie after lie. He's just saying whatever he thinks people want to hear. The budget he's been supporting until tonight does just about nothing he says it does

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Mitt won on style but seemed to go back on previous statements a lot. Will need to see some fact checking. Lots of practiced answers.

Obama was not polished at all. Tried to go off the cuff with too much crap running through his head for a decent delivery.

Win for mitt.

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Guest Spearfeather

Ed Shultz: " Dissapointed in the President "

Joe Trippi: " Romney did himself a big favor tonight. "

Matthews is furious

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In the moment, with style and things I understand why some people will say Romney won. The problem is that when you start running clips of what he's said in the past 6 months with what he said tonight you'll see it *wildly* varies. He basically got on stage and lied and tried to say what he thought would be most popular in this moment, not what he's been saying prior to this.

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Romney lied his way through the debate with energetic style and charisma. He did a manifestly great job, and may have picked up a few percentage points tonight. Obama seemed like he was sleepwalking, and ignored multiple huge opportunities to call Romney on his inconsistencies. Obama did a lousy job. I'm frankly very surprised and disappointed in him.

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I think Romney did somewhat better. Leherer who I deeply and admire and respect has gotten old and wasn't tough enough. Obama has never been one to really take shots and land a haymaker. He's more scholarly in his debate style. He missed an opportunity to zing and engage. As he did in 2008, he took the high road. Not sure if that will always pay off.

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