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They really should've picked Noel. A lot of fans wanted him too. I'm still shocked he pick John Wall over Evan Turner. He finds a way to **** everything up.

Wittman would never have played him. He'd go through the same NBA confidence destroyer program he's put every other young player he's allowed to bench through.

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Don't forget the senseless position change. Randy would have him play 60% of his minutes at SF too.

If Otto can't get run over the likes of Webster, butler, ariza, and a 75 year old Paul pierce, Noel wouldn't have had a chance behind gortat, Nene, hump, gooden, and Seraphin. We'd be tearing our hair out watching Seraphin chuck post shots while noel rode the pine.

None of the young players we get, present or future, are going to work out unless we change coaches.

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Wasn't Noel coming off a major knee injury and missed his entire rookie year? Otto will never get 30 points if we don't let him play.

But we didn't even play Otto so that wouldn't have mattered. Noel could've been the presence we're currently missing.

As much as Grunfeld and Wittman struggle at their jobs it doesn't matter, Ted is an enabler and that's the major problem. All you need to see to realize Ted is an dumbass was him allowing GMGM to trade his top prospect for a middling veteran. Selling him the team was a terrible decision.

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But we didn't even play Otto so that wouldn't have mattered. Noel could've been the presence we're currently missing.



I wouldn't have supported drafting Noel with that injury, this is a hindsight arugement. And like has been noted, there's no promise Randy would play Noel either.

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I wouldn't have supported drafting Noel with that injury, this is a hindsight arugement. And like has been noted, there's no promise Randy would play Noel either.

It's not really an hindsight argument. Noel was hands down the best player the draft before his injury. If you could afford to sit him for a year like we could've than you pick him. The team was clearly going to be a better squad that year.

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I don't think anyone predicted Otto to be this bad.  I mean, at times, he looks like he's never played the game before.  I really don't have high hopes for him, and I think the team needs to target a SF in the draft this year.  Hollis-Jefferson, Dekker, someone....Otto ain't it.  Bust all the way. 

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I don't think anyone predicted Otto to be this bad.  I mean, at times, he looks like he's never played the game before.  I really don't have high hopes for him, and I think the team needs to target a SF in the draft this year.  Hollis-Jefferson, Dekker, someone....Otto ain't it.  Bust all the way. 


Ernie will be allowed to keep drafting 3's until he gets it right  :(

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I don't think anyone predicted Otto to be this bad. I mean, at times, he looks like he's never played the game before. I really don't have high hopes for him, and I think the team needs to target a SF in the draft this year. Hollis-Jefferson, Dekker, someone....Otto ain't it. Bust all the way.

But how do we even know really? The dude gets such little playing time that it's almost impossible to develop him.

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I don't think anyone predicted Otto to be this bad.  I mean, at times, he looks like he's never played the game before.  I really don't have high hopes for him, and I think the team needs to target a SF in the draft this year.  Hollis-Jefferson, Dekker, someone....Otto ain't it.  Bust all the way. 


What times has he looked like he has never played before?


Honestly, until Randy is gone I will give every young player on this team the benefit of the doubt. But even still, Otto never looked bad on this team. Never. Sure he missed a shot here and there. Missed an assignment here and there. But if that is what we are using to determine who plays on this team, why is Butler and Webster playing over him? Pierce has two positions on this team that could really help us. Playing the 4 or playing with the bench. He is doing neither. And now we are talking about drafting *another* sf? Otto was as nba ready as you could get, yet we havent even tried to develop him because Randy/EG are trying to save their own asses.

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But how do we even know really? The dude gets such little playing time that it's almost impossible to develop him.



What times has he looked like he has never played before?


Honestly, until Randy is gone I will give every young player on this team the benefit of the doubt. But even still, Otto never looked bad on this team. Never. Sure he missed a shot here and there. Missed an assignment here and there. But if that is what we are using to determine who plays on this team, why is Butler and Webster playing over him? Pierce has two positions on this team that could really help us. Playing the 4 or playing with the bench. He is doing neither. And now we are talking about drafting *another* sf? Otto was as nba ready as you could get, yet we havent even tried to develop him because Randy/EG are trying to save their own asses.


I REFUSE to believe that Otto's ineffectiveness is solely based on his lack of development due to coaching.  At some point, you guys have to place some of the blame on the player.  He's tenative, weak, and often confused on defense.  Also, there has to be something not happening in practice for Otto not to be getting minutes ahead of both Pierce or Webster (at times).  We're not behind closed doors, so what exactly do we have to go off of?  He had a nice summer league (but so did Glen Rice Jr.), but why hasn't that translated to the actual games?  If NBA careers were made off of Summer League, we'd be talking about how guys like Josh Selby and Nate Robinson are well on the way to the HOF.  I'm not absolving the coaches on the team of blame...but they are PARTIALLY responsible for Otto's failures.  Some of it has to fall back on him as well. 


What excuses were you guys coming up with for Jan Vesely?  All coaching?  At some point, you gotta call a spade a spade.  Otto may carve out a nice career as a role player, but I feel fairly confident in saying he'll NEVER live up to his billing as 1.  "most NBA ready player in the draft," or 2. the #3 pick. 


He is what he is at this point.  I'd honestly love to be nothing more than wrong about him....but my hope is that there is a complete overhaul in the FO and with the coaching staff to possibly give him a fresh start.  Who knows?  Maybe Otto will step up under the direction of a new coach.  Until then...he's a HUGE bust. 

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Excuses for Vesely? I hated that pick from the begining,


What I'm saying, is were there this many excuses for Vesely's lack of development as there are for Porter? 


It's crazy that NO ONE can definitively say that Porter can actually play on this level. 

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Everyone hated the Vesely pick first off. But secondly, he made Vesely worse. Dude had like 1 positive. He was an athletic big. Witt immediately asked him to gain weight and started playing him at the 5...


Name one single player Wittman has made better. Heck, name one guy who has gotten better under him period. Wall doesnt count. He doesnt even listen to him. Otto is the youngest guy on this team. Additionaly, he plays better defense than any of the 3 guys who are ahead of him right now. Just about every game he has started this year, hes gone in to double figures. Lastly, his skill set complements John. The one thing he is missing is that corner 3. But so is every other guy on the team... So why isnt he playing?

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Every young player that Wittman can bench has played tentatively. Anyone want to go out on a limb and guess why?

Maybe, and I'm just throwing this out there, it had something to do with the fact that they find themselves in week long purgatory for taking a bad shot. That strikes me as the kind of thing that could only result in tentative and uncertain play. If you don't like this style of coaching, well ask Rice Jr. how that works out.

The players that weren't treated like that were Beal and Wall. They had a permanent green light and they took (and still take) awful shots and make hilarious mistakes on defense... Randy just smiles about it. They are also the only young players this team has developed.

Randy only seems interested in letting star potential guys screw up, but in basketball you need to develop role players too. Otto might never be very good but the wizards need a long line of good enough. Randy and his idiot boss make that impossible. It's all aging over priced vets and two young guys.

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Using Glen Rice Jr. as an example?  Remind me which team he's on again? 


Some of the points are valid...and like I said, I'm not absolving the coaching staff of blame.  However, there's something off with Otto.  I think might be able to become a good role player, but he'll NEVER live up to his billing as the #3 overall pick. 


In his NBA career, I just don't see it with him.  There have never been consistent flashes of potential or anything along those lines.  Maybe a new coaching staff will help his development, or maybe this is just who he is. 


All I know is going into next season (hopefully with a new braintrust), there needs to be an upgrade at the 3 spot. 

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Otto has barely played. 8 minutes a game is not playing. No one can thrive with that kind of run, especially not a young player. He can't show us anything if he doesn't get run. And Randy won't play him because he's a ****ty coach that's perpetually fighting for his job. He always goes to the vet reflexively. There is absolutely no excuse for Otto having been doghoused these past few weeks. Randy can't use young players. He's the guy who made Kevin Love stop shooting threes. He's incompetent and that's really the beginning and the end of the discussion about our struggling young players.

Firing Randy is the ONLY first step this team can take to actually develop draft picks. Beal and Otto desperately need a new coach.

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Glen Rice is a perfect example of guys that came here with some talent and failed to turn into nba players. If he went somewhere else and blew up he wouldn't be an example of total failure. Singleton and Vesely are there as well, two guys Wittman ripped the confidence out of and then demanded that they succeed as bigs after one offseason.... because this team doesn't know HOW to develop anyone.

The only youth that comes here and turns into anything is star caliber and I'd argue that this team is killing Beals development with all the midrange nonsense.

The wizards need to learn to develop role players. Turn Otto into a 8-11 ppg player that comes off the bench and makes a play it two consistently. The best teams do that. Their rosters are full of value and everyone just assumes they have the best crystal balls on draft day.

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Singleton and Vesely were both drafted as SFs under Flip and Wittman converted them to bugs. He played Ves at the 5 of all things. That's blatant misuse. Porter is a true SF and the first thing Wittman did was play him at SG. This year he's had Otto play the 2 in lineups with Butler or Webster and also when he got those starts when Beal was injured. Those guys should not be pushing him out of the three, nor should they be playing over him.

But screwing with Otto's position is the least of my complaints. Playing time and a lack of a regular role are the most serious ways Randy's ****ed over Otto. And the lousy offensive system hurts all of our players.

Beal is really suffering too, having such a point heavy role in this offense. It's such a bad system and the only thing keeping it from being one of the worst offenses in the league is the fact we have a genius playmaking PG and start five good offensive players. They carry the coach. They make high difficulty plays enough to give our statistical performance the resemblance of competency.

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