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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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Just got back from Thor.  It’s a fun and fast paced movie.  The comedy elements really landed well and the character interactions were great.  The Corg character was very funny.    


Biggest issue i had was some of the serious parts that were there to add weight to the story were really glossed over.  As well as Hela’s back story was a bit rushed.  As for a villain though, I thought Cate Blanchett was pretty menacing.  

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7 hours ago, Metalhead said:

Just got back from seeing Thor Ragnarok...JUST WOW. A full-on blast of fun and entertainment! And I mean true entertainment, as in what a movie theatre experience should strive to be. It was hilarious, brilliant non-stop action, great character interaction,  great camera shots, great editing. The crowd was clapping at the end and the audience was buzzing throughout the credits. I go to the theatre at least 18 times a year (including opening nights) and I've never seen a response like this.


I have a hard time trusting this franchise after Dark World, which was Star Wars Prequel boring. But if the audience reviews are overwhelmingly positive, I might give it a shot.

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Thor was excellent and highly entertaining. I don’t care at all about Thor but I was engaged throughout because the humor was really well done. Which aurally works pretty wel because when Thor is serious he is really kinda lame. 


It it doesn’t have any substance and it’s popcorn fluff but it’s quite entertaining and very well done for at what it wants to be. I laughed throughout. 


It basically walks up to the edge of Infinity War as well with a couple secrets and possibilities left open to theorize about 

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My only issue with Thor was the entire middle section really had nothing to do with anything. It was just an excuse to do the Planet Hulk stuff.  Didnt necesarily feel connected to the greater plot.


Having said that, I echo the other comments that it was a lot of fun.  

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I saw Thor, and they definitely infused it with guardians of the galaxy mojo.  It's a welcome change, and my wife and I both enjoyed it.  Some of the humor in the planet hulk section reminded me of Rick and Morty, which is a good thing.  Korg is fantastic.  Funny, good sound track, fun action sequences, and a cool villain... that's really all I need from a computer book movie.  

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1 hour ago, FanboyOf91 said:

Saw Blade Runner 2049 again.


This is one you want to see in a theater, because that's the only way you can fully appreciate that amazing soundtrack. Would be shocked if it didn't get Oscar play.


Preach, brother.  One of the best soundtracks I've heard in years.  Been listening to it for weeks, can't put it down.  


I could be wrong, but I believe it was Hanz (a god amongst men) who took this joint from the original Runner and put a 2049 twang on it.  So magical and emotional. 


Hanz' music peels away the outer layers of your soul and breaks through your defense mechanisms to look into your subconscious and show you your most authentic self.  


Maybe a tad bit dramatic ( LOL ), but the music of Hanz Zimmer changed my life.  




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43 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Probably not dramatic enough Chew. You can't over describe what Hanz does to you.



Nope, can't put it into words.  It's transcendent. 


I'd pay so much money to get stoned and listen to this guy tickle the ivories while bored on a Tuesday afternoon.  He's the Michael Jordan of OSTs.




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On 11/8/2017 at 11:24 AM, youngchew said:


Preach, brother.  One of the best soundtracks I've heard in years.  Been listening to it for weeks, can't put it down.  


I could be wrong, but I believe it was Hanz (a god amongst men) who took this joint from the original Runner and put a 2049 twang on it.  So magical and emotional. 


Hanz' music peels away the outer layers of your soul and breaks through your defense mechanisms to look into your subconscious and show you your most authentic self.  


Maybe a tad bit dramatic ( LOL ), but the music of Hanz Zimmer changed my life.  




No, you're right. He's the only composer I know who can prop up a mediocre movie and mediocre actors. Look at his work with Gladiator: nonsense plot, but every fight is filled with 10x more meeting thanks to him and Lisa Gerrard. Russell Crowe should be thanking him daily for winning him that Best Actor Oscar.


If Blade Runner 2049 gets Oscars, it's because Zimmer composed the **** out of the furnace scene and the seawall scene (sci-fi cliches, but you couldn't stop watching because him and Villeneuve destroyed them).


For the record, I consider Blade Runner 2049 to be a good, not great, movie, because the writers absolutely lost their balls right around Las Vegas. It's a Philip K Dick movie, not Star Wars! And you didn't need Harrison Ford, I was perfectly enraptured with Hans Zimmer propping up Ryan Gosling's character!

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets should result in the banishment of the writers responsible for this for this travesty.  The dialogue in this movie is a affront to humanity, to art, to everything.  This movie goes on the list of unforgivably awful alongside Independence Day 2 and whichever Transformers movie I watched last that caused me to question if human life is really worth preserving.  Enraging garbage. 



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7 hours ago, Destino said:

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets should result in the banishment of the writers responsible for this for this travesty.  The dialogue in this movie is a affront to humanity, to art, to everything.  This movie goes on the list of unforgivably awful alongside Independence Day 2 and whichever Transformers movie I watched last that caused me to question if human life is really worth preserving.  Enraging garbage. 




LMAO. I could tell that one was going to be awful just from the trailers. 

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9 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

saw "Murder on the Orient Express". Great cast and a good story. The conclusion surprised me. I'll give it a solid B.


Agree with this. Liked it but didn’t love it. 


One of my pet peeves when watching a mystery is something like what Sherlock Holmes frustratingly does where it is completely impossible for anyone to play along and even attempt at figuring it out. It drives me crazy. I feared this movie would do that for a while but then it kinda pulled back and made sense, which I appreciated. 


I sort of guessed it because it was the only logical conclusion if they were going to let the mystery be something the viewer could solve. 


Basically nothing makes sense unless everyone was in on it. 


As it’s later revealed that everyone has a motive and link to the victim and suspiciously looks like the killer, it only makes sense if they all had a hand in it. Otherwise the viewer might as well draw straws or randomly pick one. 


Fortunately it did play out that every passenger participated in the murder


Cast was excellent. Best Depp performance I’ve seen in a while. Finally felt like he wasn’t Jack Sparrow. 


I realized during the The Force Awakens and it’s true here as well, Daisy Ridley just glows on screen. She has a unique charisma that just grabs you, there is something about her. 


The movie got a little slow in the middle but picks up considerably for the final act. 



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2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Agree with this. Liked it but didn’t love it. 


One of my pet peeves when watching a mystery is something like what Sherlock Holmes frustratingly does where it is completely impossible for anyone to play along and even attempt at figuring it out. It drives me crazy. I feared this movie would do that for a while but then it kinda pulled back and made sense, which I appreciated. 


I sort of guessed it because it was the only logical conclusion if they were going to let the mystery be something the viewer could solve. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Basically nothing makes sense unless everyone was in on it. 


As it’s later revealed that everyone has a motive and link to the victim and suspiciously looks like the killer, it only makes sense if they all had a hand in it. Otherwise the viewer might as well draw straws or randomly pick one. 


Fortunately it did play out that every passenger participated in the murder


Cast was excellent. Best Depp performance I’ve seen in a while. Finally felt like he wasn’t Jack Sparrow. 


I realized during the The Force Awakens and it’s true here as well, Daisy Ridley just glows on screen. She has a unique charisma that just grabs you, there is something about her. 


The movie got a little slow in the middle but picks up considerably for the final act. 




I actually thought she was somewhat amateurish in the Force Awakens. At times she looked totally lost, with a deer in the headlights kind of look. But she was only 23 when she filmed that movie, so I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I am sure she will be spectacular in TLJ. 

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8 hours ago, Mournblade said:


I actually thought she was somewhat amateurish in the Force Awakens. At times she looked totally lost, with a deer in the headlights kind of look. But she was only 23 when she filmed that movie, so I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I am sure she will be spectacular in TLJ. 


I thought that’s kind of how her character was supposed to be there. She was new to the wonders of the galaxy having living on boring Jakku her whole life. But she popped off the screen for me every scene she was in 

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