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On Sunday evening, minutes removed from a disappointing loss to the inferior Sacramento Kings, Washington Wizards Coach Randy Wittman insisted offense was not his team’s dilemma even though it had mustered just 86 points against the NBA’s 27th-ranked defense.

Instead, he emphatically asserted the Wizards’ problem was on the defensive end. Focus on defense was absent Sunday, he maintained, and Washington needed to manufacture a better showing at Oracle Arena on Monday if it was to stand a chance to overtake the Golden State Warriors, owners of the best record in the league.

Twenty-four hours later, the Wizards’ offense wasn’t an issue opposite the league’s top-rated defense in a 107-76 loss. It was an absolute disaster. After going into halftime trailing by three points, the Wizards missed their first 15 shots in the third quarter and didn’t convert a field goal until Kevin Seraphin bounced a hook shot through the basket with 1 minute 2 seconds remaining.

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I can't root against the team in the moment. I'll enjoy when they win and hope they don't get spanked in the playoffs. Not getting my expectations up while this regime is in place though. And I'm not going to stay up late watching miserable West Coast road trips.

Grunfeld is still distant enough from the events on court that I don't want to burn him in effigy every time we embarrass ourselves. But I am beyond done with Wittman. I'll never support him or acknowledge him as anything other than an incompetent coach that's a huge impediment to the team.

There needs to be a sports congress out there to protect the rights of fan bases from gross abuses and incompetence. I need a sports congressman I can write to and say the Wizards must fire their damn coach and if they don't you need to sanction them. Fans needed representation when the NFL started pulling all of its shady ****: burying concussion science, forcing the work stoppage for the refs, capgate, etc.

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Really... that was the worst professional sports game ive seen in person since Tim Hasselbeck's bagel against the cowboys over a decade ago. People didnt even bother trash talking with me. They were too busy cheering on the absolutely beautiful game Golden State was playing to care. Seriously, i think the only shots that were questionable were all of Mo Speights mid range shots ( which went in by the way), and a few of Curry's three point attempts. Every pass was beautiful. Even big ass Bogut was making touch passes to the perimeter when he had freaking Bradley Beal on him in the post!


I wasnt sure before, but im sure now... Ive never disliked a coach more than Wittman. What does this man have to do to get fired? Jesus. Someone tell him to run 2 swinging gates so we can ship his ass back to Minnesota!

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I wasnt sure before, but im sure now... Ive never disliked a coach more than Wittman. What does this man have to do to get fired? Jesus. Someone tell him to run 2 swinging gates so we can ship his ass back to Minnesota!

Yeah I might be in agreement with you. I mean people may say Zorn or Spurrier but while they were terrible I never really found them loathsome.


Leverro just said it perfectly on 980: "I am so tired of the angry old man act. What does he have to do to get fired? He's lucky to have a job!"

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Really... that was the worst professional sports game ive seen in person since Tim Hasselbeck's bagel against the cowboys over a decade ago. People didnt even bother trash talking with me. They were too busy cheering on the absolutely beautiful game Golden State was playing to care. 



You have to understand how deliriously happy Warriors fans are this year.   We have been the worst team in the NBA for 30 years.  Not just bad - the single worst team, by record and by playoff appearances.  We are the team that traded Kevin McHale and Robert Parrish for Joe Barry Carroll, that picked Purvis Short over Larry Bird, that traded Chris Webber for a bag of peanuts.  We are the team where a player choked out the coach - twice.   We are the team that signed Andres freaking Biedrens to a salary cap busting contract.  No team has had it worse - not the Wizards, not the Clippers, no one.


Here's a good summary by Bill SImmons:  http://grantland.com/features/how-annoy-fan-base-60-easy-steps/


And then this happened.  It's like a freaking dream.   Dubs fans don't have time to trashtalk, we're too busy being afraid we are going to pinch ourselves and wake up.

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Can someone explain to me why Randy watched Draymond Green torch Nene repeatedly and didn't go small until it was too late?


I'm not an NBA coach but it was fairly obvious what was going on....



Going small against the Warriors is a guaranteed loss.   No one can do small like this team can.  


The best chance to beat the Warriors is to go big, slow it down, and pound the ball in the post.  Put Draymond Green and Bogut in foul trouble.  That's why Memphis is the team the Dubs fear the most.  


Also, crash the offensive glass.  The Warriors contest every shot, which leaves them out of position to rebound.  

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I'm thrilled for dubs fans. Team plays a very entertaining brand of basketball, they defend, seem to have a great fan base (based on the way they show up for games), and they have the leagues most entertaining player. You guys have a great thing going, enjoy it. (I'm going to enjoy it because they are my favorite western conference team).

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Ill say this, they have a much better foul shot promotion than washington  (and utah). We have the miss two shots get free chik-fil-a. Which is pretty good and all, but nobody gives a crap unless its the 4th, and they havent already missed 2. The Warriors Jack in the Box ( a far inferior chicken product) gives out free nuggets if the other team to shoots 75% or less from the foul line. So you hear them cheering the whole game.

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Warriors big man: We knew the Wizards would start arguing and quit


The Washington Wizards made only one field goal during the third quarter of their 107-76 loss at Golden State Monday night. It took nearly the entire period before they finally sank the solitary basket. 


Disturbing as all that misfiring may be, the Warriors' perception that the Wizards quit on each other is potentially far worse.


"We just turned up a little," reserve center Marreese Speights said of Golden State's defense to reporters following the win. "We knew if we hit them, if we got a couple stops they would start arguing with each other and quit. We went out there with a good mindset in the second half and we did it.”


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Iran is trying to make themselves better too. They do it through nuclear proliferation, we do it through Albert Haynesworth awful spending proliferation and three first round pick trades and big money big name coaching hires all of which end in disaster. The rest of the world despises that regime, the rest of the sports world despises ours. In this case, the massive regional fan support is to the Redskins what oil is to Iran--the thing that props up a terrible regime and leaves them to visit misery and unrest on their people and those in the surrounding region.

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I disagree. Snyder puts some serious effort into making things happen. The problem is that he hires the wrong guys. But he's never stopped trying to make things better. That's not Iran.

So then, Venezuela? Trying to build a winner by insisting on an entirely unworkable model and harshly cracking down on his critics in the media. :)

That says a lot about this team's reputation. The Warriors knew they would start arguing among themselves and quit. I really want to know who they determined would be the main players arguing and quitting. We should be looking to get rid of those types.

A team doesn't go from good to horrible without some chemistry issues and frustration boiling just under the surface.

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how are our chances at making the playoffs? saw a few days ago that our lucky number to clinch a playoff spot is 7 with 13 left. by the looks of things on here, i would guess the chances arent so good?

Chances of getting destroyed by Toronto in the first round are fantastic.

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Even the Wizards teams that made the playoffs with only Caron Butler and Jamison were better offensively than this crap. And they had three below average offensive players on the floor at all times.


This is seriously pathetic. Our roster may lack ball handlers but there are players on this team who have scoring strengths that can be better utilized. 


It is pretty damn obvious that Wittman is riding Wall to an above .500 record. With a good coach, this team is fully capable of winning 50 games.

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I don't see the Bullets with their current roster as a 50 win team.


As others have stated perhaps including you...they need another star talent.


A threat of a star at least. Beal is not there at this point and nor are the rest outside of Wall.


They are at 40 wins already and may finish around 44-45. 


That's mostly a testament to how Wall is able to make Wittman's craptastic brand of basketball somewhat efficient.


It's entirely possible that a better coach than Wittman can propel them to an extra 5-7 wins.

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