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SOW| Has Mike Shanahan Built His Offensive Masterpiece?


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The time has come for some brutal honesty – Son of Washington style.

The Washington Redskins offense has been more or less horrific for the better part or the past two decades, vacillating somewhere between highly ineffective and utterly un-watchable. True, there have been a few bright spots along the way; for instance, the 1999 Redskins’ offensive was ranked 2nd overall in the NFL. But since then? Pure garbage.

At long last, there appears to be a savior on the horizon. Redskins Nation has fallen head over heels in love with the presumed 2nd overall draft pick, Robert Griffin III, and it’s easy to understand why. Brad Johnson led the only Redskins offense in recent memory that could be described as “high-powered”, and there has been a nonstop parade of QB futility in the Nation’s Capital ever since.

In fact, from the time Daniel Snyder and his minions decided to replace Johnson with Jeff George, the only Redskins QB to post an overall winning record is Todd Collins, who went 3-1 during the 2007 playoff run.

Let’s repeat that for emphasis: the only Redskins QB with a winning record in the past ten years is Todd Collins. Not exactly the stuff of legend.

I believe that RG3 is going to be HUGE in helping this offense get back to being a high-powered, point-scoring machine. However, the big reason fans of the Burgundy and Gold should be excited goes way beyond the imminent arrival of the Heisman Trophy winner from Baylor University.

Mark this down, and hold me to this:

When history reflects on the career of Mike Shanahan, people will not consider his masterpiece to be the back-to-back Super Bowl victories fueled by Terrell Davis and John Elway. Instead, the apex of his legacy will result from what he is doing right now in Washington, DC.

In the last few days, much has been made of the fact that 2nd year WR Niles Paul is making the transition to TE. Paul, who did not carve out a place as a starting WR, made the 53-man roster due to his tireless work ethic and impressive special teams play.

Additionally, the Chris Cooley situation–with a $6.2 million salary cap number and twenty games missed due to injury over the last three years–could spell a changing of the guard at the TE position, and the team needs a faster, more dynamic replacement. With the arrival of newly acquired free agents Pierre Garcon and Josh Morgan, TE is only place for Paul to make the 2012 team.

Whatever the reason, this move is not rooted in necessity, but is rather a shrewd personnel adjustment by one of the most experienced coaches in the NFL. Finally, we are beginning to see the offensive mastermind that we expected when Mike Shanahan took over in January 2010.

After the round of free agent signings, I asserted that every move was done not just to collect a player, but to fill a need. As we wait on the dawn of an offense led by RG3 (who Shanahan has said could potentially start week one), the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, and this offense is on the verge of being completely devastating.

Pierre Garcon was brought in to be the type of WR that will give defensive coordinators fits. He can stretch the field vertically and command a double team in the secondary. Best of all, he is a threat to score every time he touches the ball. Garcon can destroy defenders after the catch and is flat out deadly on deep routes.

Assuming he can stay healthy, I fully expect Leonard Hankerson to join Garcon in the starting lineup in 2012. Hankerson began to hit his stride mid 2011 before an injury sidelined him, and it’s clear that Shanahan believes he is the big, fast receiver that the Redskins have long needed. “I think he’s got a chance to be the guy. Health is what we don’t know. He’s got the hip.” Shanahan said in January, “But we’re hoping he’s going to be that guy. You can see in practice where he’s a natural. The thing that separates guys at No. 1 is when they can beat bump coverage and they don’t have to slow down to beat it. They’re able to keep their speed and be able to get by somebody. He’s got that.”

Are you starting to notice a trend here? Speed: flat out, God-given speed. You can’t coach it, and these guys have it. All the players mentioned so far are burners. In fact, they all have been clocked at some point with sub 4.4 speed.

Mike Shanahan has taken some heat recently for presumably failing to put players in the best position to be successful. According to “future Hall of Famer” Donovan McNabb, Shanahan is so blindly ego driven, he will force Griffin into a system that doesn’t fit his talents.

Regardless of what McNabb says, Mike Shanahan has already made several moves which will help Griffin exploit his considerable skill set. He is building an offensive unit that will allow Griffin to not only be successful, but downright scary.

Imagine a formation featuring Garcon and Hankerson on the outside, with Paul able to shift between TE and WR, joined by Fred Davis at TE. Whether Griffin is under center or in shotgun with this personnel, Offensive Coordinator Kyle Shanahan can essentially open up the entire playbook, spreading out the defense and keeping them guessing.

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Great article and great points rd421. I as well am pumped about the signings and the prospects of this team right now and with a healthy offensive line believe this team can put up points that fans of the Redskins havent seen for a long, long time. I also agree that Shannahan using draft picks in multiple ways, such as Paul and Darrel Young is showing his true genius as an offensive guru and making this team a true match up problem for other teams. People arent realizing how effective Fred Davis was last year when Jabar Gaffney was pulling coverage away from him. Now having real speed in Garcon and big bodies in Hankerson and Morgan as well as Niles Paul/Cooley in the two tight end set...not to mention Helu coming out as a checkdown or RG3 pulling it down to run. I think we have created serious options in our offense that will present serious problems for defenses.

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What happens with Cooley remains to be seen. But I think Paul is a talented pass catcher and if you watched the games last year Paul was used as an H-Back blocker quite often. Paul would often be in motion behind the offensive line when the ball was snapped and he was effective in this role, as well as blocking outside. He's put on more weight since then and is definitely a bigger guy to begin with. I don't believe his 40 time accurately reflects how fast he actually plays.

If he can get up to around 240 (I think he's currently already at about 235) and maintain most of his speed, he can be devastating to a defense. With his excellent blocking skills he can be effective in the running game, but he can also move out to the slot and be a great disguise as to what we are doing pre-snap because he can lineup inside then move out or vice versa. If Cooley does not make the final roster, I can see Paul getting a lot of snaps and being a huge piece to the explosiveness of our offense this year. I'm excited because I've been a big fan of this kid since we drafted him.

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I'm salivating rd. Not only that we'll be a respectable team again, but possibly even downright scary, with one of the most dangerous offenses the NFL has seen. Forget the so-called "30 point barrier" that we have been stuck behind for the past 12 decade, forget games that come down to the last second, forget the defense having to keep us in games. It's a new generation of Redskins football people. Enjoy the revolution.


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This is still a bit too early to call .. but with the pieces you pointed out, it's hard not to get excited.

A lot of this will depend on A) How quickly RG3 transitions to the NFL, B) How the offensive line improves and C) If the receivers have signed truly turn out to be the real deal for US.

That said, I'm really intrigued by the idea of Niles Paul at TE.

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On paper this is as fast a team as the Redskins have fielded in quite sometime. The key being paper. I also am very curious to see Paul at te. If he can be like a S. Sharpe, that changes everything. In his prime Sharpe was such a mismatch he absolutly killed teams.

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I still hope Cooley can come back and be productive again.

To the article- another well-written story. I'm interested to see how all these moves (Garcon, Morgan, etc.) fit together this year. I think it's safe to say that 2013 will be very exciting. But, I think, 2012 could go either way.

If RGIII picks up the offense quickly and the team gels early, we might see some shootouts and big plays that'll set the tone for the next few years. Even if that doesn't happen much, I still expect to see continued growth overall from the whole team, whether it translates to wins/points the way we'd like or not.

I just hope we can avoid injuries and that the OL plays well enough for the offense to get better each week.

I'm trying (REALLY hard) not to get too far ahead of myself with expectations.

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Who exactly is your audience here. Redskins homers only? Mike shanahan hadn't seen this group yet. I get the enthusiasm, but you lose me with the definitive. Paul a great TE? Morgan was hurt all of last year. Garçon had moments, but nothing that would be considered devastating. Helu and Royster aren't polished. And rg3 is a rookie. I'd wager this offense will have a much different look all together in 2 years. Why not wait and see who we add in the draft to declare the offense done for the year, let alone a masterpiece.

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This article gets me excited! But then again, we, as a fan base, ALWAYS get excited this time of year. There are a couple of items though that bear mentioning, that maybe this time will actually be different. The Redskins leaders last year in the passing game were Rex Grossman, Jabar Gaffney, Santana Moss and Fred Davis. Other than Davis, none of those players are coming back to their starting positions. Even with that cadre of crap in the passing game, the Skins still managed 14th in passing -- and 19th in YPA. They were the worst team in the league in YAC last year (I believe -- if someone wants to prove me wrong, please do so).

How much better is this offense going to be with a better QB and better receivers?

It might -- and probably won't -- happen this year. Rookie QB and an almost entirely new receiving corps are going to need to grow together. However, we will see great flashes of it, and early. Shanahan went out and got his guys -- Garcon and Morgan over VJax and other big names. Younger, high-upside guys who are coming into their prime, rather than passing it.

I think there will be big things in store in the very near future for this team...

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I hope you're right and like your optimism. The most exciting thing to me is the youth movement and free agent signings. Allen and Shanahan realized that they needed to basically start over and get younger. With youth at every skill position it should be fun to watch them grow. Can you imagine a game pitting RG III vs. Michael Vick as opposed to Rex Grossman vs. Vick? We will now have plenty of artillery to match up with most any team.

Get ready for an entirely new line of Redskins jerseys coming to a store near you:

Griffin III





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I guess it is the time of year when exitement builds for the Skins, before hope is dashed.

I kid a bit, but while you can be happy about the talent brought in, it is just numbers on the page until they actually do something for this team. I still think the biggest issue with the offense right now is still the OL, which I felt was mediocre talent-wise last year and so far no real upgrades. Skill position upgrades don't mean much if the QB doesn't have the time to get them the ball.

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This offense will be devastating when RG3 can punish teams for loading up against the run and/or for spying him. Grossman is actually sort of effective in this regard, insofar as he is generally able to get the ball out quickly and to the right guy. What he couldn't do was beat teams accurately deep, and he had no ability to escape. Physically, he just didn't have the tools, but mentally I think he mostly did.

That's one thing that intrigues me about this year. RG3 will have two Shanahans and a Grossman who I think can all be good mentors/coaches. Once he learns to get the ball out to Garcon et al on time, that will open the running game and probably leave large swaths of room for RG3 when he wants to run. Assuming Shanahan's history of running the ball very well, this COULD create a pick-your-poison scenario for opposing defenses.

So I agree with the OP. I think this team has good pieces and a wonderful opportunity across the board. Now the hard work of turning opportunity into reality is about to begin. How fast can this cast of players/coaches get up to speed? That's the question for 2012.

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The one thing that I think RGIII is going to bring to this team more than anything is his ability to be a red zone threat. His ability to be able to run is going to be huge when we get inside the 20. How can you stop a dual threat guy when you're that close? The answer is simple. You can't.

We're going to be able to run the ball and throw it. The only concern is that we move away from what's working to try and open something else up. The issue next year isn't going to be the talent, it's gonna be the play calling.

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Good article. It hits exactly what I've been trying to tell a lot of Skins fans around my area who aren't thrilled with our moves.

Hankerson, Garcon, Morgan, Paul, Moss, Armstrong, Robinson, Banks, Helu, and RGIII all run sub-4.5. A couple of those guys will be gone, but we can only have 6 non-Olinemen anyway, so I don't see the problem.

I'm excited, because I know RGIII is going to torch the opposition with not only his speed, but everyone else's. Either someone is in 1-on-1 coverage downfield, or open across the middle, or there's going to be a wide open running lane for Helu or RGIII. The key for RGIII will be to figure out which is the weak point before the play snaps, and that might take some time, but as he learns to read defenses, we're going to quickly start torching teams consistently.

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I love the article, but still temper my enthusiasm. One thing that's certain about football is that what's on paper doesn't always pan out on the field. If paper won championships, we'd see Philly hoisting a trophy. Time will tell, but "the plan" the article refers to is a good reason to have hope!

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Garcon a deadly threat that requires a double team and a scoring machine? I dont think so...

Sounds like too much noon day sun...

I am excited regardless.

---------- Post added April-23rd-2012 at 01:16 PM ----------

I guess it is the time of year when exitement builds for the Skins, before hope is dashed.

I kid a bit, but while you can be happy about the talent brought in, it is just numbers on the page until they actually do something for this team. I still think the biggest issue with the offense right now is still the OL, which I felt was mediocre talent-wise last year and so far no real upgrades. Skill position upgrades don't mean much if the QB doesn't have the time to get them the ball.


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I know this is slightly off topic, but I can't wait to see the defense play with a lead. A lead that means the other team will be passing almost every down. I can see lots and lots of sacks for 91 and 98....

and great article

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Spoken like a true Skins fan from the Gibbs I years and I agree. There's nothing like having a team that has an O-line that can be counted on week to week. Here's hoping we draft at least 2 O-lineman for depth if nothing else. Maybe we'll find a diamond in the rough? That being said, I think the mobile QB will make the O-line better.

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Debbie Downer here, calm down people. Calling this offense a 'Masterpiece' is ridiculous at this point. Let's see where we are 8 games into next season before we start throwing around labels. Im as glad as anyone to see new faces with potential on our team. However, as a Skins fan for 20 years I've heard this story every...single...year, and have never seen the team back it up. I refuse to buy into it again until I see positive results.

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