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Super Fun Board Games


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I wouldn't recommend Diplomacy. It's an awesome game (Henry Kissinger and JFK said it was their favorite board game!), but takes a long time and to win you have to betray one (or more) people who have been working with you the whole game, which often doesn't go down well at the end of a long evening. :ols:

I still have a game from my youth called Escape from Colditz - based on the German WW II prison camp which held prisoners from multiple countries. The prisoners have to find ways to escape, and the German guards stop them ... by any available means. It's a great game but most chicks aren't really into it. It also can lead to arguments if the person playing the German prison guards picks on one nationality of prisoners for rough treatment. :evilg:


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You know you're getting old when you're hosting a game night.

That being said, I love board games. Most anything to do with trivia, so obviously Trivial Pursuit. Apples to Apples is fun. Cranium, taboo, catch phrase, pretty much anything with a timer + alcohol = good times.

I like chess and checkers if we're talking one-on-one games too.

*Edit: forgot Scrabble. I actually get to put my English degree to use.

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I don't play these much anymore, but here are some we used to play:

Milles Bornes:


Dealer's Choice (so '70s):


Can't Stop:


Waterworks (after all, who doesn't like to lay some pipe ;) ):


Pro Draft:




And, of course, Risk (which was already mentioned).

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I wouldn't recommend Diplomacy. It's an awesome game (Henry Kissinger and JFK said it was their favorite board game!), but takes a long time and to win you have to betray one (or more) people who have been working with you the whole game, which often doesn't go down well at the end of a long evening. :ols:

I still have a game from my youth called Escape from Colditz - based on the German WW II prison camp which held prisoners from multiple countries. The prisoners have to find ways to escape, and the German guards stop them ... by any available means. It's a great game but most chicks aren't really into it. It also can lead to arguments if the person playing the German prison guards picks on one nationality of prisoners for rough treatment. :evilg:


I love diplomacy, and was going to suggest it :)

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No mention of Taboo???? It's got an electric buzzer people. You have to get your team to say a word without using that word or 5 other words listed on the card. Seriously, MissU, this one would be a good one for a board game party. It's simple, people screw up, and there's a buzzer.

I have Taboo at my mom's house...yes, it's a lot of fun. I kind of want something new, though.

Game night? Aren't you a little young to be settling into your "mid 40's suburban couple" stage of life?:ols:

Seriously though, Catchphrase is pretty fun.

I'm over my crazy partying ways- I love staying in on the weekends and just chilling. Also, one of the guys that's coming (with his wife), is probably the most excited about game night...and he's only 24!

I think one of the couples is bringing Catch Phrase.

You know you're getting old when you're hosting a game night.

That being said, I love board games. Most anything to do with trivia, so obviously Trivial Pursuit. Apples to Apples is fun. Cranium, taboo, catch phrase, pretty much anything with a timer + alcohol = good times.

I like chess and checkers if we're talking one-on-one games too.

Trivial Pursuit is always a staple- it's a game I play with my family a lot. Every Christmas, up in Maine, I get together with my cousins and my aunt and uncle and we sit there playing board games every evening- it's always Trivial Pursuit, Apples to Apples, Cranium, Partini, and Imaginiff. I don't mind Risk, and I own it (at my mom's), but my aunt hates it, so it never gets rotation! Haha.



There's a game called Quelf that is extremely fun for most people. I frickin' hate it, but I'm the only person I know who does. There are dozens that are obsessed with it in my circle.

Quelf is exactly the type of game I'm looking for- I LOVE silly games. Why do you hate it?

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Has anyone played Go For It? My neighbor used to have this when we were in elementary school, and it was my favorite game at the time. I just remember it being a game where you tried to be rich, and you ended up having a certain type of job, a certain type of house, etc. I asked my dad to get it for me, but he couldn't find it, so he bought me another game instead. But this game still haunts me...I may have to scoop it up off of Ebay.


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Used to be bigtime into board gaming. Here are a few of my fav's.

One of the best ever, hard to find now and often sells for 100's of bucks.


And some others I like.


This one is a longer game and can cause some hard feelings sometimes. lol




I can think of tons more, but these are all pretty good. Trump is the best for people not used to longer games.

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Anyone who likes Risk should check out Diplomacy.

Diplomacy was so much better than Risk, and you usually went away either mad at someone or laughing about how you pulled off your own coup.

The other game I always loved was the War of the Roses game Kingmaker, which was quite similar to Diplomacy:


Diplomacy and Kingmaker are the lions guarding the Gate of Avalon Hill. Warning - extreme geek and nerd territory! :D

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Diplomacy was so much better than Risk, and you usually went away either mad at someone or laughing about how you pulled off your own coup.

We had a very long game as kids in our family which ended when I won by betraying my older sister.

The game was never played in our house again. :ols:

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