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WashingtonExaminer-Thom Loverro: It's hard to find much to like about these Redskins


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if you weren't embarrassed by the attitude of the redskins on sunday, i don't know what to tell you.

1.) Um, Trent's only missed 4 games in two seasons. He can't stay healthy? Really? He can't block? Do you pay attention to the games? He's gone two straight games without giving up a sack, including go up against D-Ware.

2.) Why be embarrassed? It's a frakking game. I never get people who complain about players jawing on the field and trash talking and pushing and shoving. Have you ever watched old footage of the NFL? I don't know when trash talk and pushing and shoving on the field became sooooooooooooooo friggin' taboo. I don't know when taunting the opposing teams fans was just TOO MUCH to bear. I don't get people who moan and groan about guys celebrating after big plays.

This game is supposed to be fun, right?

If there's a real issue going on with the team, Mike will solve it. Last year, early in the season, Santana Moss spun the ball after every catch. It was distracting and obvious. Curiously enough, after like, week 4, Santana stopped spinning the ball. I even saw him start to spin the ball and then stop a couple times. Not to mention Mike's had to manage personalities like Shannon Sharpe and Bill Romanowski.

At least it looks like they're going out and having fun playing football again instead of slogging through it like they did for a couple weeks. Better than nothing.

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Tiger. Is this a post where you're supposed to pick out the truth?

Davis is disappointing? Are you kidding?

You're getting on Gaffney for what, exactly? Trying to make a play in the endzone?

Nothing that you said about Trent Williams is accurate. At all.

Whatever on Hall. I think that's the only truth part of your post.

You're usually pretty good at avoiding the hyperbole, so I hope that you're just pissed off that it's cold and raining.

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What this sounds like is this;


Being an old fart, I totally agree with this. The attitude "things ain't what they used to be" gets old!

There is plenty about this years Redskins to compalin about, but they're not likeable??? Total BS.

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You people are a bunch of whiners. Showboating when you're not good makes you a loser. D. Hall, Landry, in particular. I will gladly watch them walk once their contracts expire.

Loverro sounds grouchy given that we won, but his points are not far off. No one dislikes the good guys like London.

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You people are a bunch of whiners. Showboating when you're not good makes you a loser. D. Hall, Landry, in particular. I will gladly watch them walk once their contracts expire.

Part of the poison we needed to get rid of due to the rebuild. I would have cut Hall and Landry this year.

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1.) Um, Trent's only missed 4 games in two seasons. He can't stay healthy? Really? He can't block? Do you pay attention to the games? He's gone two straight games without giving up a sack, including go up against D-Ware.

2.) Why be embarrassed? It's a frakking game. I never get people who complain about players jawing on the field and trash talking and pushing and shoving. Have you ever watched old footage of the NFL? I don't know when trash talk and pushing and shoving on the field became sooooooooooooooo friggin' taboo. I don't know when taunting the opposing teams fans was just TOO MUCH to bear. I don't get people who moan and groan about guys celebrating after big plays.

This game is supposed to be fun, right?

If there's a real issue going on with the team, Mike will solve it. Last year, early in the season, Santana Moss spun the ball after every catch. It was distracting and obvious. Curiously enough, after like, week 4, Santana stopped spinning the ball. I even saw him start to spin the ball and then stop a couple times. Not to mention Mike's had to manage personalities like Shannon Sharpe and Bill Romanowski.

At least it looks like they're going out and having fun playing football again instead of slogging through it like they did for a couple weeks. Better than nothing.

1) trent williams "plays hurt" an awful lot. it's not just about missed games. i put it in quotations because i have no idea the extent of his injuries, but he'll go for a stretch of up and down performances before or leading up to an injury revelation.



with his position in the draft shouldn't he be more like those type of players?

i wish i could find better numbers for sacks allowed, but i guess it's arbritrary based on who's looking at film, last year it looks like somewhere between 6 and 11



2) i don't care if you want to trash talk dallas, nyg, philly, or maybe st louis at this point because we get to play them as bottom dwellers every year, but why the **** are you trash talking another miserable team. you're two of the worst teams in the NFL and you are fighting after every play. it's a joke. and celebrating after a big play? again, get some perspective. it was a 1st down in the middle of a game between two of the worst teams in the nfl.

they can celebrate a play that actually means something if they ever make one.

santana still spins the ball after every catch, that hasn't changed. watch the seahawks game again, he's always done that and the first down point.

and by the by, you didn't address the 15 yard penalties that come with the stupid jawing, and could get someone like williams kicked out of the game.

these are professional athletes, not schoolyard kids.

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from what i read he doesnt like our celebrations, but thats ok, at the end of the game i was whoopin and hollerin cos we won....this was frowned upon in the hospital i was in at the time...i get the feeling he put the house on the seahawks and now has no where to live stiff bikkies to him, i am not sure that davis intentionally dropped the ball on his opponent..the camera thing was pretty quiet to the guy who acted out he had shot himself in the leg.

This skins team and franchise has a lot of likeability about it the new guys are playing well and the older guys are thriving off their energy, this team is going places and as of april next year when the OL gets repaired this team will be on the fast track

We dont call them mediots for nothing

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Tiger. Is this a post where you're supposed to pick out the truth?

Davis is disappointing? Are you kidding?

You're getting on Gaffney for what, exactly? Trying to make a play in the endzone?

Nothing that you said about Trent Williams is accurate. At all.

Whatever on Hall. I think that's the only truth part of your post.

You're usually pretty good at avoiding the hyperbole, so I hope that you're just pissed off that it's cold and raining.

this is a post where i read the article and responded to it. what he's pointing out is how ridiculous it is to see a bad team playing another bad team act like they're the steelers and they're playing the ravens for a playoff berth.

and davis is dissapointing. how many timely drops has he had this year? how many touchdowns does he have? when has he been a consistent target for the QB this year? maybe you should think about why helu is getting so many catches when a guy like cooley got those when he was playing.

gaffney had a complete mental lapse and ran out of the back of the endzone on his own. excuse me for not patting him on the back for "trying to make a play." if a defender sees you step out and the hat come off he no longer has to cover you, you're ineligible. he had room to make his cut shallower and like i said he just lapsed and stepped out. he likes to do a lot of dancing and taunting the crowd when he makes fairly routine catches and yet he's another guy who has terrible drops. act like you've been there. the crowd gets it, the defender gets it, so why do you feel the need to further show off?

everything i said about trent is true. please explain to me how he has performed up to his expectations as the #4 overall pick in the draft. unless you're counting personal foul penalties and chest bumping opponents as a positive thing.

you know me, i post here a lot (in between bans) and i was in a different mood when i was watching the game, but when you look at it from the outside it isn't funny, and to see so many fans say that there's nothing wrong with what happened is just something i can't agree with.

it was funny to me watching it, but reading what people wrote on here is a lot like reading the lions fan in ATF trying to say what suh did was common practice and shouldn't have warranted a suspension because it wasn't like he injured someone.

btw, i live in minnesota now, so it's always cold.

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Tiger, you can't just tell the players "hey your team sucks so you're not allowed to celebrate 1st downs or talk **** with the other team....unless they're in your division, or the Rams I guess." lol that's ridiculous.

I would rather the team NOT act all boring and weak. What, so since they suck you want them to ACT like losers on the field? These guys fight hard no matter the circumstance, as I'm sure Shanny tells them to do. The Giants last night were visibly down, running slower, shoulders slumped. The Skins, especially the many young guys, are always pumped. It's a good thing, and unnecessary to complain about.

Not to mention, Helu is probably the most modest, polite guy on the field. If you've read certain articles about him, there's things like he refuses to buy expensive things, or be flashy, turning down $200 shoes because they were too expensive. he gets his first TD gives a subtle point skyward and calmly hands the ball to the ref. His presser afterwards is quiet, polite and nothing but praise for everyone else on the team.

I'll give you Hall, at this point he needs to shut up. And whatever that sitting down on the field thing was after arguing with a ref just wasn't right.

The article's garbage though. Stevie Johnson and the Bills are more like-able because they're better? Since when are the Bills so great, and Stevie Johnson is annoying as hell. The Niners have their coach on camera half the time acting all hyper and won't shut up. The Jet's are just a plain hate-able franchise to begin with, and now they have a big fatty with similar on-camera antics as Harbaugh. People hate Romo sits to pee, people hate Big Ben....I mean really, we're the MOST hate-able? If anything, no one gives a **** or is paying attention to the Redskins.

This crap was unnecessary, and I guess meant to bring everyone down for no reason. We're trying to rebuild and feel good about ourselves, and some non-Redskin fan is speaking for all the fans saying we don't like our team? It's ****ing horrible.

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I heard a little of when Loverro and Sheehan were talking about it today. While they are focusing on the Skins because they are the hometown team, I think Kevin and Thom are just opining about the NFL writ large, and to a good extent I have to agree with them. I don't mind players celebrating after TDs and don't like the league and refs trying to stifle the creativity too much, but the preening, woofing, and flexing you see after every play is getting pretty old.

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Maybe I'm old school. But I don't want to see these guys doing planned celebrations. The immaturity shown by Landry and Hall this season has been sad. I'd strip that C right off his jersey and give it to Orakpo or even a rookie in Kerrigan now.

as far as Thom......his opinion piece is negative, but the points are valid. Overall there are some jerky personalities still around. From Larry Michael to LaRon Landry......it needs to change.

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I generally like Loverro. His schtick with Kevin on the Sports Fix is pretty entertaining. The fact that he bet on Beck was amusing.

But this piece is just silly.

Actually, with a few silly plays and players aside, this is the easiest team to root for in a long time. Davis needs to grow up. DHall needs to shut his trap.

But it's hard not to root for guys like Fletcher, Kerrigan, Wilson, Helu, Hankerson, Jenkins, Paul, Austen, Banks, etc. Even Rex. Though I believe he needs to be removed as starter. But still and all. Still rootable.

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As if the players care -- they don't even know Loverro exists.

Celebrations were OK when they were limited to TDs and small bursts of creativity (Elmo Wright, Billy "White Shoes" Johnson). No one wants to watch two minutes of choreography after someone catches a square-out on third and four.

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I think what he really means is that there isn't a lot of drama to write about in D.C. The receivers celebrate after a first down catch? Wow, stop the press.

Right now there are no colorful personalities/head cases to drum up some juicy headlines. The team is much more interesting to write about for a writer who has admitted to not being a fan when there is chaos and discord. Yes the team is losing, but there is no off the field b.s. to go along with that this year. Haynesworth and McNabb are gone. There is no breast grabbing, failed fit tests, assaults, or alleged racial discrimination for them to write about this year.

The team is just losing...and nothing else. Hopefully that will translate to winning...and nothing else in the near future.

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This article is unfair to the guys he is pointing out. London Fletcher is one of the more active guys when it comes to taunting and getting into verbal confrontations with the opponent. No way would he include Fletcher in his article though. I applaud those guys for showing they care game in and game out.

To ask these guys to shut down and not get emotionally involved in the game is ridiculous. If the Redskins played like they did not care or without passion that would be disappointing. Each game is a new week for these guys. They are fighting to keep their jobs. This kind of garbage written is how a fan would talk who has never competed athletically.

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This guy is a ****ing maroon.

I can somewhat sympathize with fans being upset about the bad record team playing another bad record team. But I don't think this team, or too many other teams view themselves as bad teams or don't have pride even if their record is poor. The Seahawks were playing at home after winning two in a row, including against the Ravens. The Redskins are a team that feels they should have a better record (and I think rightfully so) coming off a game they should have won against the Cowboys. They started saying **** about us being on their damn ugly bird and that they were going to do this and that. Personally, I'm glad our team took it upon themselves to have an attitude. Some players are more demonstrative then others but you could easily tell the ENTIRE team had a "**** you, Seahawks," attitude all day and I loved it. This is a team that has knocked us out of both our last two playoff appearances and I ****ing hate Pete Carroll so I'm fine with the team having some attitude out there, in fact I liked it.

Most importantly concerning Loverro, how is this team NOT likeable? I loved Sean Taylor and Santana Moss (still do) in 2005 and guys like Marcus Washington, Salave'a and Ryan Clark but I would have to say I like this team more than any we've had since I was really old enough to know the team. We have a group of young, hungry and talented guys (really, our entire draft class) as well as underrated players that most fans of other teams are not acutely aware of such as Bowen, Cofield, Atogwe, Carriker, etc. The chemistry of our team seems excellent and I can't help but love to cheer for them. Am I alone here? Gone are the distractions of overpaid FA's and guys that we have to sell our souls to try and root for like McNabb so how is this team unlikeable?

We may not have a great team but the entire team brings a workmanlike attitude and busts their ass out there so I love them all. I think we are a true franchise quarterback (most important and difficult to find) and an upgrade or two along the O-line (as well as other upgrades that an offseason will bring) from being an annual contender to win our division. Some athletes like Davis and Landry get really pumped every time they are involved in a play. It's not a self-glorification thing as much as some athletes just have to give off some energy and adrenaline when they are involved. For many, it's a natural reaction and as long as its not costing us penalties I'm fine with that. This game was a little different in that the Seahawks constantly wanted to start **** so our more emotional guys got a little more wild than normal but it happens.

Am I alone in finding this team to be one of the most likeable teams we've had in a long time?

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