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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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The Honeymoon Killers.  Again, I went deep digging for my Halloween movie fix this year.  I was surprised that I hadn't heard of or seen this 1970 film, which is based on a true story.  It follows a con man and a bitter nurse as they run a money scam on several, unsuspecting women.  

This is the best film I've seen in a while.  It's a classic.  To be clear, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like classic films.  They would most likely find it to be boring and tedious.  But if you can handle the slow burn, it's certainly worth it.

The black and white photography is incredible.  The performances are outstanding.  And when the time comes to 'go there', they do.  And they keep going.  I found myself saying 'holy ****' under my breath several times in the third act.  Riveting stuff.

I think it's more of a thriller than a true horror film.  It was in the drama section at my dvd haunt, which I think probably fits as well.  But make no mistake, there are scenes here that will crawl into your bones.  

It has a solid 95% on RT, and for good reason.  It's a true piece of art.

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BvS - What a weak ass movie.  It was about 40 minutes too long.  I'm digging Ben as Batman.  Could've only watched the last hour of this film and been fine.  Affleck's mic'd up Batman voice > Bale's strep throat Batman voice.  Hard to believe Amy Adams is 42, she looks great.  Gadot has got some legs on her.  C.

BFG - Typical Disney.  Cute story, likable characters, mean bad guys.  Beautiful animation.  Wasn't even a huge blockbuster for Disney yet it was still an great movie.  B+.

Mechanic Resurrection - Meh.  Statham being Statham.  Jessica Alba is hot.  Tommy Lee is the man but he coudlnt' save this movie, wasn't very good.  C.

Me Before you - Emilia Clarke is a really good actress.  I liked this movie a lot, pretty strong rom-com.  Charles Dance is one swagged out dude.  B.

Embrace the Serpent - MY GOD :o .  I watched this a while back but was too stoned to really remember it all.  So I watched it again...stoned.  Oh my god this movie was great.  It's sitting at a 98% on rotten for a reason.  The story itself is above average, but the chemistry on screen between between our main characters blew my ****ing socks off.  This joint won at Cannes, won at Sundance, won at Munich.  Nominated for an Oscar 2015 best foreign film.  Embrace the Serpent is a top 10 foreign film of all-time for me.  Shot in black and white on location in the Amazon, it is as visually stunning as The Revenant.  I'm getting goosebumps just typing about it.   A+.

- "One of the most profound filmmaking experiences of my lifetime."

"It is gripping, challenging, engrossing stuff, beginning to end. Seriously, what a film"




Edited by Chew
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Same opinion I came away with regarding BvS. Too long. Too many shenanigans in the end sequence. Several parts of the movie were completely disjointed and made no sense. Weak villains. Funny, I liked Affleck probably a little more than Bale. But like I said when news of Affleck playing him came out... Bats has never been that hard to pull off. The real issue was always who played a good Bruce Wayne, and who were the villains and supporting characters.


Suicide Squad, I felt, was the same way. TDK and MCU have proven to be an absurdly difficult act to follow.

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Swiss Army Man.  one of thee weirdest movies I've ever seen.  it looked weird from the trailer...and its 10x weirder than that.  very strong performance by Paul Dano.  so ****ing strange, but it was a beautiful story about lonely people and how society shames us into doing what only feels natural .   I liked it.  B+.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back -  average movie at best. Gets a C.  I liked the first one better.

Inferno -  Another average movie, gets a C.  The first 2 movies were far better than this one.

Doctor Strange -  Excellent movie, gets an A.   A different type of movie from Marvel.  Benedict Cumberbatch was a great choice to play Dr. Strange.

The Arrival - Another excellent movie, gets an A-.  A thinking person's sci-fi movie.


Next up is "Hacksaw Ridge".



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A linguist is recruited by the military to assist in translating alien communications.


Wow, loved this movie. All the positive reviews do it justice. It is a deep, emotional and thought provoking classic of science fiction. 

It had a similar tone and feel to Interstellar and Contact to me which I loved.  There is that constant feeling as if there is a layer at work that's larger and more significant than anything shown on the surface. Not all movies with this type of scope can stick the landing and hit the emotional punches but this one does. 

It's powered by excellent acting particularly from Adams and really, it's a 3 person team leading the way with are nee and Whittaker as well and they are both good as well. For there to be virtually 0 action means the drama and tension must come from the writing, acting and stakes involved and it works because I never once felt that the movie was boring or dragging in spots. 

The soundtrack is great and the cinematography is wonderful. Some larger shots are a sight to behold while the framing of others is clever or used as foreshadowing very well. 

The plot, while the premise is very simple, is everything it needs to be. We learn a lot about language and the hows and whys of the process of communicating with a species that we can't understand, how a language or communication barrier can be breached and navigated successfully. If I had to pick flaws I'd say that the military/government reaction at certain points seemed unrealistic, given the situation. At least I'd hope it's unrealistic. Also part of me wants to think that one key plot point/idea could have been fleshed out more since it comes up again at the end of the movie but part of me also thinks in doing so, it would have been beating us over the head with it and tipped its hand. I can respect it was hard to toe that line of too much vs not enough.  

Then of course there are the bigger ideas the movie wants to talk about like the power of language and communication, the danger of isolationism and divisiveness, the strength and hope that love provides and the emptiness it fills in our lives in whatever way we need it. Despite the alien premise, this is a very human movie. 

It surprised me, it impressed me and it flat out wowed me in some spots. I can only hope for more sci-fi movies like it in the future that focus less on big budget cgi and more on thought provoking reflections of humanity. I can't wait to see it again. 

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^^ boom.  music was great, Amy was amazing, story was well written.  Arrival was awesome. 

2 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

@youngchew gets the hook up from the barber shop. Hopefully on a flash drive. 

Jailbroken kodi/firestick, kind sir.  you can order them already jailbroken from ebay for 50 but you csn jailbreak your own firestick with a 10 minute youtube video.

It's life changing.


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Jailbreaking refers to the Firestick -- jail break it to install the Kodi app on it. 

Kodi itself is legal as an app -- it's the unsanctioned pirate streaming add-ons that can get installed onto Kodi that have dubious legality (technical if you are receiving a stream, I don't think you are violating copyright --- not sure if there's been anyone prosecuted for that).  In fact the developers had a post recently about "Piracy is killing Kodi" because they don't want to be associated with the pirates. 

Kodi the app is an awesome open souce type of Roku Box. 

Hey - you guys distracted me!

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V for Vendetta (2006) - I am trying to catch up on my late 2000s+ "grown-up" movie watching.  Solid A - what a great movie.  Acting was great, all the different themes were great, story was fantastic.  I had always wanted to watch this one, but never until recently.

Jason Bourne Series (2002+) - First two were great, third one was, okay, I'm in the middle of watching 4th one with Jeremy Renner as the main character.  First two seemed coherent, but the layers they keep adding to 3rd and 4th and the complete formulaic "Patriots will do whatever to Keep America Strong" theme is starting to annoy me.  Bourne was believable, but the fact that the programs were expanded and keep going and the added twist in the 4th (I agree they need to add something extra).  Although the ending of the 3rd, and the 4th make me want to see if they keep expanding that theme regarding the subjects in the latest Bourne movie ("look what they made you give").  

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I saw Arrival this weekend, and thought it was great.  The earlier reviews on here are pretty spot on, so I won't repeat what has already been said.  The director is one of the best working today, and I am excited to see his new take on Blade Runner.

I did find this article about the guy who wrote the screenplay, and the process he went through to get Arrival to the screen.  It's got plenty of spoilers, so don't read it until after you've seen it.  It's all kinds of great if you like nerdy **** like I do. :)


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On 11/18/2016 at 3:42 PM, Fergasun said:

Looking on more suggestions for post year 2004 good movies.... Collateral, Jack Reacher, Edge of Tomorrow ... I really enjoy action movies, especially ones that have added themes (not too intereted in the "Taken" series). 

Collateral is outstanding.. 

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