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Are you voting tomorrow?


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There are no local races here

The only race I keep hearing about is Fimian Connolly and that's NoVa. I don't live in NoVa.

Other than that it's O'Malley Vs. Ehrlich and I don't give a damn, if I went I'd just vote for Ehrlich not because of platform but due to association with Tony Kornheiser. :)

I don't understand. The issues I want changed aren't on the ballot.

Regardless of where you live, there are local races. MD had state senate races and state delegate races all over. Also, there are MD state constitution questions on the ballot. For example:

Montgomery County Question:

Question A: Should there be an ambulance fee in Montgomery County?

If you live in Montgomery County, and the vote is a "YES"; I hope you have health insurance. If you don't and you have to ride in an ambulance, you will be paying for it. Maybe your vote wouldn't matter, but maybe it would.

(There are 3 questions that are state wide, the rest are either district or county based)

With all that being said, if the only thing getting you to the voting booth is weed legislation.... well.... I don't really know what to say to that.

Carlin Video

While I believe Carlin was a philosopher dressed as a comedian, his explanation for "not voting" is lazy. Basically, "I don't like it, it's ****ed, I'm not going to do anything about it." Lazy. He doesn't have to run for office, help in a campaign, etc. but atleast let your voice be heard. You hate all the Democrats and Republicans? Go vote Libertarian. If a third party could get enough traction in this country maybe something would change.

I don't like the "it's too broke so I don't give a ****" philosophy on anything in life. That's just an excuse to be lazy and indifferent about things that are wrong in society.

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Regardless of where you live, there are local races. MD had state senate races and state delegate races all over. Also, there are MD state constitution questions on the ballot. For example:

Montgomery County Question:

Question A: Should there be an ambulance fee in Montgomery County?

If you live in Montgomery County, and the vote is a "YES"; I hope you have health insurance. If you don't and you have to ride in an ambulance, you will be paying for it. Maybe your vote wouldn't matter, but maybe it would.

(There are 3 questions that are state wide, the rest are either district or county based)

With all that being said, if the only thing getting you to the voting booth is weed legislation.... well.... I don't really know what to say to that.

While I believe Carlin was a philosopher dressed as a comedian, his explanation for "not voting" is lazy. Basically, "I don't like it, it's ****ed, I'm not going to do anything about it." Lazy. He doesn't have to run for office, help in a campaign, etc. but atleast let your voice be heard. You hate all the Democrats and Republicans? Go vote Libertarian. If a third party could get enough traction in this country maybe something would change.

I don't like the "it's too broke so I don't give a ****" philosophy on anything in life. That's just an excuse to be lazy and indifferent about things that are wrong in society.

Is there a measure on the MD ballot to

- legalize gambling

- legalize marijuana

- change America's school system so America isn't the 35th or 25th best education program in the world, or improve America's abysmal math and science scores


Therefore I will not waste my vote

I never did understand the "Vote or else" mentality, for one, South Park brilliantly commented on the situation with their "Vote or die", and second of all, Carlin is a genius and is never wrong

As for the third party...they did get traction in 2008. They were derided as lunatics. There won't be a third party for a long time because the media will just depict them as loons. The Dems and Republicans will dominate politics. Unfortunately neither of them wants to address the real issues plaguing this country, or the real wasteful spending on the war on drugs.

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The IDEA of voting is awful. Who cares about my one insignificant vote. I'm a tiny number that doesn't matter. Why go through all the hastle?

But actually showing up to my local elementary school and voting along with all my other neighbors is a great experience. When I'm rubbing shoulders with them, it's really ok with me that they probably disagree with me about who to vote for. Its exciting that we can all get together, grumble lightheartedly about the cold weather, hold doors open for the elderly woman making her way in, laugh about sneaking past the lobiests with their pamphlets at the front door trying to get me to vote yes on question A or question C. I like my neighbors more after days like today.

I'm glad I voted and I'm glad all my neighbors voted with me no matter who they voted for.

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Completely agree. If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain about what's wrong.

Voting is a great right, which many people in this world aren't allowed. Take advantage of it. Like Predicto said, atleast you can ***** about whatever you want after the elections are over.

I agree with you guys. Is our system a mess? Sure it is, in many ways. But when the majority of people show their apathy by not voting, nothing is going to change. There is no motivation for it. In the grand scheme of things, my voice does not count for much, but I have the right to let it be heard. So I am going to.

With that being said, I continue to be appalled that here in NC, you don't have to show any type of ID to vote. That, to me, is just begging for fraud. I would love to think that everything that goes on in polling places is by the book, but it just isn't. I could have walked in and voted as any of my friends, as long as I knew their name and address.

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Is there a measure on the MD ballot to

- change America's school system so America isn't the 35th or 25th best education program in the world, or improve America's abysmal math and science scores


Therefore I will not waste my vote

I'm not going to argue politics with anyone here, (especially in this thread dedicated to voting) so I won't address your comment on the "war on drugs", legalizing gambling, etc. However, I have a REAL issue with your quote above.

No, there isn't a specific vote to change students' math and science scores. But guess what? There is a US Senate and US Congress seat up in MD. I bet some of the people running care more about education reform than others.....

I bet one of the two candidates running for Governor in MD cares about education more than the other. I bet there are people running for state senate or delagate in your district that care about education more than others. Maybe they can't change education nationally, but they could start by changing education in MD, maybe lowering University costs, etc.

Bottom line, your point is dead wrong and lazy. Nope, you can't vote for specific legislation, but you can vote for who CREATES the legislation. Education is an issue for you? Then VOTE for the people who campaign for education reform.

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No, I will not. Not out of any great lack of interest, though that has a fair part to do with it I suppose. I've never updated my registration info since I've moved and I don't know anything about the local elections. Not going to vote for a letter next to someone's name.

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Virginia had:

Some initiative to stop property taxes on people over 65 that have limited income.

And another for Vets that 100% disabled

And another for bonds on something i can't remember now.

They seemed to be okay based on the tiny para. on the screen.

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The third VA question was to increase the rainy-day fund from 10% to 15% of revenue, which I can only see as a good thing in hard times. I'd rather they save tax revenue than spend it if they don't have to. I did vote, and yes for all three.

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Virginia had:

Some initiative to stop property taxes on people over 65 that have limited income.

And another for Vets that 100% disabled

And another for bonds on something i can't remember now.

They seemed to be okay based on the tiny para. on the screen.

The last one was on increasing the fund for transportation.

I voted this morning.

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The third VA question was to increase the rainy-day fund from 10% to 15% of revenue, which I can only see as a good thing in hard times. I'd rather they save tax revenue than spend it if they don't have to. I did vote, and yes for all three.

I forgot about that one.

I agree with what you said, I just honestly do not think politicians can help themselves from spending every dime they can.

That, and I think a lot of money tends to disappear from a lot of funds. That is just the cynic in me speaking, though.

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