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This is a Psychological Nightmare for Right Minded Redskins Fans This Week


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When I was a kid, I ALWAYS thought the Redskins were going to win the Super Bowl. That was my expectation before every season. I felt this way partly because I had a right to...the Redskins were more or less always a Super Bowl contender in my formative fan years. But it was also because I was a kid and didn't fully understand that sometimes a foundation must be laid to achive the ultimate goal down the road.

Now, I'm pretty proud of myself. I've reached a point where I think I truly understand this sport and this league. I think I understand how a team is supposed to built and I think I understand the lumps you must take to get there. I no longer measure my experience as a fan on whether or not we win the Super Bowl, or even make the playoffs.

I suffered through the past two decades like all other Redskins fans. But I don't hold that suffering against this current regime. Brue Allen and the Shannahans have nothing to do with that misery. And despite an initial hiccup, they have done pretty much everything I've wanted them to do... I love our direction, I love the way things are shaping up.

So going into this season, I was very realistic with myself and my expectations. 7-9 to 9-7, just make improvements...be better week 17 than week 1, get the young guys experience, find out where we need help, etc...Play hard, make our opponents work to beat us, make the fans excited to tune in each week....

That is all I wanted, and even though we're 3-1, my expectations really haven't changed. We are ahead of where I thought we'd be, but I also understand that we have little margin for error and still have some glaring weaknesses. This team is playing like they want to make the playoffs, but I'm not yet convinced this is a playoff team. So, I'm keeping a level head and not wavering from my pre-season stance.

But that's the thing about sports...and especially football. Ultimately, fandom is NOT rational or realistic. It's an emotional game, a game of opportunity. No matter how much you may expect a loss or understand they will come, it still stings to drop a close game on Sunday.

So through five weeks, we look up and we're all alone in first place in the East. All of the other teams in the division appear flawed...and of the three we are the youngest and the one with the fewest lingering questions about chemistry, etc.. We are the unknown in a division full of teams, players, and coaches we all know quite well.

I look on paper and I see a 1-4 Eagles team that probably should be at least 2-3, if not 3-2. They have very legitimate problems, but they've also had some rather unlucky twists and turns over the first five weeks. It just isn't reasonable to expect them to turn the ball over 5 times per game each week. So, my gut tells me "ah, things will even out this week and we'll come back to earth a bit and the Eagles will straighten out a bit.."

But damn, it's hard not to dream a little. After all, we have looked pretty darn good and they've looked pretty darn bad. We're at home.

And you know what...we've watched the Eagles dominate us and the division for well over a decade now. Maybe all this "they are due" stuff is garbage. Good Lord, if anyone is "due" isn't it US??

Aren't Redskins FANS due? Due to look in the standings Monday morning and see Washington at 4-1 and Philly at 1-5?

And on a personal note...I will be attending only my fourth ever game in DC on Sunday...last time I was there I watched the misery unfold at the infamous Rams game in 2008. I was also at the game in Dallas this year...and our losses there in 2009 and 2007. Am I not due?

I believe my approach to this season was spot on. Very realistic. Very calm. Very much focused on the long view.

But once the season starts, it sure is hard to focus on the long view. And it's going to be damn hard to focus on the long view from my seat at FedEx on Sunday.

So, to hell with it I guess. I hope we beat those dirty birds to a pulp on Sunday. I don't care if they are due to come around...they don't have to do it in our house. Teams have been "getting right" against the Redskins for 20 years...maybe it's time to put a stop to it? Eagles fan...you think you are due? You know NOTHING about due.

The timing doesn't really feel right, but then again, maybe the time is now.

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This team blows big division games every year. If they lose I won't think it's same old redskins, just a team that's not ready to take that leap yet. I'm not confident this week like I usually am, but I will be pulling for them and yelling at them like I always do. This team is being built right, and we got some young guys who can make plays, if we can win this week it will go a long way to building our confidence.

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But that's the thing about sports...and especially football. Ultimately, fandom is NOT rational or realistic. It's an emotional game...

That's one reason why the hatred=respect thing didn't add up in your other thread lol :D...

So through five weeks, we look up and we're all alone in first place in the East. All of the other teams in the division appear flawed...and of the three we are the youngest and the one with the fewest lingering questions about chemistry, etc..

We're not the youngest team in the division.

As for the rest, just give into it :yes:...what's the point of following a sports team if you won't allow yourself the occasional unwarranted optimism? It makes the times when that optimism is rewarded a million times sweeter.

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That's one reason why the hatred=respect thing didn't add up in your other thread lol :D...

We're not the youngest team in the division.

As for the rest, just give into it :yes:...what's the point of following a sports team if you won't allow yourself the occasional unwarranted optimism? It makes the times when that optimism is rewarded a million times sweeter.

Maybe not technically the youngest, but we have the youngest core...if I were to list our most important players moving forward as compared to the other teams, I think we'd be the youngest.

The only thing I don't like Cali is how so many fans seem to be viewing a game like this as some sort of do or die moment for us...as if losing will mean we've made no progress...I'm not on board with that.

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Maybe not technically the youngest, but we have the youngest core...if I were to list our most important players moving forward as compared to the other teams, I think we'd be the youngest.

The only thing I don't like Cali is how so many fans seem to be viewing a game like this as some sort of do or die moment for us...as if losing will mean we've made no progress...I'm not on board with that.

Agree with both completely :yes:...Davis, Hightower, Helu, Torain, Trent Williams, lichtensteiger, our oldest O-Lineman is 30--not youngest, but oldest :ols:...All of our D-Linemen are 27 or younger (jeebus), Orakpo, Kerrigan, Jarvis Jenkins, Kevin Barnes, both Josh Wilson and DeAngelo Hall are 27 and under...Just wait until we add a few more young, talented pieces in the draft next year :thumbsup:...

And yeah, it would be beyond foolish to think we're the "same ol' Skins" if we lose to the Eagles...guess it doesn't hurt to remind ourselves that we really are rebuilding regardless of how well we've been playing so far.

I know this much, though...we will be the "sexy" pick in the media next offseason lol...

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The only thing I don't like Cali is how so many fans seem to be viewing a game like this as some sort of do or die moment for us...as if losing will mean we've made no progress...I'm not on board with that.

I'm with you on this, but I think I can see how those that didn't experience the heyday years might see this game as do or die. It's harder to to look at the longer view if you've never been there.

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The only thing I don't like Cali is how so many fans seem to be viewing a game like this as some sort of do or die moment for us...as if losing will mean we've made no progress...I'm not on board with that.

Agreed. A win would be huge from a practical standpoint- we would probably end up 2 games ahead of the division (I don't see NYG or Dallas winning)- but a loss still means we are right in the mix with our easy schedule.

For what its worth, I am feeling confident. And while I am a mere fan with no supernatural powers, games before which I feel jitters are always close and/or heartbreaking and ones where I am fearless end up being good ones- havent felt it much since Gibbs 2.0... But I did feel it about our defense going into Dallas... and I felt the jitters about Grossman. Those were good instincts... then again a primate could have predicted that outcome.

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I agree. This game sort of has the Week 3 Dallas game feeling all over again. While the our fanbase has every reason to believe the 'Skins can win, the Eagles are still a team full of speed & talent, that can put a lot of points on the board. Even in our wins so far the 'Skins haven't put up many points.

I really hope this isn't one of those games where the 'Skins go into the halftime with a 10-3 lead and then Philly just explodes for points in the 2nd half and the 'Skins simply can't keep up.

Also, at 1-4, another team with their backs up against the wall, everyone is down on them....1-5 would be just about ending playoff hope all together.

This game is HUGE, a lot bigger than what the team's records indicate.

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We are better than the Eagles. Our defense should be able to get pressure and force Vick into mistakes. If we get after him early, it's over. Our offense needs to run the ball and attack up the middle, and then burn them deep with Armstrong or Moss. If we do those things, we will be in this game if not winning it. That's how it plays out in my world at least.

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I agree. This game sort of has the Week 3 Dallas game feeling all over again. While the our fanbase has every reason to believe the 'Skins can win, the Eagles are still a team full of speed & talent, that can put a lot of points on the board. Even in our wins so far the 'Skins haven't put up many points.

I really hope this isn't one of those games where the 'Skins go into the halftime with a 10-3 lead and then Philly just explodes for points in the 2nd half and the 'Skins simply can't keep up.

Also, at 1-4, another team with their backs up against the wall, everyone is down on them....1-5 would be just about ending playoff hope all together.

This game is HUGE, a lot bigger than what the team's records indicate.

It's a bigger game for Philly though. At 3-2, we'd live to fight another day. At 1-5, they be toast. Where it is big for us that we could really bury them.

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I'm very cautious going into this game. This is like the Dallas game and hopefully they'll be able to take the bulls by the horns which they weren't able to then. There will be opportunities in this game and the Skins will need to capitalize on them otherwise they will biting their nails or regretting things in the end. Focus and execution are the going to be keys in this game.

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I think you're right about the "due" part. I mean we always talk about how other teams are due for success, but never for us. If anything fans of other NFC East teams are probably looking at the Redskins and going, "man the Skins will be tough to beat.. they are just due for a good season and division title." So why not. I think we are due to finally take the division.

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It's a bigger game for Philly though. At 3-2, we'd live to fight another day. At 1-5, they be toast. Where it is big for us that we could really bury them.

Oh I agree 100% that is what my statement was meant to get across. It is a big game all around, but bigger for Philly, much bigger. If the 'Skins win, it puts a little distance between them and rest of division, however if they lose, I believe the worse outcome for Week 6 would still be a piece of 1st place.

A loss for Philly would put them deeper into last place by themselves and all but put them out of the playoff hunt in 2011.

Absolutely agreed.

I hope in this game unlike the Dallas game, the 'Skins are able to take advantage of all the mistakes and openings the Eagles will probably serve up in a silver platter, whether it be turning turnovers into points, or just sticking with a game plan that attacks their weak points on defense, and doesn't let up.

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Sounds like maybe you're bad luck....Please watch the game from home. (j/k glad to see a loyal fan at the game) Be sure to yell loudly for all of us stuck at home. We're certainly "due" even past-due. Faith

LOL, I was thinking the same thing. I know that when I go to a bar to watch the Skins play they always seem to lose that game, so I don't do it and we've won them all. I went to a bar to see the Dallas game. It could be my fault, I know.

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I am admittedly pessimistic about the teams ability to win games this year. I generally approach our games as if Joe Gibbs has been whispering in my ear all summer about the opponents we're going to be facing. "Those are some tough suckers, they're great, they are super smart, those guys fight their guts out every game." But even as I look at every game pessimistically, I can't help but see the very solid improvements the Skins have made and the very solid foundation that this team is being built on.

Philly is no joke. They really are better than their record would suggest regardless of what anyone says. They can put points up in a hurry and their secondary has the ability to make everyone on this board hate Rex with a passion. But they have definite weaknesses. From the little bit I have seen of them they play very soft on defense once you get past that front four. Those same ball hawk corners have a very real aversion to contact. As tough as Philly is the Skins have the ability to beat them and despite my tendency to be pessimistic I see that our greatest strength on offense also happens to be Philly's biggest weakness on defense. We have the ability to slowly and painfully crush the life out of philly's season. Inch by inch, play by play. The question is whether or not we do it.

I won't let myself get optimistic for this or any other game this season even though I realize how I let myself feel about it doesn't matter. But it's one of those things I hope I am wrong about. Here's to us curb stomping the eagles season into a coma and Andy Reid's tenure into history. :helmet:

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kleese, man, beautifully written. I didn't grow up with a winning franchise, but I do know how the expectations felt just as a child. After all of these years, especially 2009, I don't go into any game thinking that we will win or lose, but I'm never surprised when the latter happens.

After our incredible draft (incredible meaning that we really went after youth, depth, and value), I said to anyone who would listen (and many more who would not) that this isn't our year, but this is the shot across the bow of the East, the NFC, and the NFL that you're in for a very, very tough couple of decades (assuming Kyle gets his playcalling **** together).

I was at Dallas, too, this year, and it didn't make it hurt any less. It also doesn't make the victories any less heart attack-inducing. It's an exciting year, and it's hard not to feel your heart trying to break down the low expectations that your brain has set.

Sounds like maybe you're bad luck....Please watch the game from home. (j/k glad to see a loyal fan at the game) Be sure to yell loudly for all of us stuck at home. We're certainly "due" even past-due. Faith

I have been to three Eagles games: 2006 (L), 2007 (L; Sean's last game); 2010 (if you don't know how this one turned out, then let me know what pills you're taking so that I can forget, too). So, yeah, I'm never going to a home Eagles game ever again, ever. I'm 3-0 against the Cowboys at home, so I'll be going to those.

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The only thing I don't like Cali is how so many fans seem to be viewing a game like this as some sort of do or die moment for us...as if losing will mean we've made no progress...I'm not on board with that.

I'm not as dramatic as that, but for us to lose successive divison games, especially against an opponent that has handed our @$$ to us more times than I care to remember, cannot be a good indicator no matter how good general feelings may be toward our progress. I do think things are going well with regard to team building, but for this fan, this is very much a must win game. We are in position to put the nail in the coffin of the 'dream team.' I hope we do just that.

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