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Multiple Sources: Multiple shot including Congress Woman


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. Ron Paul, who wants to return to the gold standard like this killer, comes to mind.

I've been meaning to ask since yesterday when I first heard it. Where did he say about going to the gold standard? I hadnt seen that in all the stuff I read thus far. Not saying it isnt true, more curious to hear what he said specifically about it. Are there any links that could get me there?

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Seriously, does nobody want to take a break from the sniping for a moment to figure out why the hell one of Giffords's two YouTube subscriptions was the shooter's channel? She clearly wasn't just subscribing to constituents' channels as a form of online glad-handing.
WND has a cached version of the page from December 26th, showing that she had not subscribed to it then.


It's strange, but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for it. Thoughts?
I think it's likely that someone in her office looked at the youtube page after the shooting, and then accidentally subscribed to it. Whoever did it might not have even realized what they were doing.
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Seriously, does nobody want to take a break from the sniping for a moment to figure out why the hell one of Giffords's two YouTube subscriptions was the shooter's channel? She clearly wasn't just subscribing to constituents' channels as a form of online glad-handing.

Well, considering what is on his channel, someone alerted her staff to it and they were monitoring.

Seems reasonable.


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I think it's likely that someone in her office looked at the youtube page after the shooting, and then accidentally subscribed to it. Whoever did it might not have even realized what they were doing.

Or subscribed to bookmark it, though I'm sure the FBI will look at it and see if there was prior contact we are unaware of.

Probably nothing,but strange enough to look into.

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I've been meaning to ask since yesterday when I first heard it. Where did he say about going to the gold standard? I hadnt seen that in all the stuff I read thus far. Not saying it isnt true, more curious to hear what he said specifically about it. Are there any links that could get me there?

I haven't seen anything extensive, but various reports have the killer interested in the gold standard. Here's one:


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I haven't seen anything extensive, but various reports have the killer interested in the gold standard. Here's one:


I assume its this unsubstantiated line of "He called for a new currency and a return to the gold standard, a common demand of Tea Party activists, but did not claim an association with any political party." within that article.

He called for a new currency, but never in those vids said anything about a gold standard as far as I could tell. (heck, I'm not even certain he meant money when discussing curfrency because he linked it with literacy and dreaming!) They assumed, and I think they assumed wrongly.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1345700/Arizona-shooting-Teachers-fears-Jared-Loughner.html#ixzz1AfLAtZFU

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He called for a new currency, but never in those vids said anything about a gold standard as far as I could tell. (heck, I'm not even certain he meant money when discussing curfrency because he linked it with literacy and dreaming!) They assumed, and I think they assumed wrongly.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1345700/Arizona-shooting-Teachers-fears-Jared-Loughner.html#ixzz1AfLAtZFU

I think you're right. I read somewhere yesterday about the term "new currency" having an anti-semitic implication . I'll have to go find that article, and report back.

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I assume its this unsubstantiated line of "He called for a new currency and a return to the gold standard, a common demand of Tea Party activists, but did not claim an association with any political party." within that article.
At 3:35 in this video:


"No! I won't pay debt with a currency that that's not backed by gold and silver!"

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Not sure if this has been posted yet, but:

Meanwhile, the leader of Westboro Baptist Church, an anti-gay Kansas-based church best known for picketing the funerals of slain U.S. soldiers and gay-pride gatherings, said its members will picket the funerals of the 9-year-old girl and five others killed in Saturday's attack. In a video, Fred Phelps says God sent the shooter to avenge the nation's sins.

"Thank God for the violent shooter," Phelps proclaims.

"We will remind the living that you can still repent and obey. This is ultimatum time with God."

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I assume its this unsubstantiated line of "He called for a new currency and a return to the gold standard, a common demand of Tea Party activists, but did not claim an association with any political party." within that article.

He called for a new currency, but never in those vids said anything about a gold standard as far as I could tell. (heck, I'm not even certain he meant money when discussing curfrency because he linked it with literacy and dreaming!) They assumed, and I think they assumed wrongly.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1345700/Arizona-shooting-Teachers-fears-Jared-Loughner.html#ixzz1AfLAtZFU

In the vid DjTj just linked he makes a reference to not being willing to trust in or use a currency not backed by silver or gold.

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Why cant tragedies like this happen to people like this guy instead?

Well, it wouldn't be a tragedy if someone blew Fred Phelps brains out.

Unless some got on someone innocent bystander's shoes. That would be bad. But nothing a quick swipe with a tissue won't fix.


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Am I the only one that feels there's just something not right about this whole thing? Like, there's something missing from what we know that we may never find out? The guy is obviously crazy, but he coulda killed anyone and kills one of the few people on the hill that actually make sense?

Maybe it was simple convenience, but part of me wishes he wasn't just some mentally unstable whackjob so we could all make the case that the political poking of the stick at people that are already pissed off has gone too far. I know the hill is sad now, but my gut says within a month or two it will be back to partisan knife-throwing as usual...

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I think you're right. I read somewhere yesterday about the term "new currency" having an anti-semitic implication . I'll have to go find that article, and report back.

It's been "REPORTED" THAT he's Jewish. I can't verify that but it's been reported. That doesn't eliminate antisemitism but it would be unusual I suspect. But hey what does anybody really know about this dude.

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It's unlikely to actually be her maintaining that page, but it would be interesting to know who on her staff is in charge of that, and when he/she subscribed to that youtube channel.

And if Congress is looking to do something to try to honor her, instead of just suspending the vote on the health care repeal, it would be nice if they voted on the 5% pay cut.


It should be a 100% cut as long as we're running a deficit, imo...

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Every time something like this happens, we go through the same old song and dance. Who's to blame? What's to blame? What's wrong with our society?

Its tiresome. Who's fault is it? Its the shooters faults. Thats it, no deeper than that. Bottom line: some people are stark-raving ****ing insane. They find reasons to hate and distrust the outside world and then enact revenge fantasies on what they view as a sick world, when in fact it is themselves that are sick.

They are found in every society, in every culture: weirdos, psychos, crayzies. Its probably genetic, although there may be some social factors that enable them or make it easier for them to enact their hate-filled internal fantasies. From this perspective, if you object to the knee-jerk tendency to blame islam for every act of terror, to blame southern republicans for every hate-crime, than also you must object to the reflex to blame a political party, or the tea-party, or Sarah Palin, or anybody else, for this nutjob's work.

We all have strong feelings on some issure or another. Religion, politics, maybe even sports. But no matter how strongly we feel, only a very very very few decide that violence is okay in order to express their feelings on a given subject. The decision to enact violence is a seperate psychological phenemonem from the beliefs we hold, and in that way the beliefs a sane person holds are really in no way related to willingness to use violence to impose those beliefs.

Crayzes are crayzies. Just let it be. If they are willing to undergo mass killing for their objective, then you know immediately this is an insane person who doesn not deserve to have his beliefs analyzed or discussed. He's a mass-killer, thats all you need ot know about him, everytbhing else is incidental. Knowing that a certain percentage of all society has these kinds of folks, the discussion should be based more upon how to make it difficult to commit mass-murder (genreal security, gun control, etc.) than on finding a person to "blame" or a sector of society to "blame."

It may appear that the congresswoman was targeted, but this more coincidence than anyhting. She simply became the object of his murderous fantasies: if it wasnt her, he would have simply latched on to some other political figure, or some neighbor of his, or somebody else pretty much chosen simply in order to have a focus for his hate.

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Am I the only one that feels there's just something not right about this whole thing? Like, there's something missing from what we know that we may never find out? The guy is obviously crazy, but he coulda killed anyone and kills one of the few people on the hill that actually make sense?


What could possibly be right about it?

He killed someone available that he considered stupid to bring attention to himself.

Maybe she was too conservative for him...no telling with a nut,though we will certainly try to find out.

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