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Please say a prayer for my dad


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Hi all, I don't post very much anymore, but I still feel part of the family here. I'm asking everyone to please think about my dad and send some positive vibes his way. He's 63, and has been having stomach/bowel pains for the past few months. He finally got into the doctor, and the doctor said he "felt something" in his colon. It was concerning enough that the doctor got my dad an appointment with a specialist ASAP the next day (today) to set him up for a colonoscopy. He's also scheduled for a CAT scan next week to see if it has spread, in case it is cancerous.

I'm deeply concerned. The worst part right now is just not knowing whether it's cancerous or just a large polyp. My mind keeps jumping to worst case scenarios. And my mom is a breast cancer survivor, so I know what that puts a family through. I'm upset that my family is down in Virginia dealing with this right now, and I'm powerless up here in New York.

Anyway, I would really appreciate any words of support or wisdom at all...Thanks.

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done and done, OS.

my dad had a skin cancer scare a month ago. fortunately they caught it in time and it hadn't spread to his lymph nodes or surrounding tissues. i know how you're feeling right now, but the best course of action is to remain positive.

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Well, the doctor says it's more than likely a malignant tumor (very small chance that it's benign) and not a small tumor at that. They are currently doing X-rays on his chest to see if it has spread, in which case he would probably be a goner. I am terrified and feel like I'm in a nightmare that I can't get out of. I'm trying to stay strong, but the news just keeps getting worse...thanks everyone for your support.

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Consider it done man.

Both your father and the rest of your family along with yourself will be in my prayers at this most trying of times. Without wishing to sound crass, I wish you all the best going forward in combating this.

Easier said than done, but stay strong man. For your dad's sake. As understandably terrified as you are, I can but imagine what he's going through.


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Well, the doctor says it's more than likely a malignant tumor (very small chance that it's benign) and not a small tumor at that. They are currently doing X-rays on his chest to see if it has spread, in which case he would probably be a goner. I am terrified and feel like I'm in a nightmare that I can't get out of. I'm trying to stay strong, but the news just keeps getting worse...thanks everyone for your support.

continued prayers for you OS, please feel free to PM me if you need to unload or just talk. I've been dealing with similar circumstances for a while now with my Mom, and fully understand what you are going through right now. I just wish there was something I could say or do to make it any easier. Hang in there brother. My heart aches for you.

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