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WP: LaRon Landry is looking quite large

Califan007 The Constipated

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He's gigantic. Popular speculation would lead one to believe that he's too large for his frame, and he's gotten that way through usage of steroids or HGH.

Both of those things can be connected, very easily, to his Achilles injury.

It's not the working out or the unnatural muscles that piss people off. It's what they represent.

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I love how everyone is giving the guy **** for wanting to be in shape and be big, but when he comes out on the field and lights someone up with a big hit they shut up..... hypocrisy is amazing to me

We'll sigh in frustration if we see him missing big plays and routine tackles. The guy suffers from his over pursuit of highlight hits instead of making the appropriate plays when needed.

Sorry, but LL's level of play hasn't ever lived up to his draft status (when healthy).

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I love how everyone is giving the guy **** for wanting to be in shape and be big, but when he comes out on the field and lights someone up with a big hit they shut up..... hypocrisy is amazing to me

Amen brotha. I will root for Landry wherever he goes. He's a great talent and unlike the majority here, I think he's very motivated and a hard worker. I love the way he plays and this fanbase has a ridiculous tendency to bash guys like this. Guess who else had an injury last year and didn't make it through more than a couple games this year due to that very same injury: Chris Cooley. He didn't take responsibility but blamed it on the lockout. Landry hasn't said ****. He just continues to work but once again it seems we are going to undervalue our own homegrown talent and let him walk. Disappointing.

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I think it's funny how big he is, but as long as it doesn't affect his speed or range of motion, I have no problem with it. He is a game changer when he's healthy. Just look at the difference he made when he started on Monday night against the Cowboys this season. I really hope we sign him to an incentive driven short term deal or use the tag on him. If he comes back with a healthy Achilles, he will be playing at the level he was 2 years ago when he was the mid season DPOY. I will be sad if he isn't here next year.

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Laron should have gotten the surgery he was told to get, when put on IR last season. He'd be looking at playing this season, for big bucks.

Now he's only going to be a marginal player until he gets surgery (which now would mean he wouldn't play this season). Nobody will pay him big bucks as a marginal player or to sit out this season.

Laron is another player with a million-dollar body and a ten-cent head.

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Ah yes, a shirtless jacked pic in the OP leads to another massive thread on ES.

Don't you guys think that if him being this ripped was detrimental to his Achilles, someone from the Redskins staff would inform him? Tell him "hey, you need to cut a lot more to help that tendon heal." I would assume this is the case, but I could be wrong.

As a bonus, have a slightly homoerotic pic of LaRon doing weighted pull ups in a polo.


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Here is the deal, he isn't training his body to be an NFL strong safety

I am glad he is in great shape and working hard, but having that kind of upper body muscle mass does nothing for the functional skills of his position.

That is the issue. He seems more into his body and overall mass then fine tuning himself to play a full season

Trying to make fast stop and go lateral movements isn't easy for a guy that is 6'0 tall with that type of upper body mass

Great post.

On a human level, man-to-man, I would tell Laron Landry that he's a ****ing monster and looks awesome. That's great for him...no sarcasm whatsoever. However, as it relates to my football team (which is, honestly, the only reason I care about LL...sorry), what he's doing isn't adding value.

It would be like me spending every second I'm not at work studying to be an architect and then becoming certified. It's great personal growth, but if it's not applicable to my current job, should I expect my employer to be happy about it? And, in fact, if I'm spending all my time pursuing that instead of obtaining training/certifications in my actual line of work, it could begin to hinder my productivity.

So, even though I don't really have any problem with LL getting as jacked as he is, consider me completely unimpressed as a Redskin fan as it really hasn't proven that it translates to him being any better as a safety in the NFL.

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Can we just cut him already? Surprised we haven't seen the normal Landry fanboys............"OMG Look at those muscles, sign him to retire a Skin please! At least 6 year $100Mil" The Landry wagon is growing thinner and thinner everytime he opens his mouth or snaps a picture.

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100% agree. The dude has had a bum achilles...he hasn't talked **** about our franchise like Haynesworth. Give him a 1 year low offer with incentives and make him prove what he's got.

How can he prove what he's got if he has a bum achilles?

It may just be time to part ways.

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