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Sitting is killing you!


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As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, there is one thing nearly all modern Americans have in common: we sit all the time. Though our great shift towards computer-based work has done great things for productivity, it has, unfortunately, done terrible things for our health. From increased risk of heart disease and obesity in the long term, to sharply hampered cholesterol maintenance in the short term, the negative health effects of sitting are starting to weigh heavily against the benefits. Even the medical field – the greatest advocates and reducing sitting time – is plagued by this new health issue. Though doctors and nurses get plenty of walking time, it usually falls to the secretaries, billers, and coders to do all the sitting. And, as we can see, something has to change.


We all are doomed.

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And jog in place while doing work at the computer!

or at least change it up and do a handstand while typing with your feet. Because of shoes, our toes get almost no exercise at all. (This comment is half serious. Shoes do weaken feet by giving so much support)

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or at least change it up and do a handstand while typing with your feet. Because of shoes, our toes get almost no exercise at all. (This comment is half serious. Shoes do weaken feet by giving so much support)

there are shoes these days with a "barefoot" design that aren't so flat around the toes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Study says sitting as bad as smoking

HealthWatch: Sitting Vs. Smoking

(CBS 5) – Smoking cigarettes is the cause of so much preventable, deadly disease. But now new research shows sitting for long stretches of time may be just as dangerous.

“Smoking certainly is a major cardiovascular risk factor and sitting can be equivalent in many cases,” explained Dr. David Coven, cardiologist with St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York.

Dr. Coven said several new studies show prolonged sitting is now being linked to increased risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and even early death.


I smoke while sitting just to cover all the bases.

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