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Admittedly, I don't watch basketball all that much, but from what I saw today, everytime the Bulls hacked at a Wiz, they were called for it. Shoot, they were called for a lot more penalties today than we were. Not sure what it is I'm missing, but I didn't see what people are taalking about complaining about the refs so far.


Plus, aren't we winning the series right now? Seriously people? Give it a rest. I could see complaining about officiating if we were losing the series or if it were tied up & officiating could be the reason, but we basically dominated the Bulls today & even I wasn't worried about the outcome. Once we went up by 23 points, I knew the games was ours. Let it go about officiating already.


I'm not trying to start something, but you are calling fouls "penalties". Give it a rest.

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I already said before the playoffs started that i didnt feel we could win a ring with wittman as hc. got to hand it to him, tho, ive seen him make more adjustments in this series then i think ive seen him do all year. this is the first round, but credit where credit is due. ive totally enjoyed this season and the playoffs so far, really have. Only worry i have now is eliminating the bulls tuesday then having to wait around until the hawks-pacers series is over. thats a good problem, **** the **

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In fairness to Gooden, nobody on our team has been able to handle Gibson.


Gibson has been dominant all series.  He got a freebie today because Nene was out but Nene will be back.


Im not solely talking about when hes guarding gibson, im talking about overall, he is horrible on defense. In the regular season I could put up with it because he was giving us some good offensive production, but now its just like, why are you in the game? Maybe im hard on him, but my brother who barely watches basketball even pointed out how terrible he was. I love the fire in Booker, he can atleast keep him somewhat in check, he just gets called for fouls way to often because he swipes down a lot, although, i think today he had two clean swipes and was called for fouls. I dont know, maybe im being to hard on Gooden lol im just glad we won.

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The first two games I think showed a lot of bias from refs towards the bulls.  This game was called more evenly but the bulls do seem to still get away with a lot more moving screens and other borderline fouls.  Thats probably how they became the best defensive team this year, knowing what they could get away with and pushing it right to that limit. 

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Im not solely talking about when hes guarding gibson, im talking about overall, he is horrible on defense. In the regular season I could put up with it because he was giving us some good offensive production, but now its just like, why are you in the game? Maybe im hard on him, but my brother who barely watches basketball even pointed out how terrible he was. I love the fire in Booker, he can atleast keep him somewhat in check, he just gets called for fouls way to often because he swipes down a lot, although, i think today he had two clean swipes and was called for fouls. I dont know, maybe im being to hard on Gooden lol im just glad we won.


We are up 3-1 on the Bulls, with horrible reffing with a franchise that historically barely sniff the playoffs.


Let it go.  :ph34r:


Go Wiz!

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Sessions: John Wall, all grown up




Scoop: What's the best advice someone in the League has ever given you?


Wall: I got two. First, I got Drew Gooden, who is my teammate, he told me when I first got into the League when I was playing preseason (and the Wizards were losing), he said, "I already know what you are dealing with and what's going on over here. Don't let [losing mentality] trigger into your mind, don't let this start being you. Don't take on what they are doing become you. Always be a leader and don't be a follower to what they are doing. Always stick to what you are doing and play the right way." And then just talking to LeBron and D-Wade a lot throughout my first couple of years. Them just telling me, "We know how hard you are working, and we know it's tough times. Just stick with it." That's always been something I look at. And KD [Kevin Durant], also. He started off not winning games, and all of a sudden they start winning and winning and being in the playoffs. They've always told me to stick with what I do and don't ever buy into losing. And to always lead and get better every year.


Scoop: I keep hearing stories about how players are going to LeBron on some "big brother"-type advice tip.


Wall: Well, I've been knowing him since 10th grade, so he's been like a bigger brother to me for a minute. But KD has really helped me out a lot. I worked out a lot with him this past summer and just being around him. He's one of those people that respects me and appreciates what I'm doing especially doing it in the city he's from [Washington, D.C.]. That's what he always tells me.


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Sadly, I missed most of the game.  Kid had soccer until 2:00, so I didn't get the game on until the 3rd quarter when the team was up 18.  Then had to go to Fredericksburg to meet other family for early dinner and had to listen to the rest on a weak AM station.  I see a lot of ****ing in here about the referees, but the final box score shows the foul calls were 22-18 in our favor, and we shot eight more free throws.  I think some of you guys might be getting a little too overdramatic about lopsided officiating.


It is lopsided.  Watch the games dude.

Admittedly, I don't watch basketball all that much, but from what I saw today, everytime the Bulls hacked at a Wiz, they were called for it. Shoot, they were called for a lot more penalties today than we were. Not sure what it is I'm missing, but I didn't see what people are taalking about complaining about the refs so far.


Plus, aren't we winning the series right now? Seriously people? Give it a rest. I could see complaining about officiating if we were losing the series or if it were tied up & officiating could be the reason, but we basically dominated the Bulls today & even I wasn't worried about the outcome. Once we went up by 23 points, I knew the games was ours. Let it go about officiating already.


We won two close games and lost  third close game, then won comfortably a third time.  Each of the games should have been a comfortable win.  The officiating has been bull****.  We're winning in spite of bull**** officiating because we're better.  But the officiating shouldn't be bull****.  That's the problem.

Im not solely talking about when hes guarding gibson, im talking about overall, he is horrible on defense. In the regular season I could put up with it because he was giving us some good offensive production, but now its just like, why are you in the game? Maybe im hard on him, but my brother who barely watches basketball even pointed out how terrible he was. I love the fire in Booker, he can atleast keep him somewhat in check, he just gets called for fouls way to often because he swipes down a lot, although, i think today he had two clean swipes and was called for fouls. I dont know, maybe im being to hard on Gooden lol im just glad we won.


Booker is not a good defender by and large.  He's our weak link in the rotation most games.  Gooden isn't great, but he played well today.  His defense was fine.  He made some critical defensive plays.

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Wittman has coached a fine series so far.   Couple thoughts, he's a better offensive coach than we've admitted.  It's a jump shooting offense.  But then so was Doc Rivers's offense in Boston while they won a ring.  It can work if you have the players to run it.


Speaking of Rivers, I think it's worthwhile to point out Boston fans thought he sucked too before the KG and Ray Allen trades.  They thought he struggled with game management and running good rotations.  But then he got a ton of HoF talent and things clicked into place and he grew as a coach.  Hopefully Wittman will keep growing as a coach with our team too.


Because he is ABSOLUTELY getting an extension this summer.


Did you all see him and Wall doing a special little high five during somebody's free throws?  I don't think we've fully acknowledged just how tight knit his relationship with the players is.  The players have 100% bought into him.  Wall likes him and goes to battle for him.  Wittman's job was safe the moment he won over Wall.

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It is lopsided.  Watch the games dude.


I've seen 3-1/4 of them, and listened to the rest on the radio.  Also looked at the box scores.  Right now, the fouls calls are almost dead even, with the Bulls having an extra called on them.  Could more be called on them?  Sure, but I'm not nearly as irritated with it as the majority are on here.  The only member of the Bulls who has really irritated my is Noah, but that's mostly because he brings an element of soccer diving, and because he sticks his ass out on screens.  And that ugly jumpshot, but that's beside the point.


Other than that, I don't think it seems that bad.  I would be very curious to know how many of the people complaining here have actually refereed basketball games?  This isn't directed to you in particular, it's an "in general" question.  I did for a couple of years up to the high school level (not high school games, just kids that age) and it might be why I'm less quick to get worked up about it.  It isn't nearly as easy as some people seem to think it is, though I was only working two man crews, not three.  Same for baseball, I umpired for close to ten years and almost never get worked up about anything like a majority of those in the baseball thread.

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No one complained about the refs after halftime and in general everyone seemed pretty pumped up in this thread. Some of us were worried because they hit a lull near the end of the game. I don't get the posts calling people out about complaining about the refs. The reffing really did seem inconsistent at the beginning of the game

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I can't imagine what it was like to be at the Verizon Center yesterday.  I am jealous of every single persona that has a ticket stub from that game.  Hyperbole aside, it seemed like a special moment in DC Sports history.


DC Rising ****es! 

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Classic post from a Bulls message board before Round 1 started:



"#222 Re: Playoffs Round 1: Bulls vs Wizards Series

Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:10 am by doclinkin


I will be really curious to see how opinions change based on this series. Both in these game threads and nationwide. It's interesting to see opinions formed based on little information, but forgiveable since this Wiz squad has had little nationwide coverage.

So far I'm reading that Kirk Hinrich will be the key guard, that he should be able to match up with Wall that since he played with him briefly when Wall was a rookie he knows his game and ought to be able to keep up with him. Understanding that when Kirk was here in DC Wall didn't even have a jumpshot, but now has been hitting 40% from three since the ASB. Feel free to duck under the pick if you want. By all means.

I'm reading how John Wall has no defense, you know, how atrocious his D is, despite being top 10 in steals per game, and blocking about as many shots per game as a notable defender like Jimmy Butler. And despite being lauded by players like Kevin Durant for his defense.

I'm reading how Bradley Beal --who has struggled most of the year (until coming on strong in April)-- is somehow our 2nd most important player. And how Ariza's playoff experience and championship ring is irrelevant (when he is neck and neck with Gortat in a toss up as which is our 2nd most important player).

Ariza's our most important defender (and will probably see time even defending Noah, getting inside his ballhandling and disrupting his passing) then Nene especially on mid-range or highpost bigs and in the P&R game where he may have a chance to help neutralize JoNo , then Gortat underneath (with 37 double doubles this year), then Wall with ball pressure and help defense and beating attackers to the spot to take a charge or trailing a play to erase a fast break with a chasedown block.

Nobody here underestimates Chicago's experience, savvy, know-how and most importantly, coaching. For all that he looks like Batman villain The Penguin, Tommy Tippeytoe is a defensive evil genius and was a coveted coach for this squad since before we briefly stole him from the Leprechauns. He will coach the helloutta your squad and make the adjustments, in game, half time, crunch time and between games. I'll cede as true that you have more experience as a cohesive team, and have learned to win with what you've got despite injuries and the organization's subsequent attempt to tank mid-season by trading away a key player. Fans of the game respect the resistance to losing that that squad mustered up. JoNo is one of my favorite players because of his motor, motormouth, and being a motivated mother[shut-yer-mouth] with attitude. He'll be a fun player to hate this series.

But we win, or leave you bloody, I think you'll have to cede that this squad may have had the better overall talent. I guess you're banking on coaching, synergy, and experience to carry you through, where we're hoping to get hot enough to overcome our coaching deficit and let talent make up the difference. Eh, who knows, I even give y'all the edge, but nevertheless I'll be truly interested to watch the perceptions change or even read your fans getting nervous or ****ing in game threads.

Oh and if we manage to kick your ass a few times then naturally we reserve the right to gloat and lob some toldja-so's. Never know, it could happen.


Oh by the way, feel free to stop by our board and visit the Trolls thread, where if you're clever or funny (and not violating the site's TOS) you are welcome to incite, insult, and enjoy a little bit o' rude behavior."
Edited by Dub70s
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From a Pistons fan


I think Monroe and Smith for Nene, Porter and Webster could be a great deal for both teams

Why would we want two expensive PFs? Nene and Webster for Monroe would be great though. We could keep Ariza and Gortat. Promote Otto into the rotation getting 20+ minutes. Replace Nene with a much healthier and younger Monroe. Edited by Destino
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From a Pistons fan 



I think Monroe and Smith for Nene, Porter and Webster could be a great deal for both teams


Smith is the epitome of awful and useless. Nene is overpaid, but he's good when he plays and he expires sooner. That trade puts us n a bind because of the AWFUL floor spacing and absurd money being put into two 1 way players. Porter+neen for Monroe is the max I'd do. I'm not even all that hot on monroe he's ok but he's definitely lacking defensively, reminds of Boozer a little in that he's useless on one end of the court, same with j. smith being useless in half court offenses. 

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All the Wittman love in this thread now is funny. Teams always get in trouble because they believe the way a player or coach performs in a short playoff run is indicative of how things will continue going forward despite massive amounts of evidence to the contrary. They overpay and a year later they are regretting the decision. I can see this happening with Booker as well.

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Why would we want two expensive PFs? Nene and Webster for Monroe would be great though. We could keep Ariza and Gortat. Promote Otto into the rotation getting 20+ minutes. Replace Nene with a much healthier and younger Monroe.


You're right IMO.  But how do you get the salaries to work?  The Pistons don't have the kind of expirings we need to balance out the deal.  You would have to get a third team involved.


I don't think we have the assets to trade for Monroe.  Wall and Beal are untouchable IMO, and I don't want to trade Porter unless it's for someone I really believe in.  And I'm not sure about Monroe.

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You're right IMO.  But how do you get the salaries to work?  The Pistons don't have the kind of expirings we need to balance out the deal.  You would have to get a third team involved.


I don't think we have the assets to trade for Monroe.  Wall and Beal are untouchable IMO, and I don't want to trade Porter unless it's for someone I really believe in.  And I'm not sure about Monroe.

Sign and trade. Maxed out Monroe (around 14.7) for Nene (13) and Webster (5). Is 18 for 14.7 too lopsided for the deal to work?

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I've seen 3-1/4 of them, and listened to the rest on the radio.  Also looked at the box scores.  Right now, the fouls calls are almost dead even, with the Bulls having an extra called on them.  Could more be called on them?  Sure, but I'm not nearly as irritated with it as the majority are on here.  The only member of the Bulls who has really irritated my is Noah, but that's mostly because he brings an element of soccer diving, and because he sticks his ass out on screens.  And that ugly jumpshot, but that's beside the point.


Other than that, I don't think it seems that bad.  I would be very curious to know how many of the people complaining here have actually refereed basketball games?  This isn't directed to you in particular, it's an "in general" question.  I did for a couple of years up to the high school level (not high school games, just kids that age) and it might be why I'm less quick to get worked up about it.  It isn't nearly as easy as some people seem to think it is, though I was only working two man crews, not three.  Same for baseball, I umpired for close to ten years and almost never get worked up about anything like a majority of those in the baseball thread.


Oh I don't have any doubt that it's a very difficult job.  But you can't miss most of the game and then come in here and say we're overreacting to crap officiating.  You would have seen it too.  We played with a tighter whistle than the Bulls and the Bulls foul constantly and dare the refs to call them.  That's just what they do.  Then on the other side is absurd inconsistency.  All of our bigs got into foul trouble in the first quarter because we don't get to play at the same level.

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Sign and trade. Maxed out Monroe (around 14.7) for Nene (13) and Webster (5). Is 18 for 14.7 too lopsided for the deal to work?


Hmm, ESPN needs to make their trade machine sophisticated enough to do sign and trades.  Now I have to do maths.


Rule is no more than 125% + 100,000 dollars.  I'm getting 18.375 for 125% of 14.7.  I think you're within the threshold with that deal.


But then you have to max Monroe, which is unpalatable.


There is also a strange caveat with the Pistons that their owed luxury tax money can not exceed 4 million at any point because they used a non tax payer exemption to sign one of their players.

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Oh I don't have any doubt that it's a very difficult job.  But you can't miss most of the game and then come in here and say we're overreacting to crap officiating.  You would have seen it too.  We played with a tighter whistle than the Bulls and the Bulls foul constantly and dare the refs to call them.  That's just what they do.  Then on the other side is absurd inconsistency.  All of our bigs got into foul trouble in the first quarter because we don't get to play at the same level.



The Bulls foul basically on every possession. When they actually got called for it, in the 3rd quarter, you saw what happened: we ran them out of the gym.


The Bulls are not a good team. The league just allows them to play overly physical because it's the only chance they have to win, and they want the team based out of Chicago to be competitive.

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The Bulls foul basically on every possession. When they actually got called for it, in the 3rd quarter, you saw what happened: we ran them out of the gym.

The Bulls are not a good team. The league just allows them to play overly physical because it's the only chance they have to win, and they want the team based out of Chicago to be competitive.

Why doesn't the league make sure NY Knicks, LA Lakers, Boston Celtics, and Philadelphia 76ers are competitive?

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