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WTF?  We're not trading Beal or cutting him.


I think fans would be surprised at just how much traction this team could get out of replacing one of the worst coaches in the league with a legit good coach.  A good coach has this current team winning 50+ games.  Easily.


Though it remains to be seen whether Ernie and Ted are smart enough to actually fire Wittman's dumbass and replace him with someone good.

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Ernie's not going to get fired.  He's too detached from the mess out there on the court right now.  The build didn't end up failing enough to get him fired.


There needs to be a really disastrous, tangible failure we can pin to him before he gets canned.  If he can survive Gungate and an ownership change and five straight seasons of top 6 draft picks, he's going to survive disappointing seasons where we flounder around .500 and a middle seed.


I see no way we can get rid of him.

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Beal is average. If you cant dribble the ball at the 2 guard and create for yourself and others, you will not be elite. Beal hasnt shown that.

You can say that he is 21 and its only 3 years in the league, etc but its not like we have seen even subtle improvements in that front.

He is definitely tradeable although I doubt he has much value at this point.

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Steve, players make other players look better than they are, players make most coaches look better than they are.


There are maybe 10 coaches in the history of the NBA who really made a big impact, to make the players look better.  


Pop being one of them.


I think Wittman is a scrub too, but who do you want ? Shaka Smart maybe ?

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Steve, players make other players look better than they are, players make most coaches look better than they are.


There are maybe 10 coaches in the history of the NBA who really made a big impact, to make the players look better.  


Pop being one of them.


I think Wittman is a scrub too, but who do you want ? Shaka Smart maybe ?

As a VCU lifer who watches nearly every game, I can assure you that Shaka is not ready for this level yet.

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Do what Atlanta did and hire a bright young up and comer.


I just want someone creative, someone who can think outside the box. I know we don't have the best roster but the offense we have at the moment is a disaster, like something from the 50s. It's like an NFL offense that does nothing but run 50 gut. Doesn't work in the modern game.

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If Wall did that, he'd be hammered relentlessly

J.Michael had an article talking about this yesterday:

It's not on Otto Porter, Martell Webster, Rasual Butler, Garrett Temple, Kevin Seraphin, Drew Gooden, Ramon Sessions, DeJuan Blair or Kris Humphries. That leaves the core four of Wall, Beal, Nene and Gortat, three of whom comprise the largest salaries, and Pierce.

The two youngest of that group, Wall and Beal, are the only ones who will routinely -- and willingly -- stand in front of the bright lights to answer for everything. Pierce makes himself available briefly (and is candid) regardless of the outcome of a game. Gortat has gone into a shell after Pierce took him to task for his comments about their lack of individual defense. Nene prefers to avoid large media contingents altogether.

There's a definitive line drawn here, between the starting bigs and the three perimeter defenders. The perception (there's that word again) is obvious. But in this case, it's also reality. They're not on the same page.



Toronto is currently disintegrating at rate comparable to the Wizards. That first round matchup would be full of jokes. We'd probably scrape through a series, solely because it will ensure the worst case scenario of Grunfeld & Wittman returning.

its hte first playoff series where both fanbases sorta hope their team loses in embarrassing fashion.
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We all grouse that few coaches get time to blossom these days, that the turnover is way too high, that management is too rash. The Wizards present the argument for rashness. We just know when some coaches don't belong and there's no reason to delay the inevitable. That's something the Wizards should have considered last summer.


much more in the link

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SportsCenter anchor airing out Randy Wittman for walking off court before the final buzzer. Loving the national attention.

Randy Wittman in the midst of a meltdown throwing his players under the bus. Did Brian Shaw start advising him?

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I for one think its hilarious that with Scott in the GM position, im fully confident that the Redskins are a better run franchise, with more promise than the Bullets now. Every single one of us has begged for Ted to remove Ernie, just as we begged the Polins. For a guy who is so in touch with the media, he has stevie wondered his way out of seeing the hatred of Ernie the actual fans this town has felt. The criticism has been both intellectually thorough and at times factually volatile. But make no mistake: The criticism is out there, and its loud as **** now. As ridiculous as it was months ago Vivek Ranadivé atleast had the wherewithal to know his team was not playing the way all the other successful teams in the league were playing, and he started clearing house. So Ted is either stupid, negligent, or plain stubborn.


We are all sitting here watching him destroy Wall's prime just like he did with Ovi.

Edited by Skin'emAlive
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Shaka Smart is going to a big time program before he goes to the NBA.

(maybe Florida, according to Jalen Rose)


I love Shaka, he is an  amazing college coach, but he is not an NBA coach. He system is very specific. Havoc is not coming to the NBA and it would be a disaster.  

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I love Shaka, he is an  amazing college coach, but he is not an NBA coach. He system is very specific. Havoc is not coming to the NBA and it would be a disaster.  


Yep, that's what I was going to say too. He is a damn good college coach, but I don't think he would be a great fit in the pros. Maybe is happens at some point if he wants a new challenge, but I don't know how well it would go. 

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