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Poll: Do you believe that drafting Cousins has placed excessive and unnecessary pressure on RG3?

Commander PK

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"Excessive?" No. "Unnecessary?" Yes.

Everybody is ASSUMING that RG3 is the unquestioned #1 but it's unspoken and this FO has a tendency of being full of **** ESPECIALLY at the QB position. Shanahan: "We just drafted Donovan McNabb in the second round." Anyone? Anyone?

I have confidence in RG3's maturity, but who knows? Being a rookie QB is difficult enough much more the year after Cam's debut and much, much more when your team also drafted who many considered to be the next best rookie QB.

For the Shana-heads who despise the players and their morale and who completely "buy" the HC's pantomime, this is like porn. "Look, look, he's changing the culture....no free rides....look at how glorious he is!!!"

You can spin it however you want, heck I've tried to myself...."good value pick," "we had the worst QB corps in the league," "RG3 is a good egg, it won't bother him," but the symbolism is impossible to argue and we're all human. Why even let doubt the chance to creep into the mind of such a scintillating prospect whose confidence, leadership (some say "swagger") is one of his principal strengths? It's just strange, you're only making it MORE difficult FOR YOURSELF, for YOUR prize rookie QB to succeed.

RG3 will be great, this won't matter but the FO has shrunken RG3's comfort zone, that's just fact, they could have drafted his golden retriever as a backup QB, it would still be the same....the draft card says what it says.

All it would take is one preseason game for the tide to start to turn. Don't pretend this is NOT the place that spawned the "Cult of Colt" for crying out loud. I personally have over the course of the last 8 years argued for Patrick Ramsey, Jason Campbell, Todd Collins, a washed up McNabb, and John Beck, I hope RG3 doesn't have to unnecessarily join that list.

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I really don't get the argument at all. So what? We're supposed to make sure there are only crappy quarterbacks as backups so RGIII doesn't feel any pressure?

Makes no sense. 1. Quarterback is a high stress position so any real quarterback will deal with that kind of pressure. 2. It's the most important position so you better have a good backup

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Are you kidding? There's already an ungodly amount of pressure on RG3. Drafting another QB in the 4th round isn't going to add anything.

I can't wait till the season starts and RG3 starts slicing and dicing his way through Defenses and everyone forgets Cousins even exists.

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After giving this some thought...If RG3 feels pressure in a negative way from this, then he isn't made of what we think he is. Should be no problem for a guy like this if he is like advertised. If there was truly no one else at the Cousins pick that the coaches/fo felt would help the team more and the value was there...I can't complain about the pick.

I would have rather had a player that could help at another position since there are so many holes on this team, but 4th rounders are usually depth and special teamers that "may" overachieve and crack the line up down road. So Cousins was a value pick, and a bit of a luxury pick maybe, but I don't want Grossman in years to come so here is the start.

If anything I think it's more a "public perception" or "media" issue of controversy or pressure than actual player/team/internal pressure.

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Skip Bayless "I just watched what Shanahan did to Donovan McNabb, and I'm worried about RG3"

to Stephen A. "I just want to leave you with the point...there are a lot of white people in D.C. also"

If RGIII plays for the Redskins like Donovan McNabb did, we should all be worried. Somehow I don't see that happening. But if so... hey! now we have a young promising backup! So that's good, you ****ing moron (Skip Clueless, not you Painkiller).

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Not sure if that was posted in here, but excellent article on the Cousins pick: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d828c2383/article/criticism-of-redskins-kirk-cousins-pick-misplaced?module=HP11_content_stream

Three days of non-stop draft coverage has caused the football world to collectively lose its mind. That's the only explanation for all the criticism the Redskins have taken for drafting Kirk Cousins with the No. 102 pick of the draft round.

To hear most analysts tell it, fourth-round picks are absolute gold that should never be used on backups. Forget for a moment that the fourth round is intended for backup players and there is no more valuable backup position than quarterback. Forget that most people couldn't name five fourth-round picks and that most of the round's picks won't make a big impact.

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You can spin it however you want, heck I've tried to myself...."good value pick," "we had the worst QB corps in the league," "RG3 is a good egg, it won't bother him," but the symbolism is impossible to argue and we're all human. Why even let doubt the chance to creep into the mind of such a scintillating prospect whose confidence, leadership (some say "swagger") is one of his principal strengths? It's just strange, you're only making it MORE difficult FOR YOURSELF, for YOUR prize rookie QB to succeed.

Actually, the better and more logical argument is that Cousin's presence will make it more LIKELY that RG3 succeeds.

As you said, we're all human. So how is any human being effected by months and months of unending and unanimous praise? How would a human respond to being placed on a pedestal and told they are the long-awaited savior of tens of thousands of people?

If we're going on the whole "we're all human" tangent, then it's FAR more likely that a human would let all that unwavering adulation either make him feel as if he has little to prove and rest on his laurels, or make him start to buckle under the weight of tons of incredible expectations...than it is he'll crumble under the reality that there are a few others on the team that would love to have his job, or that some people haven't put him up on that pedestal just yet.

Remember, Parcells told the media not to "break out the anointing oil" for Romo sits to pee during his first year of play...he understood how overly praising a young QB before he's truly earned the hype ends up hurting his development.

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All it would take is one preseason game for the tide to start to turn. Don't pretend this is NOT the place that spawned the "Cult of Colt" for crying out loud. I personally have over the course of the last 8 years argued for Patrick Ramsey, Jason Campbell, Todd Collins, a washed up McNabb, and John Beck, I hope RG3 doesn't have to unnecessarily join that list.

Since it's fresh in their minds, the fanbase should have learned from the Rex vs Beck preseason competition. Of course some probably wont. And you probably will have boos from some ignorant fans the first game RG3 throws 3-4 picks. But the front office cant allow that to dictate what they do in terms of what's best for the team. Period.

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No, to the pressure. While I dont FULLY agree with the pick of Cousins, I am not opposed at all. I am sick of the media creating a story out of this, and then saying the pick is a problem because the fans in DC with create drama surrounding the pick. The media has complained for 10+ years about not drafting for the future. Yet, here they sit bashing the Skins for solidifying the MOST IMPORTANT position on the field. It is utterly ridiculous. Cousins is wonderful security if, god forbid, RG goes down. The QB controversy that is being spoken of is non existent. Cousins will be a 3rd string guy. Grossman is the backup.

I swear, nothing is ever good enough for these media guys. I understand they need ratings and all that, but for Gods sake give credit where credit is due!

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That wasn't my question.

What wasn't your question?
You were against drafting Cousins this year. Defining it is unnecessary.

The move being unecesarry has nothing to do with how I feel about the move.

Even if I loved the move it would still be unnecessary.

Its unneccesary because it was not needed by definition of the word unnecessary.

Drafting Cousin was not needed nor required nor essential for this season.

My question is: Would you rather have a QB with a year of experience under his belt in 2013 directly backing up Griffin (regardless of his role this year) OR a fresh rookie being Griffin's direct backup?
It makes no difference to me provided the kid can play hence the Tyrod Taylor example.

But, going by your parameters sure give me the QB with a year experience.

But, either way you're asking a question about the future which doesn't make Cousins or any back-up QB a need today.

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Very simple question for the poll. Do you believe that the Redskins drafting Kirk Cousins somehow places excessive and unnecessary pressure on RG3?

No and No. I do think however that the drafting of Cousins has placed Grossman on watch. Because that is the person Cousins was drafted to replace.

Do you agree with the draft pick? Do you see Cousins as competing for the back-up job, or potentially competing for the starting job?

I like the pick, because I hate Grossman with a passion and we need better options at QB. And if Cousins becomes a better NFL QB than RG3......then we either spent WAY to much on RG3 and he is a bust, of Cousins becomes a Tom Brady. Either way that senario unfolds that will be detiremined by those 2 players. And either way, it will be looked as being a very smart move in the long run.

Do you believe that if RG3 struggles throughout the season, that the fan base will call for Cousins?

Maybe. Lord knows we seem to have people with a thing for one QB or another around here. But does that even matter? No.

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If it makes anyone feel better, I'm not buying a Griffin jersey until he retires. So, he should have a very long & successful career with the Skins.

Let me explain, every time I get a player's jersey, they are in their last season with the team. It happened with Lavar:

- my brother "which jersey do you want for Christmas?"

- me "Um, get a Lavar jersey, I don't think he's going anywhere since he just signed a new contract and Portis seems like he might not be here for long"

And it happened with Portis:

- my dad, "Hey, which Redskins jersey do you want for Christmas?"

- me "Get an Orakpo jersey, he'll be here for a long time"

- my dad "a what? What was it?"

- me "Orakpo"

- my dad "uh, yeah something like that, we'll pick out a good one. *chuckles*"

- me (I don't think he heard me) "It was O-R-A-K-P-O"

- my dad "Oh, okay, yeah, I'll look for one of those"

I ended up getting a Portis jersey for Christmas.

So, I've given up buying current player's jerseys. Sean's is the only one I wear now.

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Skip Bayless "I just watched what Shanahan did to Donovan McNabb, and I'm worried about RG3"

to Stephen A. "I just want to leave you with the point...there are a lot of white people in D.C. also"

I don't know this Skip fella. Having seen the ESPN clip, I believe the possible reasons for his views on drafting Cousins could be one of the following;

(1) He is on crack.

(2) A crazed Dallas fan has all his family hostage and told him to come up with this nonsense on ESPN or else!

(3) He found out Coach Shanahan is really the father of all his kids.

(4) All of the above.

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All it would take is one preseason game for the tide to start to turn. Don't pretend this is NOT the place that spawned the "Cult of Colt" for crying out loud.

And what did that get Colt Brennan? ZERO regular season NFL snaps and a one way ticket to the CFL. (He signed with the Saskatchewan Rough Riders in February.)

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He was drafted to be a backup. Rex is old, noodle-armed, and slow. He's great to have around in the short term until Cousins is ready to move to the #2 QB slot. At some point the Skins are going to want to move on without Rex (assuming he doesn't improve to some unexpected level). Shanahan, based on his draft board, thought it was a chance to solidify a backup position for the future. Smart move by him and his staff. Not happy about the 4th round pick, but if Shanahan had him graded there and he was the BPA it was a smart move. We needed a young backup and Cousins is a high character, smart (good decision maker), football player that fits the backup roll perfectly IMO. People who oppose the move should think more in terms of a 3 year plan. Not to say that I'm giving Shanahan a pass on Beck, Rex, and McNabb, but I feel like the coach got this right....in drafting RGIII as the #1 and Cousins as the future #2. Time will tell.

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