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You guys, sorry to throw this on everyone right now, but I don't know what to do. I just got a call 20 minutes ago from my grandpa. My dad was hit by a car today and killed. He was 65 years old and was just finishing a battle with cancer. I'm in shock right now. Any words of support would be appreciated.

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As someone who believes in Heaven, I will grieve for you and for your loss. As for your father, he lives in grace and peace... reunited with joy and love in its purist form.

Still, the stupidist advice I was ever was given was when my Grandmother passed. I was told, "Don't cry. Be strong for your family." Cry man, be in shock. It does honor to your dad.



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Oh my goodness. I am so very, very sorry to hear of this.

I know this is an online site, but we are a community and we support each other.

I will pray for you, your family, and the rest of your father's loved ones.

Words cannot express proper condolences to you and your family. You are in my prayers.

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Sorry for your loss, the sudden loss of a father is rough indeed.

I lost mine about the same age,but my memories of him live on,as does his influence.

My thoughts and prayers are with you

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