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SOW| Has Mike Shanahan Built His Offensive Masterpiece?


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The potential is there, finally. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a masterpiece.

The potential of this team is very high. I fully expect the defense to be better this season, but the offense will have growing pains. We should see some flashes though and hopefully they can gel quickly and RGIII lights it up, that is unlikely though.

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i have been telling my friends that when shanny goes into the hof he will be known as a redskins and not a bronco..... returning this team to glory is far more substantial than what he accomplished in denver in my book...

of course this is all dependent on him truly turning us around.... which i have faith he will

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I would like to see a competent offense in DC before we start jumping to "explosive" or "match up nightmares" and all that.

Baby steps, people. We're still a couple years out. This year I just want to see an average offense with an occassional flash of brilliance. That would be a huge improvement over what we've had and something to celebrate.

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I guess it is the time of year when exitement builds for the Skins, before hope is dashed.

I kid a bit, but while you can be happy about the talent brought in, it is just numbers on the page until they actually do something for this team. I still think the biggest issue with the offense right now is still the OL, which I felt was mediocre talent-wise last year and so far no real upgrades. Skill position upgrades don't mean much if the QB doesn't have the time to get them the ball.

I agree with a lot of this post. There are plenty of things to be excited about, but the OL is still a concern. Hopefully improvements at the skill positions and a healthier line will lead to more success.

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Debbie Downer here, calm down people. Calling this offense a 'Masterpiece' is ridiculous at this point. Let's see where we are 8 games into next season before we start throwing around labels. Im as glad as anyone to see new faces with potential on our team. However, as a Skins fan for 20 years I've heard this story every...single...year, and have never seen the team back it up. I refuse to buy into it again until I see positive results.

To be fair, in about 80% of those years we should have seen those coming. If anyone expected the McNabb show to light up the league, or the Grossman/Beck show to be incredible, then I think this year would look like a masterpiece in comparison.

This year is somewhat different. I don't think we'll be Green-Bay or New Orleans unstoppable, but we should be able to move the ball effectively and not be forced to rely solely on the defense to win us games.

The real payoff comes in 2014 I think. Hankerson, Paul, Helu, Royster, and any of our younger guys will have a couple more years under their belt, and Garcon, Morgan, and Davis will only be 28-29ish. At this point our Oline should have been addressed, and RGIII will most likely be fully integrated into the league. That's when our offense really starts looking like the 2011 Packers.

John Beck played into sacks. Pretty sure it was Hogs Haven who had a breakdown off all the sacks Beck was at fault for

Yeah, Beck was horrible. Guy was causing sacks left and right.

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John Beck is mobile?

Well according to all the Beck supporters last year, that was one of the big reasons for switching from Rex because Beck's better mobility would help the OL.

10 sacks in one game and 14 passes to the running back in another kind of shot that theory down though.:silly:

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Well according to all the Beck supporters last year, that was one of the big reasons for switching from Rex because Beck's better mobility would help the OL.

10 sacks in one game and 14 passes to the running back in another kind of shot that theory down though.:silly:

You could be the most mobile QB ever but if you have zero presence at QB then it wont matter

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I'm going to leave the monikers mastermind and genius on the shelf for now until Shanahan fixed our ****ing miserable offensive line.

I'm shocked, really, that we haven't done more t protect our HUGE investment. I can't believe we haven't been more aggressive in free agency and the draft is a crap shoot. Arrrgh!

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I'm going to leave the monikers mastermind and genius on the shelf for now until Shanahan fixed our ****ing miserable offensive line.

I'm shocked, really, that we haven't done more t protect our HUGE investment. I can't believe we haven't been more aggressive in free agency and the draft is a crap shoot. Arrrgh!

Go back and look at the Shanahan offensive lines in Denver, they are traditionally all drafted guys

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I think we need more offensive talent all together on the offense, our receivers are okay at best and backfield is unproven and a little underwhelming in my opinion, we need more star power and just more talent in general. All our players are pretty much young and unproven, not real game breakers.

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People need to calm the FFFF down.

Griffin hasn't played a down yet. Let the kid get his feet wet before announcing offensive supremacy. We still don't have an o-line worth a damn, and we really don't have a bonafide #1 WR.

We are still rebuilding folks.

I'll consider the season a success if RG3 can hit one 40+ yard completion in stride per game.

At least it will be different from what we've been used to. :ols:

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You know Reading Is Fundamental: SoW didn't say that the offense is a masterpiece. The title says HAS Mike built one. It was meant to stop and ponder on what Mike has done so far.

Edit: oh yea good read by the way lol

Right, and I think the point is that Mike has built one with that potential. It will take time, though.

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I'm salivating rd. Not only that we'll be a respectable team again, but possibly even downright scary, with one of the most dangerous offenses the NFL has seen. Forget the so-called "30 point barrier" that we have been stuck behind for the past 12 decade, forget games that come down to the last second, forget the defense having to keep us in games. It's a new generation of Redskins football people. Enjoy the revolution.


almost seemed like a 20-pt ceiling

---------- Post added April-23rd-2012 at 03:14 PM ----------

I think we need more offensive talent all together on the offense, our receivers are okay at best and backfield is unproven and a little underwhelming in my opinion, we need more star power and just more talent in general. All our players are pretty much young and unproven, not real game breakers.

why do we need star power? we've had star power for a decade and won NOTHING...what we need is exactly what mike and bruce have a assembled...young, fast, hungry, and talented players that want to win and restore this franchise to something besides a laughing stock

---------- Post added April-23rd-2012 at 03:15 PM ----------

I think we need more offensive talent all together on the offense, our receivers are okay at best and backfield is unproven and a little underwhelming in my opinion, we need more star power and just more talent in general. All our players are pretty much young and unproven, not real game breakers.

why do we need star power? we've had star power for a decade and won NOTHING...what we need is exactly what mike and bruce have a assembled...young, fast, hungry, and talented players that want to win and restore this franchise to something besides a laughing stock

---------- Post added April-23rd-2012 at 03:21 PM ----------

People need to calm the FFFF down.

Griffin hasn't played a down yet. Let the kid get his feet wet before announcing offensive supremacy. We still don't have an o-line worth a damn, and we really don't have a bonafide #1 WR.

We are still rebuilding folks.

O'line gets better with a better trigger man...our offensive line hasnt been that bad over the years...the qb makes the oline better...not having 9 guys in the box makes the oline better...funny todd collins a few yrs ago had the same exact oline as jason campbell and when jason campbell goes down - Tood collins comes in and looks all-pro and we go to the playoffs...that just burns me that everybody wants to blame the oline...when in actuality its the triggerman that makes the oline look good...

Now could our oline be better? absolutely but so can every other team in the league...but OUR offensive ineptitude is due to the qb and only the qb...

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I'm going to leave the monikers mastermind and genius on the shelf for now until Shanahan fixed our ****ing miserable offensive line.

I'm shocked, really, that we haven't done more t protect our HUGE investment. I can't believe we haven't been more aggressive in free agency and the draft is a crap shoot. Arrrgh!

Shanahan/Allen have signed or drafted more OLmen in 2 years, then Vinny/Zorn/Gibbs did in the previous 5 years. I think we take 2 OL in the draft and we just signed Lee from TB. Problem is, we were hit with the 18 million dollar penalty, so that kind of hampered our choices.

Too many people in here keep thinking that building the O-line like the Hogs is the way to do it. Truth is, this is a QB driven league and 40/50 gut doesn't win ballgames. I'm not saying ignore the line or put a crappy line out there, but I think Shanahan is building his line the right way and knows what type of player he wants at those positions. Rome wasn't built in a day and we had alot of cracks in the Parthenon to fix.

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I think we need more offensive talent all together on the offense, our receivers are okay at best and backfield is unproven and a little underwhelming in my opinion, we need more star power and just more talent in general. All our players are pretty much young and unproven, not real game breakers.

I think we're about 1 6'4 WR and 2 stud Olinemen away from being dominant on offense... I'm curious as to what we do in the draft.

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You know Reading Is Fundamental: SoW didn't say that the offense is a masterpiece. The title says HAS Mike built one. It was meant to stop and ponder on what Mike has done so far.

Edit: oh yea good read by the way lol

It's times like this I wish ES had a like button. Clearly I'm not saying right now this offense is best in the league. It will take time

But I believe the pieces are in place.

And for those who are calling this out as a homer piece ... That's fine.

I have made no bones about the fact that SOW doesn't have a bias we call it like we see it and clearly on this topic my beliefs are homerish, unlike when we said we were tired of the London Fletcher contract situation and you guys were ready to crucify us.

That is what I believe makes SOW special the fact that we are free to be objective so whether you agre or not I just hope you enjoy the piece.

As far as the rest of this week goes:

Thursday is a special day for Redskins nation and for

Better or worse this franchise is changed. A lot of us here on ES have waited years for this so enjoy his week and for once let's let ourselves be a little optimistic. Preseason will be here soon enoug and everyone can go back to picking apart everything that happens.

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Most of the pieces seem to be in place for said offensive masterpiece.

Not necessarily in 2012. But with an offensive of almost entirely young pieces (RGIII, Hankerson, Garcon, Morgan, Davis, Helu, Royster, Williams all 26 or younger; Lichensteiger and Montgomery still with plenty left in the tank) -- all of our players have several years with their best football in front of them.

With plenty of games (and time) to garner chemistry, cohesion, familiarity, and develop winning habits.

It's not going to come overnight. But Shanahan has been quietly building something special since he got here. Only now will he start to get recognition for it

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While I can enjoy and appreciate the optimism, it seems a bit premature.

Have we acquire pieces to improve the playmaking positions? Yes.

Is or Oline any better? No.

Have we drafted anyone yet, and have those draftees made it through pre-season without injury? No.

Pump the breaks a bit.

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