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My father passed...


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Y'all probably don't know much about me. Was a born redskins fan, taught by my father Don. He was a true skins fan. Well in November my dad had gotten saved and baptized and then my father was diagnosed with an advanced stage of pancreatic cancer. Then they said he had spots in his liver, few weeks after that he was on chemo and then stopped cause he had a blood clot in each lung.

So as he was on blood thinner the hospital would send him home. Well last night me and my sister were gonna go see him by leaving at 9 pm and getting there around 4 am cause he been getting worse. Her husband convinced her to leave in the morning. So we left and and at 615 this morning my beloved father passed away. Hardest thing by a long shot I've had to see was looking at his body. I love you pops, I know you were in a lot of pain and your in a better place, no more suffering. I will carry you forever dad. You will never be forgotten. I miss you so much! Rip

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Deeply sorry for your loss, brother. But I'm thankful that your Dad was able to leave this world with peace in his heart. It's always very cool to me to hear of an older person getting baptized, because it was a heartfelt and personal choice; not because someone else decided "this is what we're gonna do."

Though there aren't words that will bring comfort right now, know this. As long as you remember him, as long as you share stories about him, and tell your own children (whether you have them now or not) about him, he's never really "gone." My granddad has been gone for 28 years, but he's as "alive" to me now as he ever was.

I pray that you and your family will be able to find peace and comfort in your time of loss. If you ever need an ear, just shoot me a PM.

Take care, and God bless,


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It's a tough thing for sure. My dad didn't love the Redskins...in fact didn't like football at all. He went into the hospital on January 1st, 2006 with a pain in his side and passed away less than 2 weeks later the day the Skins lost to the Seahawks. It hasn't gotten easy for me but the pain has lost some intensity. God bless you and your family as you go through these difficult times.

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Very sorry for your loss. At age 24 I too lost my father to pancreatic cancer at only 59 years of age. Dad was a Skins season ticket holder since Griffith Stadium, took me to my first game in 1972 against the Saints who were QB'd by Archie Manning, was present with me at all 3 NFC Championship victories at RFK,attended Super Bowl VII, and was around to enjoy the first 2 Super Bowl victories. All that and I know that he saw the last one from the best seat in the house. 22 years have passed since his death and those days spent with Pops at RFK will always be the most treasured memories of the times I spent with him. You and your loved ones will be in my prayers....

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Thanks for the comfort y'all. I wouldn't wish this feeling on anybody. Just it seemed so unreal that we were gonna surprise him and leaving va beach we didn't even get to the tunnel before we got the call. Never felt so empty, when we seem the body it just made it all real. But I thank God he made the choice to better himself and live a better life. I know he's there and looking down on us.

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this hits close to home.

My mother was initially diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 years ago. Just a week before her schedule surgury date, the advanced test results came back with a conclusion that she in fact did not have cancer. Really gave me a scare as my wife's grandmother who was in good health suddenly past away due to pancreatic cancer as well just 3 years ago.

So sorry for your loss.

PS: My mother-in-law just got diagnosed with kidney cancer this morning... so like I said.. your story hits close to home.

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