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Should The American Flag be banned in America


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I wouldn't mind banning the practice of making underwear and other clothing items out of the flag. Show some respect.

Its already not supposed to be done. Also isn't supposed to be used in advertising, either. But what do we see every President's Day?

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This is just simply unbelievable.:mad:

Well, you can bet number of people who would likely even consider such a thing are a VAST minority.

However, the poll on Fox will surely convince some that it's a serious issue.

Honestly, (and this is in no way directed towards Seabee since he's just bringing the poll over from elsewhere for discussion), I don't know that I've ever heard a dumber question in my life.


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Honestly, (and this is in no way directed towards Seabee since he's just bringing the poll over from elsewhere for discussion), I don't know that I've ever heard a dumber question in my life.




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Don't let the hillbillies get a hold of this thread." Look herre OP, I don't know who ya thank yurr dealin' with, but this herre is Ammurica, and in Ammurica, we here don't take too kindlay to you foreigners and city folk disrapectin' our countray, so ya best ta go back down there yonder where ya came from, or imma whip out ol' Big Bertha for some target practice!!!!:ols:"

Recall some Blue Collar comic doing a routine along the lines of:

Hey, we all understand down here, you burnin the flag and all. We understand. Y'all are just exercising your rights, under the First Amendment of the Constitution. And we think that Constitution is real important. So, y'all go ahead. Exercise your rights and all. Let us know when you're through exercising your rights.

'Cause then we gonna exercise our rights under the Second Amendment . . .

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I think the American Flag should be mandated by law displayed everywhere. Police officers should stop you and ask for your flag just to check on your patriotism. All citizens should have to display a flag or a flag pin at all times even while engaged is child making. At school kids should be taught that without the flag all would be lost and socialism would enslave their minds in a matter of hours. Jesus should have a flag draped around him in all images of him in churches to display the fact that America has been chosen by God and is his beacon of light on this planet.

The only people that would oppose this are anti-american socialists that fear the greatest symbol for God's free market plan for his people.

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This is just simply unbelievable.:mad:

Yes, it is... and probably because you shouldn't believe it. This is sort of like the war on Christmas and it's probably even more filled with hooey than the war on Christmas and believe me... there was a tremendous amount of hooey gobbing everything up over that one.

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While digesting Reader's Digest

In the back of a dirty book store,

A plastic flag, with gum on the back,

Fell out on the floor.

Well, I picked it up and I ran outside

Slapped it on my window shield,

And if I could see old Betsy Ross

I'd tell her how good I feel.


But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

They're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

Well, I went to the bank this morning

And the cashier he said to me,

"If you join the Christmas club

We'll give you ten of them flags for free."

Well, I didn't mess around a bit

I took him up on what he said.

And I stuck them stickers all over my car

And one on my wife's forehead.

Repeat Chorus:

Well, I got my window shield so filled

With flags I couldn't see.

So, I ran the car upside a curb

And right into a tree.

By the time they got a doctor down

I was already dead.

And I'll never understand why the man

Standing in the Pearly Gates said...

"But your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more.

We're already overcrowded

From your dirty little war.

Now Jesus don't like killin'

No matter what the reason's for,

And your flag decal won't get you

Into Heaven any more."

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Ban the American flag in America?

Thats like saying Canada has to ban hockey from the country or telling Australia you can't have kangaroos.

How can you ban the symbol of a nation within that nation?

I give up. media is hopeless. This is why I switched from mass Comm to CRJS. Media are morons.

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I dont understand the backstory to this thread? (is there one?)

Basically, on Cinco de Mayo, a few students at a school showed up wearing clothing with the American flag. The principal thought they were trying to provoke a confrontation and so he told them to remove the clothing, but that they could wear that clothing on any other day. This pissed off a lot of people.

So, Fox, in its never-ending quest to get people riled up and pissed off about the fact that "we" are losing "our" America to "them" decided to post this ridiculous poll. Obviously, Fox News doesn't think too highly of its viewers.

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Basically, on Cinco de Mayo, a few students at a school showed up wearing clothing with the American flag. The principal thought they were trying to provoke a confrontation and so he told them to remove the clothing, but that they could wear that clothing on any other day. This pissed off a lot of people.

So, Fox, in its never-ending quest to get people riled up and pissed off about the fact that "we" are losing "our" America to "them" decided to post this ridiculous poll. Obviously, Fox News doesn't think too highly of its viewers.

Thanks to you too Madison!

I remember that when it happened.

Wow, Fox is pretty slow in their stories if they are still on that one!

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