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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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dang, man.  that's tough to argue.  I'd maybe slide Toy Story 1 outta there and plug in Inside Out.  But then there's Up as well. Also Incredibles, Monsters.  Wall-E probably my personal fave, touched me deep in the feels.


**** it, I quit.  There's no way to do a top 5 for Pixar LOL.  it'd be easier to discuss the joints that weren't classics LOL.  I'd say the Cars series maybe.  


You ain't lyin' about that track record for them Pixiar dudes. All they do is crush it.  

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Agree and Yeah cars and its spinoffs were kinda duds. I don't even count the spinoffs. Cars wasn't bad but definitely their weakest core movie imo. I didn't see the Monsters Inc sequel/prequel thing either so can't comment on that.

I'm skeptical about Finding Dory. Will be hard to capture that magic of Nemo again imo. We will see

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Megamind kills lol




LOL.  but nah, it was okay.  Ferrell was funny.   But I feel you on having a particular film that just gets to you.  Inside out did that for me.

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The Martian - B-




A bit overrated imo. And some questionable casting to boot. Jessica Chastain--who I've crushed over for years now--doesn't belong in the role they gave her. She's barely believable. At one point the script has her saying (and I'm being serious here), "Whoa, slow down, cowboy". It's a cliche' line and she reads it as if she's literally looking at the script while doing so lol...and the entire crew seems like they're all good looking 30 year olds. I barely believed any of them had the gravitas to be hurling around in space together. Kristin Wiig is wasted in her role, and not very good (Chastain would have been better in that role actually).


Donald Glover's "eccentric genius" role is less humorous than it is laughable and cringeworthy--he's trying waaaaay too hard to be eccentric. And surprisingly enough, considering it was his genius that came up with the idea that saves Damon's stranded astronaut, the movie doesn't even show Glover's character when the news is relayed that his idea worked and they've saved Matt Damon. We get every other character's reaction but Glover is nowhere to be found.


Matt Damon is easily the best of the lot, but the movie makes a mistake by having him being more like a YouTube personality than an astronaut/scientist suddenly finding himself stuck alone on Mars. That might have worked at the beginning but it would have been far more powerful and effective to see his "YouTube host" delivery gradually dissolve into one of bare human emotion of fear and dispair as the realization starts to set in that he will end up like a modern Major Tom and die alone in space. But that really doesn't happen. No matter how many days (or "sols") have passed, Damon acts like it's just been 10 days that have gone by.


It was entertaining enough, though, and the whole Love Train montage at the end was gratifying, so it gets a B- from me.

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The movie is fun, entertaining and very well made but it's not terriblly deep or thought provoking or even that emotional.

It's really just a vehicle for Damon to showcase his charisma, star power and his rarely shown humor. And in that, it works very well. I thought the supporting roles all did a good job too

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  • 2 weeks later...



Blue Mountain State:  The Rise of Thadland


Overall grade - C or C-     


I was actually disappointed in the movie, I expected more out of it.  My grade is based on being a fan of the TV show (currently available on Netflix).  One that I watched live when it aired and one that I still watch on Netflix.  


If I were not a fan of the series and had never seen an episode, I'd give the movie a D or D-.  Reason being, if you are not familiar with the show and the characters, I don't think it gives you enough to stand on its own as a solid movie.  


Background on the show:  It is about a major college football program.  Think college football, college life, partying mixed with a silly, dry, American Pie type humor.  If you like that kind of humor, the show was fantastic.  It was three seasons, each year represented one year of college.  I can watch the series over and over again, great replay value imo.


Background on the movie:  The series got cancelled after the third season.  They got on kickstarter, raised money for a movie, etc.  Initially, I read that the movie was supposed to focus on the final year in college and wrap up the series.  I kept it on my radar, would do a search here and there every few months, mainly to see the release date.  Well, they changed the story to focus on only one specific part of the show, The Goat House, where all the players lived and partied.  


It's a college party movie, rallying around this one huge party to save the Goat House.  It was funny in some parts, I did laugh my ass off at some scenes, but I found myself watching this and the greatness of the show wasn't felt throughout the movie, only in small spurts.  Going away from the main story line from the series is what hurt imo.  They should have stuck with what worked and wrapped up the story.  As a fan, it was disappointing.


Again, if you are not familiar with the show and the characters, it will most likely come across as "just another college party movie" for you (think American Pie:  The Naked Mile, American Pie:  Beta House, etc.).  It's only available on digital download (like VuDu, etc.), I'm sure it will go to Netflix in the future.  Not even sure if it will go to DVD/RedBox or not.


Even if you're a hardcore fan of the show, I'd wait to see if it came to Netflix and not spend 12-15 bucks on the movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from Deadpool. Easy A from me...9.5-ish out of 10. Over-the-top, hilarious, and they nailed it...I didn't think it could be done. Seriously, as a huge Deadpool fan, I can't believe they pulled it off lol. And it earned every single bit of that R rating.


Morena Baccarin is a goddess. This only reaffirms that fact. She is perfection. 


It was awesome to see Gina Carano get a solid role and not just a throw-away one. She dished out some punishment.


Overall, it was a blast and a lot of fun.

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Southbound - a new horror anthology flick just out on VOD. Somewhat similar to the VHS films, but more cohesive and consistent throughout. I really enjoyed it!


  I'm in just because of that.  Just watched the trailer, looks solid.

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I give it an A-


Loved the movie, loved the soundtrack.  I think it's one of the better movies in the Rocky franchise.  Very well filmed, Michael B. Jordan killed the role, Sly killed it as well (imo).  Since Friday Night Lights, I thought Jordan could have a promising future, hopefully this role will boost his career.  


Of course when you watch any Rocky movie, you have to be willing to suspend some belief as a boxing fan, but I thought it was done very well.  Story was good, acting was good.  I hope they stop with this one, I think it would wrap up the franchise nicely.  Definitely worth watching.

Edited by Dont Taze Me Bro
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