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Romney/Ryan Lose 2012 Election Thread


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One woman in the audience asked Romney whether he believed in Jesus Christ.

Romney said he did, and then went on to explain that he respected people of different beliefs.

“I happen to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and my savior. But I know other people have differing views and I respect those views and don’t believe those qualify or disqualify people for leadership in our nation,” he said. “I think over time, the great majority of us have decided that this is something that doesn’t determine who should be our president or our vice president or a governor or our senator,” but based upon character.

I think the question was actually a bit more specific than that.

On twitter I saw it quoted as, "Do you believe in the divine saving grace of Jesus Christ".

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I think the question was actually a bit more specific than that.

On twitter I saw it quoted as, "Do you believe in the divine saving grace of Jesus Christ".

You missed the better stuff in that link. If your Romney, what purpose does totally bat **** crazy former Ambassador John Bolton serve??

John Bolton, who endorsed Romney this week, made his debut on the campaign traveling circuit. The former United Nations ambassador harshly criticized President Obama for his foreign policy – going further than Romney has done – and said the president did not deserve any credit for what is considered a major coup of his presidency: the killing of Osama bin Laden.

“Navy SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden,” Bolton said.

He added of Obama: “He just doesn’t care about national security the way other presidents did. He’s much more interested in moving us toward a social Democratic health care system, a social Democratic automobile manufacturing system, a social Democratic environment, you get the picture.”

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The latest poll has Romney with 37% in SC, 21 points ahead of Paul and Santorum.


It seems like a bit of a leap from the other poll that came out though.

I guess we'll see how things develop over the week.

I believe that was a poll of registered voters, rather than likely voters, which would help to explain why the numbers are so different from every other poll. (Granted, determining who's a "likely" voter is an inexact science at best.)

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The Dems are getting giddy at Mittens sealing the nomination.

With the nomination almost within his grasp; it's time to bring this man down. He's the only one that really hasn't had that much scrutiny. Well, once they are done exposing Mitt; Obama will have a nice leading; baring the economy getting much worse of course.

Watching the explosion in the Republican party after the election failures will fun to watch.

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I think you're misinterpreting bingo day at the senior center.

I'll observe that this time, four years ago, Hillary was picking out her desk.

Baring things getting even worse; the Dems will have an easy time of painting Romney as out of touch with normal Americans. Not that Obama really is, but his opponent falls perfectly into the dems like of the classic Republican.

Romney is the campaign's John Kerry, Al Gore, Mike Dukakis,Bush Sr- when he was running for reelection.

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With Palin saying she'd vote for Newt in S.C., I'm starting to wonder if the Tea Party wing of the GOP is trying to sabotage Mitt by dragging out a primary as long as possible before never really getting behind their nominee in the fall. Then focus on keeping as many seats on the Hill as possible with an eye on '16. Why else would she back Newt? He's no more a true conservative than Romney. He's been all over the place while being a lobbyist. So, its not like he hardcore like Santorum.

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With Palin saying she'd vote for Newt in S.C., I'm starting to wonder if the Tea Party wing of the GOP is trying to sabotage Mitt by dragging out a primary as long as possible before never really getting behind their nominee in the fall. Then focus on keeping as many seats on the Hill as possible with an eye on '16. Why else would she back Newt? He's no more a true conservative than Romney. He's been all over the place while being a lobbyist. So, its not like he hardcore like Santorum.

Maybe Newt was nailin Palin too?


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So, Mitt Romney announced his effective tax rate is "somewhere closer to 15%." So, two questions, 1) do people actually believe Romney is the only millionaire taking great advantage of the tax code; and 2) can we stop pretending that the rich are overburdened by taxes?

Do you think there is a point where "the rich" COULD become overburdened?

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part of the reason why I don't think Romney's message is going to work.

The economy? It’s still Bush’s fault

By Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake, Published: January 17 | Updated: Wednesday, January 18, 6:30 AM

A majority of Americans believe that former President George W. Bush is more responsible than President Obama for the current economic problems in the country, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Fifty-four percent of respondents said that Bush was more to blame while 29 percent put the blame on Obama; 9 percent said both men deserved blame while 6 percent said neither did. Among registered voters, the numbers are almost identical; 54 percent blame Bush, while 30 percent blame Obama.

Independents, widely considered the most critical voting bloc this fall, continue to blame Bush far more than Obama for the economic troubles. Fifty-seven percent of unaffiliated voters put the blame on the former Republican president, while 25 percent believe the blame rests more with Obama.

Heck, even one in five Republicans say Bush is more responsible than Obama for the state of the economy!

The economic blame game numbers are somewhat remarkable given that Obama is in the third year of his presidency, a tenure defined by the continued economic distress in the country.

More from the link.

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