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New Orleans Saints Bounty Suspensions OVERTURNED!! I AM HUGE


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Saints fan here. <edit>

So all this really means for the Saints is that Will Smith can suit up this Sunday. Vilma still is dealing with his injury and has not participated in ANY of Spagnuolo's new defensive scheme installation.

Personally, I hope this eventually leads to Goodell's termination. I know that most Redskins fans probably agree with me on that sentiment.

Welcome to the forum, Ascension. Good post.
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I'm so glad the panel was able to look through all the bs and make the correct ruling.

Their message to Goodell: You want to fling serious accusations and negatively affect players careers? You better come with facts and proof.

This is a great day and will lead to more transparency in Goodell's tenure as commissioner.

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Whoever is at fault, more bad / or at best very average press for the NFL....makes it look like it's being run by idiots..oh wait..

By time those poor replacement ref's screw up one or two things this weekend, the whole thing's gonna look pretty damn shabby..

And old Rog' gets paid how much ?....

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I agree with this. These guys had been out all preseason and training camp, so if they do play, I don't expect much. Will be interesting to see Goodell's response and how much these guys play Sunday. But the Saints do still have some injuries on defense. And let's be honest, their defense isn't what we are worried about anyway.

I agree with you guy, as well. I think their Defense will be that much worse, with those jokers mot being "in-synch", or "in football-shape".

With our "mis-direction game", their "prima donna" tongues should be on the turf before Halftime.

Why are 80% of our "Fans" so "chicken-little-ish" about the Saints?!? F*ck-'em! (Saints... and EVERYONE-ELSE on our Schedule)!


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Here's a synopsis of the ruling from the panel, found at nfl.com


From what I can tell this ruling has less to do with whether or not players were guilty or innocent of the charges, but rather that Goodell and the system arbitrator are responsible for separate portions of the rules in the CBA that were broken. They ruled that Goodell can rule and punish based on intent to injure, but that the "pay for performance" and players agreeing to pay into, or collect from a system is outside of his jurisdiction. The long and short is, these players will still likely be suspended, just not this Sunday. Either way, Trent and Polumbus got this.

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As of right now, all of them are eligible to play Sunday. Listen, I didn't think we were going to win that game anyway, the Saints are tough. But allowing those suspended players to play hurts our chances even more. And it really pisses me off.

WTH? Why u guys being such wussies.. Stop embarassing us have some


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No problem. I'm puzzled though. Why do so many give credence to the allegations made by Goodell and the NFL office yet cry foul when a panel of 3 judges state that the NFL did not have sufficient evidence to justify levying the player suspensions.

I'm not saying the Saints didn't break rules. But I feel that Goodell overstated the actual charges, never proved intent to injure and based his decision on very discredited evidence.

I am not happy with Goodell either, but this is the worst decision ever imo.

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Well, Vilma is out right? Was Will Smith able to practice with his team at all? Besides, I aint too worried. Will Smith is OK, but Trent Williams is much better.

A lot of hub bub over not much if you ask me.

I tell you one thing, though. I'm really tired of hearing about how the Redskins are walking into a hornet's nest. How the Saints are gonna be all angry and are gonna crush the poor Redskins. The Saints just better put up some points, because the Redskins offense is not gonna be sputtering and struggling to score. I guarantee you that. Not against that tissue soft defense.


I've seen huger, so whatever

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This is not really a big deal as others have said the Saints D sucked last year and we have played them well in recent memory in fact their last win over the Skins was gift wrapped for them by a missed chip shot from Shuisham and a fumble from Sellars.

The game should hinge on our ability to get in Brees' face and plant it,

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Interesting... When I left for Nola everyone was worried about them being pissed off and kicking our ass because their players were suspended. Now everyone is worrying about them kicking our ass because they got players back. personally, I think we are going to kick their ass really good. Oh and make em like it!

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Well, Vilma is out right? Was Will Smith able to practice with his team at all? Besides, I aint too worried. Will Smith is OK, but Trent Williams is much better.

A lot of hub bub over not much if you ask me.

I tell you one thing, though. I'm really tired about how the Redskins are walking into a hornet's nest. How the Saints are gonna be all angry and are gonna crush the poor Redskins. The Saints just better put up some points, because the Redskins offense is not gonna be sputtering and struggling to score. I guarantee you that. Not against that tissue soft defense.

Will Smith practiced all off-season until this week. His presence is significant in that he's the Saints best and most experienced DE. But he's certainly not on the elite level of DE's in the league. His addition to the roster likely won't be the difference between winning and losing the game at hand.

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This story brokeduring my drive fm wk. Moving the chains said that vilma is on pup, so will just mean that he will get paid. Smith can play, but first aints need to clear a roster spot. The question is.....do they roll the dice that the league will let this stand?

This means more wrt nflpa vs goodells power derived from cba vice a significant impact for our game vs aints, imho. And, does not immediately impact other suspensions to non players, nor our cap fiasco.

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