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Romney/Ryan Lose 2012 Election Thread


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I don't get Romney's reluctance on the taxes.

On the other hand Paul isn't releasing his either and I don't really think any of them should have to.

Still, it will be pretty weird if Romney's not releasing his taxes kills his campaign.

He might as well get it over with and do it now.

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Mitt Romney is just the wrong candidate to run right now given the kind of economic problems we're facing. In fact, his candidacy hurts the credibility of Republican economic theory because after everything is all said and done, people look at Romney and ask themselves...so to create jobs, people like Romney should get to pay half the tax rate I've been paying, yet all he's been doing for the past 10 years is run for office.

Plus, there is more baggage to come against Romney. Once his tax returns are released, the public will know he has several million dollars stored in off-shore tax havens. Reporters will scrounge for more stories regarding his Bain background, and it will be like a drip, drip, drip off bad press that he will have to defend. It's not like Reverend Wright, where once the story was out, there wasn't much more to add. Not to mention, Romney's private sector experience is what he's basing his entire candidacy on, and it's under assault right now. Obama obviously did not base his entire candidacy on Reverend Wright's sermons, lol.

He's a very flawed candidate, but unfortunately for Republicans he is the best in a bad lot. He does have his share of strengths, and he can certainly win, though I think the economy will have to show some regression this year for it to happen.

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Romney is just a flat out huckster. "They hate me because of my success" "I didn't inherit any money" Just shut up already.

Romney claims in his 25 years of "business" he never once said "Thank god the Government is here to help me" Well Gee, Mitt, that has to be an outright lie considering when you were looting companies at Bane Capital you were relying on the Gov't agencies that insure pensions in order to replace bet against the companies you were claiming to "save" and replace what little equity was left with debt and then selling them off piece by piece resulting in layoffs and/or jobs being sent over seas.

Such a slimeball. Not what we need in the Whitehouse.

Romney is the epitome of the Rich gettin' Richer stereotype. Every story you've heard of business practices that are implemented to enrich the small percentage of folks at the top. That is basically what Romney stands for. As long as he and his cronies are getting wealthier.

And Newt is even worse. How is this man a viable candidate? He spends every debate trying to come off as a "tough guy" by jawing at the moderator like it will mean anything more than applause from a partisan crowd. It's great how Newt suddenly thinks personal life is irrelevant and despicable to bring up and ask questions about when he was one of the "moral crusaders" aiming ever attack dog at Clinton during the 90's. How is a guy who got thrown out of the House leadership due to ethics violations and being an overall scum-y guy, even able get on a stage with nominees running for President?

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Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell backs Romney

The way things have gone after being endorsed by the governor of SC, maybe this isn't such a good thing, lol.

Romney should release 25 years of taxes and then challenge Newt to do the same.

(using his dad's line that was mentioned last night while he does so)

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I like Romney, but he is coming across as awkward (to say the least) regarding his taxes.


Ron Paul doesn't release his taxes, makes a joke about it, and everybody moves on. All Romney has to do is either release them, or say "none of your business" and the issue is over. Instead, he trips all over himself. Embarrassing.

Still, he seems like he has conducted himself ethically throughout his life, and he seems to be a competent manager. I think he would be a better president than what we have now, so I would vote for him if he won the nomination. (I'd prefer Paul to win the nomination, though.)

...but Gingrich? Really? People would really vote for that dishonest A-hole over Romney or Paul? Man. He can come up with some good applause lines in a debate, but there's just no way I could vote for him in good conscience. I respect Obama approximately 1,000 times more than Gingrich.

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Mitt Romney crushing in South Carolina spending

If former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney loses South Carolina Saturday night, it will be a very expensive loss.

From Jan. 16 through the Saturday primary, he and his super PAC supporters have spent more than any two of his rivals combined, according to a Republican media buyer.

In Iowa, a deluge of ads from the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future buried former House speaker Newt Gingrich. In the Palmetto State, Gingrich is fighting back, thanks to a huge boost from his own super PAC supporters.

Romney also has more rivals to contend with in the south. In Iowa he was focused almost exclusively on Gingrich; now former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum has emerged as a serious rival and another big ad spender.


* Mitt Romney $858,155 + Restore Our Future $1,238,482 + Citizens for a Working America $202,642 = $2,299,279

* Newt Gingrich $337,763 + Winning Our Future $856,220 = $1,193,983

* Rick Santorum $667,810 + Red White and Blue Fund $406,447 = $1,074,257

* Ron Paul $984,538 + Santa Rita PAC $150,992 = $1,135,530

* Rick Perry $102,450 + Make Us Great Again $97,851 = $200,301

Total: $5,903,350

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Man, there sure are a lot of pro-Romney ads on Youtube.

For the past week it seems like just about every video I've watched every day has had a Romney ad attached to it or on the side of the screen.

(and these are just random youtuber/vlogger videos, not political or anything.)

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Mitt Romney is just the wrong candidate to run right now given the kind of economic problems we're facing. In fact, his candidacy hurts the credibility of Republican economic theory because after everything is all said and done, people look at Romney and ask themselves...so to create jobs, people like Romney should get to pay half the tax rate I've been paying, yet all he's been doing for the past 10 years is run for office.

Plus, there is more baggage to come against Romney. Once his tax returns are released, the public will know he has several million dollars stored in off-shore tax havens. Reporters will scrounge for more stories regarding his Bain background, and it will be like a drip, drip, drip off bad press that he will have to defend. It's not like Reverend Wright, where once the story was out, there wasn't much more to add. Not to mention, Romney's private sector experience is what he's basing his entire candidacy on, and it's under assault right now. Obama obviously did not base his entire candidacy on Reverend Wright's sermons, lol.

He's a very flawed candidate, but unfortunately for Republicans he is the best in a bad lot. He does have his share of strengths, and he can certainly win, though I think the economy will have to show some regression this year for it to happen.

That's the only way he wins, is if the economy gets worse; especially around August- October. A summer of $5 or $6/gallon of gas will send the economy reeling. The EU going under wouild also impact the economy.

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Mitt Romney is just the wrong candidate to run right now given the kind of economic problems we're facing. In fact, his candidacy hurts the credibility of Republican economic theory because after everything is all said and done, people look at Romney and ask themselves...so to create jobs, people like Romney should get to pay half the tax rate I've been paying, yet all he's been doing for the past 10 years is run for office.


who are these people?

According to last year's report from the Internal Revenue Service, as a function of Adjusted Gross Income, 97 percent of 2009 filers paid less than 15 percent:

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/01/19/media-myth-debunked-97-percent-americans-pay-less-romneys-15-percent#comments#ixzz1k4DPmMfM

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Mitt Romney: Of Course The Economy Is Getting Better

Mitt Romney on Laura Ingraham's radio program: "Of course it's getting better. The economy always gets better after the recession. There's always a recovery. There's never been a time anywhere in the world where an economy has never recovered. The question is how is recovered by virtue of something the president has done or has he delayed the recovery and made it more painful? And the latter, of course, is the truth."

"The president's policies have made the recession deeper and have made the recovery more tepid and more difficult on the American people. This is the worst recovery that we have seen from a recession since Hoover. And President Obama wants to take credit for things getting better, he's in fact made things worse. He's made this recovery take much longer, but, will our economy get better someday? Of course it will."

When Laura Ingraham asks Romney if it is hard argument to make that 'Obama is making the economy better, but vote for me,' Romney says 'Do you have a better one Laura?'

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I'll bet ya $10,000 that Newt uses this against Mitt. :ols:


WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney owns investments worth between $7 million and $32 million in offshore-based holdings, which are often used legitimately by private equity firms to attract foreign investors. Such offshore accounts also can enable wealthy investors to defer paying U.S. taxes on some assets, according to tax experts.

An Associated Press examination of Romney's financial records identified at least six funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a small Caribbean island chain that has long been used as a base for international investments because of low tax rates and financial secrecy. Romney has acknowledged that some of his investments are based in the Caymans, but he has not identified all of the specific accounts and the amounts based there. There is no indication Romney uses the accounts to dodge any U.S. tax obligations.

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Ok this taxes stuff is getting ridiculous.

No one else has released multiple years of taxes and half of them haven't released any.

A GOP candidate starting a national conversation about USA having regressive tax rates for millionaires by forcing another GOP candidate to release his tax records. Priceless.

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So Romney pays about 15% of his income in taxes:

Mitt Romney offered a partial snapshot of his vast personal fortune late Monday, disclosing income of $21.7 million in 2010 and $20.9 million last year — virtually all of it profits, dividends or interest from investments.

* * *

According to his 2010 return, Romney paid about $3 million to the IRS, for an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent.

For 2011, Romney estimates that he will pay about $3.2 million, for an effective rate of 15.4 percent. That’s in line with his earlier estimates, but sharply lower than the rates paid by President Obama and Romney’s closest Republican rival, Newt Gingrich.

“You’ll see my income, how much taxes I’ve paid, how much I’ve paid to charity,” Romney said at a debate Monday night in Tampa. “I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more. I don’t think you want someone as the candidate for president who pays more taxes than he owes.”

He said his tax bill is “entirely legal and fair,” adding: “I’m proud of the fact that I pay a lot of taxes.”

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